Friday, July 22, 2022

Why Our Sense of Fair Play and Justice Will Need to Change for National Growth

Our nation has struggles and we are only beginning to walk in the direction of fixing them. People who do bad things often get a free pass with the pleasure and clapping of people within their social networks. Highly skilled employees and youth don't get good jobs because they weren't born rich or didn't come from the right social background. Encouraging those who have the power to change those things seems to be a relatively useless endeavor because they don't look at America's needs but the opinions of their political/social group (It is becoming misaligned and they need to work on representing all of Americans and not just the far right or left loud voices). 

We will change because we have no options but to change. Change is constant and we should expect it as a method of societal adaptation. We think we have options and we think that as long as we are taking care of ourselves we need not think about our behaviors or its impact on the rest of society. We drag our feet because we are patterned/socialized into behaviors that lead to poor results. Change often comes quickly from pressure from an environmental pressure bigger than our system (i.e. meaning if forces a system to change to function properly).

Things will change because we will increasingly see that exclusionary society, locking people out of positions based on inherently false criteria, and rewarding bad behaviors won't put us into a leading position nationally or internationally (I'm not saying everyone is doing this but there is a significant portion.). They are the very behaviors that have undermined every nation from the beginning of time (Look through history and find how certain groups have become removed from loftier goals and began to eat at the core of a nation by turning inward and over focusing on small differences.). I believe we are wise enough to see that more quickly than other systems but sometimes we need to hit bumpy roads to see the necessity in it (i.e. reactive versus proactive management) 

I believe we can create a fairer society and I believe that as the weight of our choices bear upon us we will begin to see that change as a necessity. It is selfish not to change, it is irresponsible to stay on a poor path, it is moral defunct to give free passes to bad behavior, and reward those who do the wrong thing. We must have deeper values than that and through self reflective insight we will begin to transform as a nation and people.  

I believe over the next 10 years our choices will catch up to us and we will either push to build something greater that leads to national redevelopment or we will move toward defunct status bouncing down to 2nd and then 3rd position (We are close to #2 already and only have so much resources to regain a leading edge). We are at a critical point in our development where we must create a shared sense of American identity and have a good grasp of what behaviors lead to success and how the system rewards/punishes those behaviors (Use systems thinking to see how expectation and reward should be associated in society to certain values. We have done the opposite over the past 20 years.). 

Leadership often works within a fishbowl (i.e. in "the box" or socially constructed reality/perspective)and can't see in how limited an environment in which they exist. Ripples carry for a long time and choices create more ripples in smaller systems. Good choices change the environment just as much as bad choices. As a collection of peoples our leaders create ripples that work their way through their social networks to create social understandings. Those understandings influence behaviors on a micro level and in turn our outcomes through collective behaviors. It wise to continuously reflect on our values, choices, and potential outcomes to encourage wider positive choices that lead to national outcomes. While we might be in a much bigger society then we were thousands of years ago as small clans, the very same mechanics exist on a larger socio-psycho-bio level. (BioPsychoSocial Dev, Social Cognition, Econ Needs Fulfillment, Perpetual Dev., Econ Platform, Conflict Model ðŸ¤”)

Let us ask ourselves a few questions....

1.) Are our leaders acting in the best interest of the nation (I suspect most are but many are not.)?

2.) What does the average person feel in terms of opportunity and prospects (I believe a small majority feel they are locked out and no matter the effort they will not get ahead)?

3.) Is the justice system upholding truth, law and moral conscious (For the most part it does but often there are lots of hands with lots of different perspectives that create uncertainty in outcomes. Not all of those hands are trying to "do the right thing")?

4.) Do we all follow the Constitution and our general freedoms (Most do but are easily persuaded in misaligning those values. We distort those truths for personal, political, and social gain.)

5.) Ask a poor child if he could be rich, famous or important if he/she puts forward the right effort throughout their life (I think you will not get the answer you suspect)? 

6.) Are we really as trustworthy, honest, or have the integrity we say we have (I would say much less than half. We have really good people in positions of power but we have lots of people who never deserved to be there but are "connected" and willing to say the right things versus the truthful things. That large 50/50 are dragging the rest of society down and few think about who they are promoting or why they are promoting. i.e. promoting someone who advances a cause versus someone who will make good judgement and use of resources.)?

Let us see which way the winds push us.....

(Don't listen to me...I have a Muslim sounding name. 🤷)

MI16: Indicates Russian Forces Running Out of Steam

 If Russia is running out of capacity they will then seek to consolidate their gains fairly soon. It is close to the time for Ukraine to push hard to not allow them to dig into the lands they have taken and in turn create zones designed to punch homes into Russian defenses and put them on retreat. One has to wonder if the final pushes by Russia in expanding the war on all fronts at the time when Ukrainian leadership is replacing key members and attempt to gain as much land as they can before ending the war. Very few things the Russians have said have been true up to this point. They say they have designs on the entire country but other intelligence agencies are saying they don't have that level of capacity with a high amount of national capacity in Ukraine. Let us wait and see what happens. 

What Have I Learned from January 6th? Leadership vs. Followership

 I have learned we need a lot of work as a nation. That people should reflect about who they are, the country they want to build, and how their behaviors are contributing to our growth or decline. I have also learned that our leaders are not infallible and their opinions are not necessarily any better than the common man's (Merit being based in logic and advantages to the widest amount of people.). They should be required to earn their place in influencing others because it is a big responsibility (Think about it. We can't just spew things out of our mouth without having a bigger purpose in it.)

Great leaders are defined by their ability to think for themselves and have a moral backbone. We saw both misinformation and lack of backbone creep up through our ranks. People simply followed and put our entire system at risk (likely influenced in some ways be foreign intelligence). Some stood up and they too the hit for doing so.

While one may make a political argument about this, I don't believe that is the case. It happens to Republicans, Democrats and society at large. It is part of who we are as a social species. However, we have big brains as humans and can step above that if we so desire. We can have a moral backbone and independent thought (I beginning to believe many people define nearly all of their opinions by someone else's logic and thoughts.)

I have also learned that our presidents should be the cream of the crop and we aren't electing people based on skill and character but by wealth and social status. This may be one reason why we are struggling to keep up. We had some good and bad presidents but we must ensure that every person we elect is going to lead our country effectively.

Going forward we will need to change because other nations will also figure out that the best and brightest should move forward and those who are not contributing should move backwards. They will get better at hedging their human capital and we run the risk of "politics as usual".  We have to think broadly about building our society based on founding principles.

While we may have moral leanings on particular topics such as abortion and gun rights we need leaders that can step outside of those arguments to think systematically about the process of compromise so we can find solutions. Its a process and not a battle of bludgeon. When one side takes all we all loose. Leaders should have an opinion but more importantly decide issue or the best of everyone.  

We also need leaders to think about the long term health of the nation above themselves. That is something many of our leaders are struggling with as they try and balance public opinion, internal party support, and donor resources. We have a great system and we need more great leaders to take lead roles in supporting that system. 

I advocate for stronger education systems, mass innovation, true capitalism based on performance (not privilege), and diversifying our opportunities (No race or religion gets free passes or undeserved opportunities). Likewise I encourage people think maturely about what it takes to build a great nation and how they should be pushing people to be better (Nepotism and blind support wont' get us there). We have to build our advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, and be at the central value of the global supply chain. All of those changes require focus.....and that must mean put our eyes on a target and working together. 

(Going back to this don't listen to me I have a Muslim sounding name....and that is a huge part of the problem....and why we see all types of social issues rising. Its not about my name but about how we treat each other and the rights of Americans to pursue their goals and dreams. How our institutions function and how we rally different people around core American values. Social class, racism, bigotry, and short sighted thinking are not beneficial to anyone...not even those who live by it.)

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Ford Doubles Down on EV Battery Development (Can Michigan Capitalize?)

 Ford is pushing for better batteries. Its a large push and with a 7 layer deep supply chain it is a complex arrangement. We should remember that this is just the beginning. Batteries will develop over time and will be able to be sustainably recharged (maybe even while using) quicker and that will likely impact things like space flight, military, robotics, and houses. Development doesn't happen in a vacuum and as soon as a new development occurs it can be quickly adopted (One reason why I encourage cluster development in places like Delta County MI. where it is possible to build new industries by pairing developing for design and prototype creation to butterfly multiple industries. It has ports, rail, mining, airport, bases just to the north, ship building nearby, and a new space launch center to the north. A nearly finished, need more time, Economic Cluster Theory that could help some U.S. industry grow faster than other nations. Maybe not....we will see. In alignment with Perpetual Sustainable Development and the emerging Digital Era  and Sub Trans. There has been some development increase over the past few years but the right companies with the right creative capital are needed

Maybe Michigan can attract more EV, Space, Robotic, Military and Auto development

Ford Twitter...

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Lawmakers Make Steps to Protect Democracy (Electoral Count Reform and Election Security)

We have seen a lot over the past few years. Trust in our leadership has declined because of herd mentality and the failure of both sides to see looming problems clearly and wisely. In many ways party politics has become more important than the survival of the U.S. tribe and created short and long term dangers. We have two acts being worked on that seem to show we are adjusting and willing to take a step toward ensuring we can't play "politics as usual" with our country (Yes it belongs to "We the People" and not to any party. I can say that as a light right Republican with lots of Liberal friends). 

I still wonder if down the road we will find foreign intelligence collaboration not only among the extremist but all the way to the top. The figures involved certainly could have pulled off chaos and downed our system but it took a few brave souls to stand against the mob and believe in something greater then themselves (Those are heroes....not the fail to walk the louder talk people we often vote into office based on blind self interest). I think we should keep digging into it until we figure it all out. If nothing improper occurred, that is great, if something, we need to find solutions to patch the hole (While it is currently unsubstantiated and more of a possibility versus a claim one can sort of step back to how events unfolded, the placating behaviors, timelines, subversive groups, foreign social media manipulation, and other behaviors to ponder at least a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, nearly non existing concern. 🙈🙉🙊Don't listen to me, I have a Muslim sounding name. 🤷 ). 

While I'm not going to comment on the specifics of each Act I will say that it is the adjustment and discussion of change that is important. It helps push our country into a learning organization that overcomes each trial and tribulation to be better and stronger. Growing pains into the Digital Era. We will thrive, develop, and with effort master our possibilities. Lets turn the page and see what doors open and close.....

Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act


Enhanced Election Security and Protection Act

Photos of Farm and Equipment (Upper Peninsula of MI)

 This farm and equipment is located near Rapid River Michigan.  Lots of places for horses and hobby farms. Underutilized and under invested area. 

You may purchase in my online Gallery HERE

You can purchase in my online gallery HERE

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Daisy on the Beach Photo

 Daisy on the beach photo. Taken in the U.P.

You can purchase or see more in my gallery HERE