Friday, July 15, 2022

Lost and Not Stolen Report by "Old Guard" Republicans

"Old Guard" Republicans are starting to reclaim their party in a coordinated manner.  It might not seem that way but what you find is them coming out definitely on certain values and beliefs. Let us be honest, it took a while. That is because no one wants to loose their job and people were targeting those who were not 100% falling in line with the more radical opinions. So this new report suggests a completely different shift from the past and is likely going to start impacting the party in big ways.  🤷 the report Lost Not Stolen in support of the older conservative values as they relate to the belief that the election was not stolen. Their essential values are "limited government, liberty, equality of opportunity, freedom of religion, a strong national defense, and the rule of law". RINO is a highly subjective term based on who is saying and who is receiving. It has been misused as a way to sort of siphon off of more traditional values and silence opposition within the party. The above mentioned concepts are more central to Republicanism (Executive Character). 

Either way....I may be Republican in values but I'm still going to struggle because of my name and not having the right connections (Why these values should be universal and not apply to some and not to others.).  I'm not sure I really want to be in politics. One side of me says its a duty for me to help because so many of our politicians are super smart but not qualified to make judgements about things (As shown in recent history). The other side says, I don't have the heart to listen to all bashing, arguing, and character damage. Whatever...whatever......turning pages in our lives...for now a passive observer.

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