Sunday, October 4, 2015

How Art Leads to Scientific Discovery and Business Success

Intelligence takes many forms that include the ability to find new and novel pieces of information that form market leading products and services. As a form of intelligence, abstract thinking leads us to use a large working memory to think about ideas and forms that don't exist in our real world in much the same way as Einstein imagined riding a moonbeam. Practicing art can lead to higher abstract abilities that helps science and business.

Artistic ability is associated with intelligence, abstract reasoning and scientific thinking (Galenson & Pope, 2013). As we get older our abstract abilities lesson and our brains less willing to explore new ideas. In genius, the brain maintains its mental pliability that leads to mental play and scientific discovery.

The type of art one enjoys lends itself to certain personalities that are more likely to discover new ideas. People who like abstract art are open-minded, novel, sensation seeking, independent in thought and exploratory in nature (Gridley, 2013). Those more focused on the rules were less novel seeking.

Abstract abilities and an open-minded personality lead people to explore new ideas and break convention. That is the process of scientific discovery and invention. What must step outside the norms of what society knows, find something that doesn't match, and explore it. With some scientific training and knowledge they can uncover an unknown truth.

Art is a conduit that helps one explore their subconscious and the creative abilities. It helps make new neural connections that lead to new ways of thinking. The process of using art as a way of training the mind to look for the novel can lead to successful business strategies that leads markets. Beating the competition requires thinking about the possibilities and bringing new products and ideas forward.

Galenson, D. & Pople, C. (2013). Experimental and conceptual innovators in the sciences: the cases of Darwin and Einstein. Historical Methods, 46 (2).

Gridley, M. (2013). Preference for abstract art according to thinking styles and personality. North American Journal of Psychology, 15 (3). 

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