Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kenpo: Using Anvil to Clear your Wrists

An opponent may attempt to grab your wrists to thwart resistance and force you in a direction of their choosing. They do so to pull you into a car, house, or other area you may not want to go. Understanding a few basic moves such as the Anvil and modified Anvil will help to keep your wrists clear and your options open. 

The purpose of the Anvil moves is to clear your wrists and strike the opponent thereby turning their attack into your counter-attack. During the wrist pull out it is necessary to use some force with a twist to loosen the grip and create a release. Try and pull out through the thumbs which are much weaker when compared to the other digits on the opponent’s hands. 

The front snap kick in the Anvil should be either to the stomach or groin. A proper kick to the groin will immobilize the opponent quickly leaving enough time to get away. While using the modified Anvil you should consider hitting the solar plexus to knock the wind out of your opponent leaving them gasping for air. If you practice it enough you can combine a sequence of punches with a snap kick that knocks the opponent backward onto the ground. 

Anvil-(Opponent grabs both wrists from the front)

-Step back with the right foot as you simultaneously rotate your wrists upward to release grips.
-Brush opponent’s hands aside using palms.
-Snap kick with the right foot to the opponent’s abdomen. Reset. 

Modified Anvil (Opponent grabs both wrists from the front)

-Step back with the right foot as you simultaneously rotate your wrists upward to release grips.
-Snap opponent’s arms away from the center of their body by chopping downward and outward from their outstretched arms.
-Deliver three punches (right, left, right) to solar plexus.

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