Thursday, December 30, 2021

DC Firefighters Talk about Responding to Capitol Riot (Becoming Targets of the Mob)

January 6th was a pivotal moment in America's history forcing all those who were loyal to rethink their assumptions. I'm a supporter of police and firefighting (......not blind support and would have no issue holding "bad apples" accountable. Some people/places struggle with understanding the essential purpose of our institutions.) when semi-organized extremists attack firefighters and EMT officials (in some cases their own kind) trying help others we should be appalled; many of us unable to see the risks.

 Whether we are in the Capitol or in our hometowns we struggle with differentiating between those who support the Constitution and who those who are radicalized and want to circumvent it. The lines are blurry but radicalism has certain markers that can tip authorities off to its presence. Our police, firefighters and EMT are there to help others and people nationally/globally should respect medical support (...but that is the mentality of the people and their supporters we are dealing with. I'm a light right conservative and find such actions against everything I was raised to believe. There are places where right and wrong are often subjective to inappropriate symbolism).

You can also read the article DC Firefighters Remember Challenges of Responding to Capitol Riot

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Community Colleges Hiring Practices Influences Student Global Competitiveness

Community colleges are an important part of building the local knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) people need to succeed in a fast shifting environment. Local institutions share a vital purpose in the rebuilding of a next generation nation strides forward towards its central goals of freedom of the human spirit, governance by people, and "whole society" opportunities. Colleges are about providing working skills needed in the market and the developing of human capital that leans toward our national legacies. Without degrees or skilled trades people communities will fall behind in attracting and retaining high paying jobs.  

School of Athens
Philosophy as Diversity of Thought
Between 1509 and 1511

That may be difficult if hiring practices restrict opportunities for competitive exposure and higher levels of national achievement. Let's think of diversity from a wider perspective. Diversity of thought, study, race, religion, and background create higher levels of exposure to new ideas. This is vitally important for small rural communities that are realigning to global competitiveness. Providing avenues for relevant up-to-date knowledge impacts people throughout their lives in profound ways (See a summary of a GSS study on the benefits of higher education. HERE.)

All societies need skilled workers that often come in the form of skilled labor (i.e. skilled trades, artisan, etc...) or intellectual capital (doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc...) We have seen industries decline that resulted in lay offs for thousands of people as jobs move overseas or are replaced. Community colleges have a responsibility to prepare workers to take on new and emerging fields/jobs in a market competitive way. For hands on skilled trades, returning workers, and new students community colleges help prepare people for meaningful careers. 

Ok....well preparing students is supported if their hiring practices are well thought out and include a diverse set of educators/trainers that have a wider range of experiences. Sometimes hiring mangers take on perspectives (unintentionally or intentionally. The way in which I judge a 'red flag' is by transparency and professionalism. When practices are not transparent and there are levels of unprofessional behavior it would be more associated with the personality and perspective of the hiring manager(s).) that limit their hiring practices and in turn the opportunities of their students to be ready to deal with different cultures and ideas. 

While the goal of the HR department is to manage human capital it sometimes runs a foul of that mandate for personal, political, religious, or racial reasons. Training HR professionals on how to manage available human capital is beneficial but so is ensuring that those who willfully follow their own personal hiring practices do not continue with misaligned/malignant practices. Its not a liberal or conservative idea but an absolute MUST in any society that has a diverse population like the U.S.( Certain core values and trust in institutions is essential to stability and growth.)

When hiring managers limit student opportunities through inappropriate selection criteria that reduce exposure to diverse thought and people they also limit global and market readiness.

All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires [countries, societies, republics, etc...] depends on the education of youth. -Aristotle

Side note: In any economic system you will need a way of preparing people to take on new jobs and responsibilities. The local education system includes primary all the way through college is important in that preparation. Educational systems should understand their central purposes and in turn align skills, knowledge, and abilities to fill the most jobs while still developing the whole person is important. Anything that is counter to educations central purposes should be reviewed and adjusted and/or removed.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Settled In the UP and Wisconsin Since the Mid1800's

This weekend a few relatives came in to visit and of course brought the family album. Interestingly we have family in the area UP area since at least the mid 1800s. This was Pine River from Florence WI. (Bark River MI. and Iron Mountain MI were others.) They used to drag for logs in the logging industries.  Based on one of these pictures I would think it would likely be in the early 1900's. The house was built by hand and is currently in use. I keep thinkin of keeping an eye on it in case it goes up for sale someday. So far we have records to the mid 1800's that include backgrounds on one side from Prussia, Swedish, Belgium, English, and Blackfoot Indian. The other side is Belgium, German, and Caucus. My kids will likely be able to add Arab and African to that list. Hmmmmmm I would guess we have international genetics and yes we are still Americans (Diversity actually makes our species stronger through variability.). Being American may have something to do with where your born but it is a thought and belief; not a genetic code/sequence.  (Kind of interesting mix. Ok I guess just to me. LOL Its my blog so I'm posting it! 😤)

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Michigan Winter Trip in Upper Peninsula 2021

Browsing on the highway for winter related content I came across this video of what the UP looks like in the winters. It can be harsh and also majestic. People use to live in that environment with little more then basic supplies and a hatchet. Delta County has a number of trails to visit and recreational activities to engage in. A little of an outdoor tourist destination. If your working online and thinking about an affordable place to stay for a few months while still having some outdoor fun check out Escanaba and Gladstone. I have snow shoed and cross country ski through National Forests and trails. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Global GDP 2021 in Visual Form

You may be interested in looking at a quick sheet on GDP 2021 from Visual Capitalist that provides data driven visuals. As we know the year isn't yet finished and you may need to trace back some of the stats for more accuracy but you can get a solid visual picture. 

College Borrowers Get Another 90 Days Loan Forbearance (Hope I Win the Lottery in the Mean Time!)

President Biden announces that student loan payments for 41 million borrowers will be paused with 0% interest until May 2022. You can read the White House Press Release HERE. That is something students and borrowers will likely maybe they can win the lottery and pay off the rest when its due (Disclaimer: Its probably not a good strategy.😏 No seriously, the odds are against you. You don't need to be the Rain Man to figure it out. "Definitely yes definitely." ).

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Escanaba City Council Meeting: (December 16, 2021) Recreation, Democracy and Change

Democracy is about the ability to draw in the most amount of people into governance as possible and in turn build a strong base of support for national development that improves citizens lives. While there are often subsections of society that are more politically active (demographic) than others, the concept of inclusiveness in politics is what helps democracies grow as it pushes an entire governmental system to adjust and change to new ideas and leadership influence (We elect new people to ensure we update and change....there is no negative reflection on prior leadership because it is a necessary process that goes back to the beginning. The old create stability while the new bring forward fresh ideasThe U.S. had its very first town hall in Dorchester, Massachusetts, in 1633. You can read about democracy HERE.). Escanaba is one of those examples of democracy at work in our home towns and you can see it in action by watching the city council meetings! You may want to read the agenda for more clarity beyond the video Escanaba Agenda December 16th, 2021. (I kind of looked through the data at the comments. You got to read all of them...some are very interesting! Yikes! 😬....and no I didn't put any comments in there. 🙊)

Roosevelt's Four Freedoms of Speech
Norman Rockwell’s 1942
Freedom of Speech, Worship, Want, Fear

Escanaba is a rural community that is located on the shore of Lake Michigan in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The area played a key role in regional natural resource extraction that helped build the preindustrial era with lumber and then the industrial era with ore and metals (You can read the history of Escanaba HERE. Notice how positive interaction in history, first settler, and native Americans started something new. Just take a mental note...and later on we will discuss this in greater detail. That same "under current" might have occurred in other places and is intimately part of our past and likely our futures as new and old ideas blend based on idea exposure.). Escanaba, like many rural communities, is still on a path to finding its global footing but may receive increased market investment interest and grant opportunities in a way that aligns local jobs with global opportunities ( could happen! Maybe...maybe not!🤷 A few things going on in terms of investments, social change, and national trends are signaling pending adjustments based on environmental challenges and local resources. However, its only one path of possibilities and not yet fully substantiated or realized. 🙆) 

For now...lets just look at some of the things going on in the area. I know its exciting times but hold your horses as time and reflection often lead to insight! (See Advice on Change)

Bay College Lease: Continue the lease for 4 more years and then a $6K for early 10 year early termination and changes to agreement (Was originally a 25 year lease.). Carving out some of the south end of the field for the daycare and YMCA. One option would be to terminate immediately the agreements on the field but that might ruffle some feathers. Soccer program would be a good thing to offer as its an attractive sport important globally/nationally (Del Mar went from polo to soccer a few years ago but it is what it is. 🐎⚽🏒!)

DNR Recreation Plan: A very nice presentation and PowerPoint within the Agenda. The recreation department indicates that people want more events but participation is sometimes small. Variety, access, lake front, free and inclusive recreation opportunities. What they hoped to change was off road bike paths, soft service trails (hiking), updated play grounds, splash pad, clean bathrooms. Volunteers is what makes things happen in this town (along with full time employees.).  

Fishery Grant: DNR working with Escanaba that can help in fishing but also fishing docks. Such grants increase not only tourism but the long term viability of the area in terms of Great Lakes fresh fish, fishing industry, and recreation (I'm still dreaming of my part-time commercial fishing business 😢). Some money will be used to improve the bike path which is also something of interest to a lot of people. Not a bad idea. It was also included into the waterfront recreation approach. (Escanaba Harbor)

Housing Variety: I'm going to agree that there is a need for seasonal, condo, apartment, etc... housing. I would seek to maximize those places located downtown and above the existing businesses. One reason why there should be a push for this areas is that it helps redevelop the the downtown and draws a younger demographic while still serving tourism and seasonal buyers. Selling the buildings to entrepreneurs (in area or likely out of area.) that want to micro build (especially if outdoor tourism oriented) toward selling on the global market would balance the need for tourism and export oriented small business that have higher likelihood of future growth. (Rebuilding Escanaba Downtown, SME Attract, Start Up Delta, Full Bloom Delta)

As a side note: Some of these members and the mayor are new to the council. You can see a hint at the positive transition occurring from meeting to meeting in terms of coordination and ground rules. They seem to be in the Storming and Norming stages and with further adjustment might eventually be in the Performing stage where higher levels of team outcomes are actualized. (See  Psychologist/Professor/Researcher Bruce Tuckman's Stages. You may also be interested in reaching about Internal-External Strategy and Schumpeter.)