Monday, June 27, 2022

When Large Groups Blindly Support Hate: The Lack of Conscious

I can tell you stories horrendous that would make the most hardened criminal ponder their internal value systems. When people do bad things the worst thing others can do is line up to support that hate. When we engaged in intentional destructiveness we do so because of our social networks. It may also be an indication that some of the supporters harbor deeper feelings of racism and bigotry. We are defined by our choices and actions and no one can take that away from them (I doubt they have the insight to know the root of their behavior.)

This large group of hate supporters can't say me or my children have done anything to them, were rude to them, or have harmed them in any way. What they can say is that after extremely aggressive behaviors toward myself and my children and the discovery of potentially fraudulent behaviors certain boundaries were created. That group felt they were better than the targets and jumped in to try harm my family (Some see themselves as supporters of their local sports culture and the targets as less than human. It looks more like an aggressive cult/clan than a mediocre group of ex sports play friends.).

That didn't mean that the perpetrators respected those boundaries just because I set them. I believe very much that they knew they have done some inappropriate things and the first idea they could think of was spreading rumors to protect their outward image (Likely they were protecting their own internal image from conscious awareness....but that is psychobabble.). It appears they have a history of doing this to people they don't like and when the stakes are this high chances are they had no limits.

The second thing they thought of doing was using their close law enforcement friends to begin following, threatening and intimidating the targets. I cannot tell you under what distorted circumstances these things have become acceptable in our society. Likely, they made quick heuristic judgements based on their close associates and the perceived "evilness" of Muslims and Blacks and went after it with the perception they were doing something "good" (It just one possible explanation and there are likely others. I don't mean religious good or bad but moral good and bad; although they are associated).

It wasn't just bad moved beyond that into highly coordinated activities. They were/are so sure they won't be held to account that they laughed and smirked about it while they were doing it. Something you would see sociopaths do in movies. They were bragging to their friends who were all too willing to contribute with their own hate rhetoric (Remember I don't know most of them and my interactions have been positive prior to these hate events. How quickly people turn when its popular. Even people who know you and had positive experiences with you. Shame!)

Furthermore, I believe they were telling people that if anyone stayed in contact with "those" people they would be rejected (Perhaps even a target themselves.). Of course like the flying monkeys many in our human species have become, they complied without even thinking about what they were doing (As a side note, I find it surprising that people go to church and talk about their values but when push comes to shove they have few. Its just useless self soothing talk!)

That is where weaker people who hold their own racists and bigoted values fell into line to support the hate mob. That included not only rejection as a candidate for an adjunct position I was more than qualified for but also other opportunities as an aspect of circumventing laws. Retracting job opportunities, not providing legal support, willful misconduct, all the creepy stuff no group should do. You get the picture and if true you cannot get more coordinated in criminality then that (Since when is being unsophisticated, under developed, and a racist the "cool" thing to do? Seriously, check your values. It opens the question as to how many other people has this group gone after? Maybe my family is the only one but I doubt it. Perhaps my perceived religion and kids race help rally the hate much more than in other cases but the pre-existing behaviors and values of group coordination were already learned at a different time and place. Just saying.). 

I suspect if you are a minority you get what I'm saying and you have experienced this on a lower level one time or another. I have read about people acting so boldly and without personal checks and balances only in a few instances (Tulsa Massacre comes to mind.). If you are a bigot you likely reject what I have to say completely (Without even knowing anything). That is the great divide in our society. Our failure to truly listen to each other has created gaps in our conscious (Truth and falsehood become distorted.).

This is where investigations and objective law enforcement come into play (Those corrupted officers should have no right to be involved or even be in law enforcement. They lost their legitimacy when they wanted to "help" their friends even though the facts didn't line up.). Free passes are not free and they begin to split our nation in half (I have more rights to protect myself and family than they do to be perpetrators. At least in a healthy society!). Take a look at the hyper politics and growing extremism on both sides and you can see how quickly people judge (There are obvious legitimacies and shared experiences on the other half of society. Doesn't matter which half you live in.

People might ask "Why stay when there is a large group of bigots that hate you?" I think it is more than just avoiding future harm. There are deeply held American values, traditions and principles at stake. If a group of bigots and their supporters can mob attack people in a way that creates "cleansing" like situations we have seen in third world nations we have big problems. It isn't about me, its about our possible futures as a single people. 

That doesn't neglect the fact that my genetic background predates most of the people in the area and that I have lots of awesome friends as well. While someone is likely to cross those boundaries, and I believe that has a fairly high chance of happening at some point, I have no plans of leaving permanently (I have other places to go but that is my home regardless of whether the mob of bigots says so or not.). It becomes a here I am, you have failed to silence me, threaten me, intimidate, or anything else. You have done the opposite (maybe). At this moment I don't feel I should back down to bullies and bigots no matter how many people line up to hate. You will see me around and I will be polite and smile at you. You can say hi, offer an apology, or do something else. Its your choice. What is your next step?

What I can logically ask for is that 1.) the perpetrators obtain mental health help (They do deserve jail time but I'm not advocating for that. That will need to be someone else's decision. I do not want regrets in my life but if they own it and its warranted, those were their choices. They had plenty of chances to change course.); 2.), an audit of all monies past and present (to highlight some of the behavior incentives. Maybe something or maybe makes no difference); 3.) Investigations into officers connected closely to that group (ensuring they don't have a history of these behaviors. There are some unsubstantiated complaints out there.); 4.), those local institutions such as the college that retracted their offer once they found out I was the "dirty Muslim" their friends hated need to be held to account (They shouldn't be allowed to use tax payer money for their social group or their racial/religious misperceptions. They should be hiring the most qualified candidates.

Do I expect that level of justice to happen? Nope! I once believed it was possible but have learned over the years that much of what we do is subjective. There is still hope that moral conscious and law will become fused together but it sometimes is highly subjective based on what we know, what we can discover, and the resources available. To be honest, I do believe our justice system tries (except in some cases on local levels where social networks take precedence) and that there are very good people who do the best they can with the tools they have. Sometimes it does well and sometimes it comes up short (i.e. always a need for improvement, innovation and development.). 

People may ask, "Are you not afraid to talk so bluntly about it knowing that the "mob"  and their supporters are out there?" I say, "I'm afraid we someday stop talking and accept the unacceptable." I live by a motto and have pulled it out more than once in my life.... "its better to die for something than live for nothing." Before you read too much into it, it just means we all have purpose in this life and there will be those who strive for a better society and there are othere consumed by what they are having for lunch....and that is all they care about. 

What's next? I'm not sure. For the most part its not up to me. I plan on being engaging, honest, open to rectification, and won't sugar coat what happened. Whether the bell of justice and liberty rings for all of us or just some of us isn't completely in my hands. It is a national decision to choose where we as a people will go and what we plan on leaving to the next generation. Right now I have concerns about that as well......we will let time flip a page to the next chapter in life and our future as a nation........

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why Justice Isn't a Joke! One true path forward and many backwards!

There are people who feel justice is a joke. Some will be given free passes and others will become responsible for all of society's ills (In most societies one group or another is picked.). It makes no difference what position one is in or their perceived value to society (I have a Muslim name and told my family was targeted for that reason. At present it appears corruption is given a free pass. Time will answer that definitely. I expected that but I have been wrong on a number of occasions. I don't even really care that much any more. Free passes should be embarrassing in the modern century. It is a devaluing of life.). Justice isn't a joke and when we give a free pass to behaviors that are obviously wrong we make a mockery of the rule of law.

Punishment isn't necessary but accountability is a must! That should come with moral conscious and wisdom. It makes no difference if someone is the president or the lowest ditch digger (I respect the later more than most in the "connected" class. I'm not against the connected class but I'm against their subjective entitlement to irresponsibly put our democracy at risk. Our country isn't a game and people should not be manipulated for political gains. There is much more at stake then winning the elections or which party takes the lead. I say that as a light right RINO republican. RINO=Republican In National Opportunities. I think I might have that wrong because those who seem to use the word  {Republican in Name Only} often don't have truly conservatives values. Conservatism is based in time honored values of multiple religions, historical societal connection and institutional respect for helpful traditions. It has little to do with sacking capitals.  πŸ€”)

If your sacking our capital or torching pro life buildings you should be held to account as that is the nature of justice. Likewise on a local level if your stealing money, spreading false stories or getting your bigoted friends involved it is moral bankruptcy in my mind (Who asked any of them to get involved and if they did ask why did they willing choose to be involved? The manipulation of others and elder seems to be ongoing process. ). 

For example one could conclude at the end of all the prior protests that whether one is a police officer or protestor they should fall under the same laws (...with the former having a greater responsibility not to engage in corrupt acts. I support good officers 100% and civil rights 100%). We shouldn't give more or less value to people in society based on current political interests. There should be no such thing as immunity (Immunity for legitimate mistakes is perfectly acceptable but immunity for corruption and criminal intent is not.)

Until we begin to universalize our laws and use moral conscious to apply them properly we will always be dealing with distorted justifications and manipulation of our cherished values. We have responsibilities to maintain democracy from one generation to the next without ripping at the seams in the wanton ability to get or gain something. That requires the three legs of democracy to work a the best state they can.

Judge, President or Pauper there should be no excuses! What am going to do (I'm not a particularly important or powerful person but I do understand the necessity of finding solutions to problems.)? Stand up for our American principles, be open to rectification (i.e. accepting apologies and positive reengagement). What I'm not going to do is pretend it's ok, sweep it under the carpet, or sugar coat obviously corrupt behaviors. It's up to everyone else, including our politicians/leaders to determine who they are and whether they are going to move toward positive self reflection or further projection!

Society is indeed a contract.…[But, a]s the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born….Changing the state as often as there are floating fancies,…no one generation could link with the other. Men would be little better than the flies of a summer. Edmund Burke

 I encourage others to have some type of value system they can claim independent of their parties and social networks. Our futures relies on our choices today. Whether targeted again by the ex mediocre sports group, corrupt officer(s) in their social network, or their easily manipulated supporters I will walk where I want because our country, towns, and opportunities are worth not giving hate the last word (At least until our system chooses a higher form of existence or commits our democracy into history books as a failed experiment. Failure on local levels is a data point to failures on a national level. You will need some systems thinking to see how they may be associated if those experiences are exhibited by others.)

Who am I? Known to some as "The bitch!"(the name yelled out to my kids) to others "The dirty Muslim" (I actually see myself more as a Muslim, Catholic, Jew. I see the value in each). In my ancient/young adult past a few have called me "The All American Boy". I'm not sure any of that is 100% accurate as how you define me is more about how you define yourself (Ceci n'est pas une pipe). If I was to define myself for myself I would lean more to the description of cogito ergo sum (...and I bet you thought my childhood endeavor of philosophy and reading was useless. Maybe it was.....). 

Keep it civil America! You don't know what you got till you loose it! Kind of the reason why we need our "know it all" politicians to start focusing on the big picture...or we need to work within the system to replace the most ignorant of the bunch for the sake of everyone else; including the next generation! Don't be selfish in your choices and dutiesThink beyond your careers (Freedom of speech comes with some responsibility to use it for the betterment of society.).

P.S. if you feel offended by what I say you might need to do some soul searching because you are the one who determines if it relates to you. Disturbance of your psyche should tell you something about yourself. 🀷 Just saying. πŸ’

In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things.”
– Descartes, RenΓ©, Principles of Philosophy (1644)

Powell Testifies to Congress: A Discussion on Inflation and Next Steps

 Federal Chair Jerome Powell discusses some changes on inflation. You can read an overview in Powell's Warning. I'm not going into super depth about what he is saying but I would agree that there are larger environmental factors involved outside the U.S. (i.e. war, supply chains, etc...) We want to see wages rise without necessarily raising price (That will require rebalancing our labor market to raise value, wages, and functionality. It means we do more with our current labor and increase their market inputs. None of that means that companies should not think about the growing differences between executive pay and labor pay. A level of narrowing that gap can be helpful.). Interest rates are likely to rise to slow the economy down. Part of me thinks there is some advantages to putting ourselves at the center of the highest value leg of the global supply chain and leak off to our allies lesser activities to raise the value of our labor. Not 100% sure how to do that.

Too bad we couldn't make a push to return manufacturing and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) back to the U.S. to ride the wave! (Lots of people are likely looking for alternatives to invest in manufacturing from China. See G7 Gives China the Belt. 😏. They will need to do more than that but at least they are talking about it. China and "The West" can find their own niches but it is time "The West" find look for new competitive strategies. That is why I think we should look at Rapid Innovation Systems. An unfinished national innovative cluster theory.)

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Ukraine Loses Ground in War: Exposed to Artillary

 Ukraine is stuck in a difficult spot. It must not only defend itself but also push back against Russian forces. If you read 'Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk now ‘completely under Russian occupation’ after months of fighting' you will get a pretty good sense of their dire situation. 

We have heard over the past few weeks a few things the Ukrainians may be suffering from that include 1.) lack of ammo, 2.) slowing Western support, 3.) lack of artillery and air protection and 4.) lack of troop replenishment. 

To win this war Ukraine may need to change some of its strategies but it will also need to garner faster and more forceful support. With Belarus appearing to enter the war and threats made against other western nations we should have some concerns. 

Coordinated effort to get the Ukrainians the things they need and provide advanced tactical support may be helpful. At present this is their war but tomorrow it may be other nations. A protective buffer becomes diminished and we may soon hear the grinding of steel on steel with all of the sparks. 

Going Back to Moral Conscious and Law: Unchecked Rage

In my mind law and moral conscious should be connected.  We have experienced a lot of extremism over the past few years as a nation. We don't really have a strong understanding of what it is and how to resolve it. I believe the makings of such extremism existed for a long time but we neither had the theoretical lens to see it nor the foresight to tackle such issues early. 

Let us talk about domestic extremism for a moment. If you were a minority of some time (Muslim, Arab, Jew, Black, Asian, White, etc... The race and religion isn't important as it is based in who has power and who can be scape goated.) you may have experienced extremism at one time or another. Now that has moved onto different forms and beliefs.

While people may have experienced unchecked hate against those seen as "untouchables" in society it wasn't coordinated on a large group level. Some people moved from individual rage to group rage and shared sense of hate purpose. When given a level of political cover (Republican or Democrat) it begins to justify the unjustifiable. (Politics is no longer a always a discussion/debate but sometimes an act of physical force.) 

Once we had a sacking of the capital we saw domestic extremism clear eyed in a way that could not be ignored. The smaller risks of individual targets now moved to group support. It was always there one way or another but it was acceptable in smaller doses against "those" people (Whomever seemed most prudent  based on the circumstances of the times.). Now we have politicized and accepted such behaviors on different levels across our socio-political-bio existence.

We have chances to universalize our values, universalize our application of law, and connect moral conscious with legal jurisprudence. When people do extremist things like lie, coordinate others in hate, spread false rumors, ostracize, misuse their positions, intimidate, use violence, threaten, etc... we should not put our eyes to the ground and keep walking. 

In my experience, poor actions in one place often leads to poorer outcomes in other places. Its a little like ignoring a disease when you first find it and then discover years later it has spread. Preventing before getting a disease and in turn tackling the sickness as soon as it is realized is important (i.e. early mental health intervention.). Extremism is like a disease such as cancer on society and seeks to create divisions and distort institutions to bend to their will (not party specific). 

I believe there are a few things to consider:

1.) Universalize our values and laws.

2.) Use critical thinking and evidence based decision making. 

3.) Look beyond the obvious so as to not be blinded by false constructs (i.e. all people who look or worship like this are no better or worse when compared to those who look and worship another way.). 

4.) Intent and motivation is important in assessing behaviors. 

5.) Mental health help is important so as to avoid bigger situations later (Extremism is catalyzed by outward focused distorted personalities.). 

6.) Remove those who either misuse their positions and/or manipulate our institutions. Violations of law should be enforced when they are based in hate and rage.

7.) Encourage different groups of people to stand together against those who accept, support, or encourage extremism (Meaning we all have a stake in the success of our nation and it shouldn't be one group or another that damages that at the detriment for the rest of us.). 

8.) Be open to requisitioning your own personal values for the best possible outcomes. 

In the past few years we have become much more aware of the nature of these behaviors on a local and on a national level. We all have a stake in encouraging critical thinking, moral conscious in legal application, and the development of understanding of how these things work. We must now begin to figure out what our next steps as a nation, people, and individuals should be (For me its positive engagement and encouraging accountability....even if that accountability helps the perpetrators live healthier and happy lives where rage isn't part of their personality nor justifiable among their friends. There are bigger principles at stake.) 

Which is more important.....The law or moral conscious? Perhaps they should be one in the same. It looks like in these situations where far right (justification of rage) or far left (justification of rage) and or local social networks (unable to think for self) we must find a path through to reasonable compromise. I'm not sure anyone has the solution but we can hope for peace, understanding, and empathy. We must become again a single people. There are breadcrumbs of paths that lead to shared futures but we must find them.

Painting of Lilacs and Mountains: Does painting have a place in business?

Is art beneficial to business? It's a simple question of whether painting has a place in modern business. We often think it is for the flighty and non serious. Obviously it has benefits for the advertising arenas but how about visualization and decision making?You may want to read a little something on business creativity and how creativity leads to better overall decision making and business Intelligence. Creativity in Business. The National Endowment for the Arts has a working paper specifically on Artists and Business. While my art may not be the greatest not everything I do is useless. Its a learning process utilizing as many senses and experiences as possible. It becomes increasingly possible to see the possibilities of "out of box". Support your local arts for long term competitiveness. 

Painting of lilacs and mountains. Purchase in Etsy Shop. Some of profits go to various charities. Slowly growing. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Bipartisan gun control bill passes through Senate: Is there fear that small compromises will lead to bigger compromise?

If you really want to understand what is being passed with the gun compromise act you should read the The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in full. There are things like mental health help, background checks, red flag, funding, etc.. Thus, there was an effort of our leaders to address an issue and put forward a solution. We will have to see if The House will pass it as it is seen as less supported in this arena. 

Just to clear out my own bias I have no problem with people having hunting guns, target practice guns, antique guns, self defense oriented guns and in some cases more powerful guns. I am just not sure when higher military grade guns are needed by the average person in society (I am also not an expert in all the different uses for guns but am descent at absorbing different perspectives. This is just a post to help myself and others think through some options. ). 

I do understand the fear of some gun owners who feel that things they view as sacred are being taken away. Some may feel that if they compromise a little then people are going to compromise more and that will erode their rights. Perhaps in their perspective once the door is open it will lead to a flood of changes. This is where trust needs to come into play. Trust is something that seems to be on decline at an institutional, political and/or person level in society. 

You would be hard pressed to make an argument that everyone regardless of criminal background, mental health, reasoning ability, etc... needs high powered aggressive oriented guns under any and all circumstances. On the flip side, you would be equally frustrated in making the argument that no one needs a gun ever under any circumstance or purpose! (Notice I'm really putting it out there! Its meant to be bold for illustration purposes of solutions being in the middle.)

Even most people that are gun advocates are likely to sort of agree with the above paragraph that not everyone needs a gun but fear that any compromise will lead to many compromises. This is where we need people to respect the intent and purpose of the 2nd Amendment (Not play childish games with controversial and potentially dicey issues that range from gun rights to abortion. We need politicians that get the big picture and don't just trample others arguments simply because their party expects them to do so. We need critical thinkers in leadership positions.). 

Leaders/politicians (That is making the assumption they are they same of which some are and some are not.) should only consider that which will truly have an impact on helping protect lives and will drop the non-practical aspects of any ideological push (Meaning its not about winning arguments but about realized gains to lives. We should explore the solution options. ) We would then seek to tweak laws to find the right balance between gun ownership and gun responsibility; also called value homeostasis.

What we (as a general generic term) would want is only those restrictions that would have a positive impact be considered. That both sides should respect the 2nd Amendment and do their best to keep it as in tact as possible. From free of constraint as possible. These rights carried us forward in some difficult times and we should avoid letting people who shouldn't have guns use them inappropriately and in turn reflect negatively on law abiding gun owners (Its always the bad apples that damage it for everyone. The laws are designed to protect against the unreasonable in people's behavior and choices.).

(This isn't really an argument for or against gun or gun control, it is an argument of a type of logic where we know there are exceptions but don't trust another {the other} party enough to be reasonable in action/thought. Trust comes from experience. Highlighting how extreme views can be destructive to decision making through polar thinking and that can damage future opportunities. What seems reasonable is sometimes misused by others to win political arguments instead of saving lives {the purpose of a bi-partisan approach anyway}. Thus, if our politicians orient their focus past the politics of present to the central essence of human needs {feeling of safety} then we can make better decisions and in turn sew more trust We build trust be taking into consideration the different stakeholder's of society's need. Compromise becomes easier when you trust that the people on the other side are "reasonable" and respect your opinions and values {Instead of focusing on winning arguments.}. In other words, rigidity of political polarization impacts the ability to compromise. Failure to compromise we get stuck in the lower {versus higher} modes of thinking. Everything is all this or all that and rationality is lessened! Maybe not? 🀷)

Let us see what happens. Notice I am not leaning in one direction or the other because I want to understand how the legislative process is influenced by personality and emotional attachment to certain topics (Gun control is a big thing just like abortion. People will go into a rage when they hear these terms and that has even deeper causes. Its not what the answer people have that is important but the process they used to get to that answer that counts. )There is going to be a lot of debate in The House over this issue. Everything will work out as it should but we should be polite and thoughtful in our discussions on thorny issues.

Gun control....