Monday, February 14, 2022

Fitness for Busy Professionals: An Hour and Out!

For those who are busy and still want to stay in shape it take a little time management and diligence to achieve one's goals. That can be difficult for busy professionals that need to get to the gym, manage families and master the art of boardroom battles (Ok...most of the time its not a battle, but think of it as competition where you have to be your best.). Getting your workout in within an hour can be difficult but here is what I suggest. 

I've been in great shape and I have been in bad shape. It all depends on where I'm putting my effort. I do have a fitness trainers license and engaged in martial arts from time to time. Whether your trying to master the stomach bulge that keeps growing or just get into better health you may want to consider a couple of things. 

1.) Eating and Calorie Intake: What you eat will make a big different. Seek to maximize clean protein and lots of veggies (I haver some very serious fitness friends that do low low carbs and lots of fruit. I think everything should be in balance. Complex carbs, more veggies, and less sugary fruits.). Keep Track of Calories App.

2. Weights 30 Minutes: Weights are important to maintain your overall strength. If you are into self-defense and martial arts you will want to make sure that you are doing your weights to create a level of cross training and muscle speed (I would not recommend only doing weights like some sports trainers profess.) 

3. Cardio 30 Minutes: This is where you are going to get your heart in shape. There are benefits beyond calories alone. Matching positive eating habits mixed within vigorous cardio can make a big difference. 

None of this stops you from doing other stuff on top like hiking, biking, practice, yoga (highly recommended for athletes), and other stuff. We have an obesity problem in this country to its wise to teach people about fitness beyond highschool sports!

There is a pretty good study that discuss the necessity of calories and cardio for weight loss: You can read about that HERE

If you are new to the Escanaba/Gladstone area (maybe part of some of the local investments), a digital nomad or something else consider finding a gym that fits your needs. There is a good one in downtown that has all the basics you need for about $40 a month. 

Swift, D. L., Johannsen, N. M., Lavie, C. J., Earnest, C. P., & Church, T. S. (2014). The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 56(4), 441–447.

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