Saturday, December 17, 2022

Nasa Launches Swot Satellite: Moving the Climate Needle

Swot is a satellite that will better map the surface of the earth and provide granular data as it relates to water on the planet. Our water supply is something we should know and it will likely help us understand why its important to bring back the Great Lakes not only for economic purposes but also for ecological purposes. We have a responsibility to live within the natural limits of our planet and strengthen that planets ability rejuvenate as much as possible. 

You can learn more on NASA's Swot Page

Notice how new solutions to understand are being developed and with the multiple satellite launches from various industries we will soon have data on a level we have never experienced prior. We will have a better understanding of our ecosystem, new science that can reverse damage, and with any luck more methods of reducing pollutants worldwide. 

Real time data on the health of our planet. It would be hard to ignore if its free data for everyone. No politics involved at all.🤞😂 Its just a unit of measure it is for global policy makers to move those units. Sometimes just showing what is actually happening can do wonders in getting people to start focusing on moving the needle.

(As you might be able to tell I support climate change initiatives and science as well as also understand the economic costs of regulation, new clean technology upgrades, and other issues. It might be helpful to look closely at the numbers and consider non traditional numbers in calculating the cost of pollution to get a fuller picture. Making change to reduce environmental impact is a necessity but when to make that move becomes a more complex question. It does seem like that economic pendulum is beginning to swing and going clean will be more cost effective than not doing so.)

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