Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Why I Believe Our Nation Should Strengthen its Values and Create Better Opportunities

The world is not an easy place. Some are born with golden opportunities and others are locked out of those opportunities. Democracy provides people a chance at self governance and capitalism provides people an opportunity to rise on their own merit. Yet there is a divide in society and that will likely be the next big challenged after our current bout of extremism 

(National success is a series of doors and challenges. Just like in personal development, societal development requires us to collectively master each challenge.)

To overcome the next challenge means we must strengthen certain values that are an essential part of the deal. We must act with integrity at all times and places. The higher one's station and position in life the more they should hold strong values. Those values should tell us that we need a unified society focused on the same positive outcomes for everyone (based on merit and not class). 

The connected class should be well aware that the essential purpose of their existence is to foster democracy, capitalism and our way of life. All societies will have a connected class and its not unique to the U.S.. Those who are allowed and gain access to those opportunities will have chances that the rest of society won't ever likely get. (If you have money, power, and influence you have duties or otherwise we risk a correction at some point in the future. It is the same with ours as it is with others.)

I'm not sure if that in and of itself is wrong but just the way our species, and other species, are designed (not sure). What I can say is that the doors must always be open to advancement as a people no matter what station, religion, or background one comes from. With such positive upward oriented values we can say that people will trust that America is the land of opportunity because there are multiple pathways (It may not be easy but they are there and the most diligent can make it.)

As we move through the sacking of the capital, extremism and different forms of corruption we will have to keep in mind why we exist on this planet and the risks of internal default. People should feel government represents the people and not a tool for manipulation. Likewise, they should feel if they put in the effort they have a chance to succeed. We are sometimes wishy washy on those democratic and capitalistic values. 

Values should be part of our society. We should think beyond ourselves to something greater. Our responsibility not to hurt ourselves is paramount. Its not something anyone can walk from whether or not they were given the wood, pewter, stainless steel, silver or gold spoon at birth (With the right effort they should be able to trade it up and in some cases down.). 

There are real people in this great nation of ours fighting for what is right but getting the wrong end of the stick. I think we may need to rethink some things. 

We are likely moving into an era of serious competitive national need. We can either move forward into something new and advance with our principles (i.e. the Digital Era) or we can stay stagnant and slow but surely be bested by other nations and ideologies. We will need our best and brightest to lead the charge. The whole system depends on maximizing our competitive opportunities through human capital development. The choice is ours! In many cases walk the talk is needed. Just saying. In one ear and out the other....

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