Sunday, December 18, 2022

January 6th Committee Weighing Criminal Referrals For President Trump

Its important to stay on current affairs because it impacts our political and business climate. The January 6th referral will be interesting. Chances are there are enough data and coordinated events to make a criminal referral. There are also lots of lawsuits and other things going on that increase chances new information will be discovered. At the end of the day, we should sort of expect multiple things like lawsuits, probes, investigations, etc. occurring simultaneously because of the potential size and scope of events. In some ways, it is a societal defense mechanism of the human-to-human kind of legal negotiation about what behaviors are acceptable and which one's aren't in modern society.

 (That doesn't mean anyone is or is not guilty. I know we all have strong opinions. Innocents or guilt will depend in part on the referrals Monday and the proof that make those referrals strong or weak, valid or invalid. There will then be possible criminal probes and likely court cases to follow up on those referrals as well as other investigations occurring.

People might ask what side am I on? My only side is always on truth and that hasn't yet been determined. So I'm on the side of being open to truth, investigating truth, and coming to an educated decisions on what truth looks like in this situation. I have learned from life a number of good thoughts of wisdom from a variety of philosophies such as to "adopt a middle, moderate, regular course" in most things.

What I can say is that if a political game was played in a way that directly resulted in people being hurt, people covering up actions, and/or potential overthrowing of our agreed upon government then I think we should continue to dig just to make sure it sends 1. the right message to others, and 2. it ensures it defines the truth going forward based on evidence. 

Notice how I do not need to say guilty or innocent, or pick a side, because I don't know and while I'm a light R there are certain values that exceed political party affiliations. What I can say is that the entire situation was dangerous and there was lots of smoke which makes it important to look at for historical significance and future avoidance. Its in our national best interest to do so and do so from a neutral stand point.

The situation has moved beyond the initial actors, Democrat and Republican spit ball fights, and into what is in the best interest of the nation. To me, it is understanding, holding people to account if necessary, and strengthening the system if there were weaknesses found that can risk our capitol. We the People should now take precedence over party affiliation and all members of government should focus on our future and the potential for stepping closer to the universal truth embedded in the foundations of our democracy.

It may also be a good time for both parties to think about the long term future of the republic and their essential duties if they continue to play whack-a-mole with other party(s). There is always a middle path and reasonableness to everything.  It makes no difference to me if its Trump or someone else and it matters little their party. What does matter are the needs of the American/"American" people and to call things how I see them and still be willing to change my opinion based on strength of evidence.)

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