Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why Justice Isn't a Joke! One true path forward and many backwards!

There are people who feel justice is a joke. Some will be given free passes and others will become responsible for all of society's ills (In most societies one group or another is picked.). It makes no difference what position one is in or their perceived value to society (I have a Muslim name and told my family was targeted for that reason. At present it appears corruption is given a free pass. Time will answer that definitely. I expected that but I have been wrong on a number of occasions. I don't even really care that much any more. Free passes should be embarrassing in the modern century. It is a devaluing of life.). Justice isn't a joke and when we give a free pass to behaviors that are obviously wrong we make a mockery of the rule of law.

Punishment isn't necessary but accountability is a must! That should come with moral conscious and wisdom. It makes no difference if someone is the president or the lowest ditch digger (I respect the later more than most in the "connected" class. I'm not against the connected class but I'm against their subjective entitlement to irresponsibly put our democracy at risk. Our country isn't a game and people should not be manipulated for political gains. There is much more at stake then winning the elections or which party takes the lead. I say that as a light right RINO republican. RINO=Republican In National Opportunities. I think I might have that wrong because those who seem to use the word  {Republican in Name Only} often don't have truly conservatives values. Conservatism is based in time honored values of multiple religions, historical societal connection and institutional respect for helpful traditions. It has little to do with sacking capitals.  🤔)

If your sacking our capital or torching pro life buildings you should be held to account as that is the nature of justice. Likewise on a local level if your stealing money, spreading false stories or getting your bigoted friends involved it is moral bankruptcy in my mind (Who asked any of them to get involved and if they did ask why did they willing choose to be involved? The manipulation of others and elder seems to be ongoing process. ). 

For example one could conclude at the end of all the prior protests that whether one is a police officer or protestor they should fall under the same laws (...with the former having a greater responsibility not to engage in corrupt acts. I support good officers 100% and civil rights 100%). We shouldn't give more or less value to people in society based on current political interests. There should be no such thing as immunity (Immunity for legitimate mistakes is perfectly acceptable but immunity for corruption and criminal intent is not.)

Until we begin to universalize our laws and use moral conscious to apply them properly we will always be dealing with distorted justifications and manipulation of our cherished values. We have responsibilities to maintain democracy from one generation to the next without ripping at the seams in the wanton ability to get or gain something. That requires the three legs of democracy to work a the best state they can.

Judge, President or Pauper there should be no excuses! What am going to do (I'm not a particularly important or powerful person but I do understand the necessity of finding solutions to problems.)? Stand up for our American principles, be open to rectification (i.e. accepting apologies and positive reengagement). What I'm not going to do is pretend it's ok, sweep it under the carpet, or sugar coat obviously corrupt behaviors. It's up to everyone else, including our politicians/leaders to determine who they are and whether they are going to move toward positive self reflection or further projection!

Society is indeed a contract.…[But, a]s the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born….Changing the state as often as there are floating fancies,…no one generation could link with the other. Men would be little better than the flies of a summer. Edmund Burke

 I encourage others to have some type of value system they can claim independent of their parties and social networks. Our futures relies on our choices today. Whether targeted again by the ex mediocre sports group, corrupt officer(s) in their social network, or their easily manipulated supporters I will walk where I want because our country, towns, and opportunities are worth not giving hate the last word (At least until our system chooses a higher form of existence or commits our democracy into history books as a failed experiment. Failure on local levels is a data point to failures on a national level. You will need some systems thinking to see how they may be associated if those experiences are exhibited by others.)

Who am I? Known to some as "The bitch!"(the name yelled out to my kids) to others "The dirty Muslim" (I actually see myself more as a Muslim, Catholic, Jew. I see the value in each). In my ancient/young adult past a few have called me "The All American Boy". I'm not sure any of that is 100% accurate as how you define me is more about how you define yourself (Ceci n'est pas une pipe). If I was to define myself for myself I would lean more to the description of cogito ergo sum (...and I bet you thought my childhood endeavor of philosophy and reading was useless. Maybe it was.....). 

Keep it civil America! You don't know what you got till you loose it! Kind of the reason why we need our "know it all" politicians to start focusing on the big picture...or we need to work within the system to replace the most ignorant of the bunch for the sake of everyone else; including the next generation! Don't be selfish in your choices and dutiesThink beyond your careers (Freedom of speech comes with some responsibility to use it for the betterment of society.).

P.S. if you feel offended by what I say you might need to do some soul searching because you are the one who determines if it relates to you. Disturbance of your psyche should tell you something about yourself. 🤷 Just saying. 💁

In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things.”
– Descartes, René, Principles of Philosophy (1644)

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