Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Where Michigan Voters Stand on Candidate Polls: Why GOP Needs New Candidates

If your following Michigan politics you might want to read this Poll: Where Michigan voters stand on races for governor, secretary of state, attorney general. What it does indicate is that the GOP is struggling to regain a foothold in the state after a few unfortunate mishaps. I'm a light right Republican centralist who has no problem with good Republicans or Democrats taking office (I lean right as an "Old Guard" Republican. A RINO-DINO combo! Depending on how the terms are used and who is saying them. 😏). So I try and see things as clearly as I can for better understanding which is not so easy in a world political skewed conversations. 

I have no idea if I will ever be in politics. I thought about it once but found out its very difficult and there is a lot of good and bad in it. Not knowing all the answers up front (not that anyone knows all the answers) often would mean I would appear to know nothing. That wouldn't necessarily be the case but it would come across that way (One would need shorter, simpler and more easy to sell answers. How to balance that with the essentials of truth would be difficult sometimes. Can you imaging saying, "I don't know yet but I'm working on understanding?")

What has hurt the Republicans were some mishaps (wrong people in wrong positions) based on association and not qualifications (remember that social class and best and brightest argument I bring up sometimes.). A few investigations, proximity to some radical GOP elements, picking connected over qualified (Yes Dems do this as well.) As a larger state society (from a collective species standpoint in the way we interpret, information, trust and events) that may have stung some people the wrong way. There will always be people who vote strictly party line but the centralists are likely to have much more sway in future elections. 

I believe based on some of these mishaps its an opportunity for the GOP to move more toward the centralist pendulum. I believe there will be a sweet spot in political leanings once the current environment is corrected from misinformation (Misinformation creates polarization and radicalization of the masses). That is where ideas appeal to the most amount of people, bipartisanship is possible, and things are getting passed in an impactful way. Effective government is different than noneffective government and both sides own the problem. 

I liked some things about Dem. Gov. Whitmer and thought that she could have made a good VP. (She might get another shot at it from the Dem side) Of course I have policy differences based on my Republican leanings on some things and again lean right on fiscal responsibility, certain values, and beliefs. That of course doesn't mean I don't respect the person....but could debate all day long about the positives and negatives of certain policies (That would be any governor or person in a position of power and isn't exclusive to her or Democrats in general.). There would have been many things I could see eye-to-eye on (Effective politics shouldn't be all this or that. Politics is the art of influence and compromise in modern democracies. If you can't compromise your not really into politics. Think about it for a second of the essentials of democracy and debate.)

My recommendation for the MI GOP is to move more toward the central position, discuss policies and not subjective perceptions of persons, and focus on solutions that can be sold (Constant bashing of the person from either side reduces the trust of the institution. Skepticism rises.). I would probably give slightly different advice to Democrats but that really isn't my focus (Its not like anyone will listen but you know sometimes I get things right. I have a Muslim sounding name so there are some who debate whether I'm actually America let alone Republican. 😏 Also a hint to our next national challenge of broad based human capital and innovation to make sure the republic is resilient and competitive. National development is a process of choice and mastering sequences of challenges. It is based in group development. Why its important to constantly look over the horizon and find solutions instead of underdeveloped ideologically skewed arguments. Oops I have a Muslim sounding name and am not seen as qualified to comment on such things or move out of my social class from a wider societal perspective. 😬 That may also change someday as we realize our bias is our own worst enemy...mine too...but definitely societies. Implicit and explicit values and messages of socialization. See dissertation. All American or "dirty dirty" Muslim? I'm actually a Muslim, Catholic, Jew who has found wisdom in Hindu and Buddhist teachings. 🤷 The Seal and Oath, Truth, Integrity ). My mental model is national unity and problem resolution above individual party politics. Time will tell......

Interesting reading from a sort of pseudo social science perspective Trump or Not Trump, Neutral in Debates, Pence Rides Elephant, Republican Split, Change in Party Focus, John McCain.

(P.S. that isn't a support or criticism of any current candidates. It just observational in nature and generally non specific for a reason. Your understanding is based in your personal development and my ability to write a good story. Reverse Learning and Eagles Eggs Just Saying. 💁)

**The poll also includes their methodology which I think is beneficial for people who truly want to understand how polls conducted. 

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