Monday, November 15, 2021

Study on Giftedness and Open Mindedness-Non Confirming Environments

I looked at some information on a study that came out this year on the "openness of experience" and how that be one key differentiator between the gifted and other people. They often call "giftedness" a tragic gift that hold with it great opportunities for understanding the stages of human development as well as the difficulty many of these people face trying to make understanding of their world.

Maybe I should rephrase that, I mean, they do have the ability to understand their world to a greater extent when compared to most others but they have no confirming peers in the environment so their thoughts and ideas rub against others. The good news according to the study by Uzeyir Ogurlu & Adnan Γ–zbey (2021) entitled Personality differences in gifted versus non-gifted individuals: A three-level meta-analysis, High Ability Studies is that fundamentally they are as social and carry as many of the same traits as everyone else.

Can you image that every time you think deeply about a problem or a situation you come up with 5 different answers and everyone around you knows all the answers before they know the questions? (You end up being the dumb one in the room.) You know there are holes in logic and you know there are grey areas that can't be immediately solved without more information. Everyone else has the answers but doesn't have the logic and if you ask them to sort of justify their answers there are gaps where it would fundamentally change the outcome. (Assuming they don't just get frustrated and call you an "idiot!")

The authors basically conducted an metanalysis of a number of different studies on gifted people and came to the conclusion that the only trait that really seemed much different was openness of experience which leads to all types of learning, questioning, and asking ( can't do this very often in your environment because people sometimes get really angry when you question things, what they mean, and why people believe them. Most of the time people say nothing to get along. The difference is the gifted might know they are saying little because of a social situation/awareness and in turn some try to be be helpful and letting others come to their own conclusions. Its dangerous to think for yourself in a world designed around social structures and obsession gain power and influence. Try being the guy/gal who puts his hand up and says.....wait...that's not the answer and if you do that your going to negatively impact a lot of people!)

You can get a fairly solid description to Openness of Experience in Scientific American. Basically, they take in a lot more information (through the senses, neuro development), understand things divergently (20 different possible answers versus the popular single answer), higher emotional development (why many become artists, poets, explorers, scientists), and in turn increasing complexity in being and existing. That isn't easy in a non confirming world of people who have ALL the answers. (Think about...when is the last time you disagreed with someone who adamantly believed in what they are saying, don't know how they derived at the answer, but demanded everyone around them followed what they believe without question? When you come across the dominant/distorted type personality they can be very sadistic if you poke holes in their logic. Now apply that to most people and you find that it isn't so much what they know but how they treat others and their values that separate them.)


"The study findings reveal that gifted individuals had higher openness levels than their non-gifted counterparts but there were no significant differences between the two groups in regards to the other factors (agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism). While interpreting these results, various definitions and identifications of giftedness should be taken into account. This study underlines the significance of addressing personality differences in gifted versus non-gifted individuals. Ogurlu & Ozbey, 2021, np)"

Why write about it? Those poor kids that grow up doubting themselves in an environment of demanded social adherence. That is also why many are not found, discovered, or fostered. They have no idea it isn't them wrong and we in turn waste our human capital. We can tap this national source for betterment of everyone long as those in power can handle sometimes not being right! We should manage beyond the lowest common denominator.

Uzeyir Ogurlu & Adnan Γ–zbey (2021): Personality differences in gifted versus non-gifted individuals: A three-level meta-analysis, High Ability Studies,

Seeing It Both Ways: Openness to Experience and Binocular Rivalry Suppression. Anna Antinori, Olivia L. Carter and Luke D. Smillie in Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 68, pages 15–22; June 2017.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Why Small Business is Going to Bring America Back!!

I've learned a lot over the years as it relates to the world, economy, and people. There is an underbelly to all economies that when managed well can create optimal economic engagement and growth. The U.S. faces economic uncertainties and our over focus on large companies have left the generation without as many new businesses to foster, grow and develop into international corporations. Ensuring that the major "factors" are in alignment will help in readjusting the system to its highest functioning state. 

When I say support small business I'm not talking about neglecting or punishing large corporations. They are necessary as a global vanguard. However, as GE taught us that they also face transactional cost risks the larger they get and as new more nimble companies develop. It is about ensuring there is an abundance of balance between the different businesses to grease the development of new ideas and opportunities; of course mixed with capital. 

Unfortunately, our political culture has created a big problem. As these corporations become larger they inadvertently push for their needs into the political spectrum in ways that small businesses can't (unless coordinated). The big businesses are government politicians are not intentionally hampering small business but are inadvertently solving business problems in a way that is skewing the system and in turn damaging future national competitiveness. 

Consider that large businesses rely on new ideas that often come from outside of their organizational walls. They look to start ups, entrepreneurs, and other sources of innovative products and services. When small businesses can't effectively compete because of the regulator and/or political environment companies are forced (many willing) to buy more parts from overseas and move their headquarters (Why we must attract headquarters, intellectual capital, and the entrepreneurial class.)

There does come a point when we look back at our nation and find we did a lot of damage over the last 30 years. We killed off many of our small businesses and have sent our manufacturing overseas to shave pennies from profit margins (one of the side effects of moving too much private and family businesses to stock bearing corporations). The low cost strategy, versus the high value strategy, doesn't work well in environments where new American products need to spearhead the market. 

This is why I'm an advocate of enhancing small businesses in the U.S., returning manufacturing, and doing a better job of managing our hyper political elite class (They are one of the biggest problems we face. See Biggest U.S. Threats). My environment reflects back to me and my children we are not particular that "worthy" because of racial and religious schisms in society (something some have exploited.). The problem is I'm not sure I'm seeing a lot of viable answers by the "right" people. I don't wake up in the morning and check the polls to see what I believe (which is not the way to generate new knowledge) I doubt I will make it in a political world.  For now, I can talk from the side and give my opinion.....not that people will listen....but at least they should take to account some of my words to help round out their upper crust perspectives (which often isolates our leaders from the people and potential solutions.)

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Blind Eye Shifts Risks in Hate Behaviors

Hate is a powerful force and it can be destructive if not understood and resolved. This is becoming increasingly apparent on a national level where groups became more coordinated. Because of events that have happened to me and my family over the past few years I've come to think more deeply about my personal responsibilities to stand up against such behaviors for my family, community and I guess in some ways for my nation (Most of our politicians are almost completely unsure on how to tackle this issue. They just interpret things from a political standpoint but sometimes forget the bigger purpose of the nation.) 

 For now I'm going to continue to write about these issues until there is accountability and/or resolution to the risks caused by bad behaviors. Perhaps with luck that will lead to greater insight for other stakeholders that may want to reach for a higher state of personal development. While I still hope for win-win outcomes I cannot look the other way on these behaviors simply because its "convenient" or that somehow it will upset the local social "apple cart" (Its seems like its almost always the half insiders and half outsiders that sort of see dysfunctions, corruption, unethical behaviors first. Likely has something to do with perspective. Its not everyone...but it only takes a few.). The behaviors stepped beyond the bounds of "normal".

As you know, my family was the target of a larger group of hate based supporters. I don't want people to assume that everyone within this mediocre ex sports group has a problem or is a problem. The vast majority of members are good natured and are more passive social supporters than active hate promoters. That also doesn't neglect the social environment where certain behaviors were seen as "acceptable" (I guess as long as it isn't them or their children.) 

Here are a couple of precursors to why and how certain hate behaviors occur:

1.) Mental health issues of the perpetrators that  haven't been dealt with because of the culture with their family and social group where problems are ignored or drank away (They don't think any of themselves can have mental health issues even though there are significant biological, historical and psychological markers. Furthermore, there is circumvention of self awareness by belittling others, lying, and projecting as tools to avoid dealing with those underlining issues.)

2.) Surrounded by immature and underdeveloped friend network that constantly seeks their social group's approvals and in turn pushing them ever inward (cultish) in their orientation. They will believe almost anything as long as it comes from a person within their group that holds a level of social influence (Based on old highschool social structures that most adults have shed a few years after graduation.). Some of the members have preexisting bias issues (...there are lots of exceptions here.) that includes use of inappropriate terms and inaccurate comparisons to others. dry kindling wood just waiting for someone to throw a well placed match. 

3. High incentives for financial gain. By engaging directly in hate based behaviors the perpetrators could realize financial gain. It looks in some ways looks like an attempt to hide prior bad behavior as it relates to embezzlement and acts as a method of creating distance between themselves and the victims concerns (adding rewards to bad behaviors increases their likelihood they will be repeated.). The aggression also helps shield them from accountability by creating context for their bad behavior (They scapegoated in an environment that seemed to have a nodding approval. I doubt this would have happened if they wouldn't have exploited racial and religious differences. Just saying! πŸ’).

4. Close connections (dating, same social group, etc..) with key law enforcement members were/was/is potentially exploited to gain legal protection and justification for behaviors that were knowingly inappropriate.  One of those officers was involved in  coordinated harassment/stalking behaviors in this and reported to be engaged in similar behaviors in other incidents that include prior community incidents/complaints of misconduct, restricting help to injured car victims, concerns of sexual assault/rape, and likely many other uninvestigated red flags (Employment records, prior complaints and other indicators should be reviewed carefully). It would appear the group expected to be given a "free pass" (An indication that the local law system can be manipulated). 

The Long Term Dangers:

When society doesn't follow the rules it professes publicly and makes one (or many) demographic(s) of people (whether it be Black, Jew, Muslim, Asian, White, etc...) more or less accountable than others on a systemic level it has set up a pseudo caste system. Even worse, when issues are brought up about the inappropriateness of that system they are often discarded as rhetoric and politically trampled. Investigating hate crimes and universalizing the application of our laws encourages single society with rules that apply to everyone. We should reach for the better then further justify what is isn't working.

I get it! My family and I could be easily discarded in favor of not upsetting the "status que" of local life or the social networks that bred that disfunction in the first place. Furthermore, I understand the political interest and the various opinions on who should and should be held to account (Most just guess based on their prexisting assumptions.). Uncovering and hiding the embedded dysfunctional networks (i.e. what could be long developed patterns of corruption) is not of interest to some and of exceedingly high interest to others. Its a matter of practicality to me so that my and other people's kids (and adults) don't have to keep dealing with others failures to tackle these fundamental issues.

I'm trying to isolate out those political and social biases to see win-win situations where they appear most appropriate. We can apply universal laws in this situation to ensure the law gives equal weight to the factors involved. We can get those who sparked this problem into mental health care so they can deal with their issues (a long term risk if we don't solve the root problem or ensure we are setting a social standard of behavior). Furthermore, we can strengthen local law enforcement effectiveness by understanding what happened and engage in a process of self reflection and improvement (That looks pretty win-win to me! However, I've never really been considered one who thinks in the same way as others. Sometimes that is great and sometimes not so great! Hopefully were not discounting what the targets say simply because people are supporting their own ethnic social groups. You would think we should listen to everyone πŸ™Š). 

The risks for my family hit home a little harder. For the near and mid term we still maintain similar (maybe slightly less) risks as when we were in the "mix" of unfolding events. Whether it be one of the officers involved/sympathetic, a "local" hate group supporter, or just some disgruntled "loose cannon"/"lone wolf" who had just one too many beers 🍻! We run the risk of being the easy scapegoats for others failures and feelings of inadequacies. 

Those risks become more heightened if social networks create "juicy" details to share among their social group. Its not as though they are going to check factuality of the information when the goal is to be "liked" by their friends more then it is to think for themselves. I'm not sure if they are aware of this but they act as an unofficial propaganda machine that can continue "poisoning the well" through spreading misinformation (In most civilized societies, we would call this defamation of character and would recognizing it as a tool of devaluing, dehumanizing, and creating pressures. I can only imagine the "boogie man" things being said and how many believe these "facts". πŸ˜²πŸ˜―πŸ™‰πŸ™Š)  

Once the kindling has been lit and a group of supporters come out to throw gasoline on the fire there really isn't much to do but watch and be diligent as our value systems are torched into dust.  For some its politics....for others....their lives can depend on everyone else having a "moral conscious"; a risk I can't afford to take.  We seem to be struggling with understanding the nature of hate and tackling it on the local level to ensure our national legacy stays strong. The saga continues on...........hopefully our national leaders can think beyond today and toward a greater principle that holds society together.  We as a nation must cling closely to the rope that has held each generation on the same historical line back to the beginning. Some of our leadership may have been elected but struggle with the greater purpose of the nation (Not race, religion, or party specific). In the world of hate passivity, social support and the "blind eye" are moral hazards that lead to future bigger problems.  As a nation it will be something we have to handle for peace, tranquility and our competitive futures. Hope it all turns out well like many of my fellow Americans who are hoping for a helpful resolution. We rely on others to make the "right" decisions. Speaking up, out, and against hate carries with it serious risk of backlash for victims/targets beyond being designated as the scapegoat. I think our nation is worth it! Some of us still believe. πŸ™ What do you believe?

As a side note for people who don't know me that well. I'm a conservative and very much against hate and bigotry in our country. In one form or another I have always been against it and have spent enough time with different peoples to different places to know that its not race or religion specific. Its often power, race and religion oriented but that is highly dependent on the location and the dynamics of local power (Watch world affairs long enough and you will get the picture).. To our advantage, as a nation we still live by principles that tie us together and make us strong (We must and its the only logical path forward. Everything else ends in disaster. Think long and hard about the options available and where they end.). The moment people, groups, national and local leadership, stop striving for those ideals is the minute our future slips like sand between our fingertips. We currently face growing international pressures and threats and now is not time to give voice to those which divides us. I'm proud to be White, proud to have Black kids and am free to learn/practice any religion I/we see least for now!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Biden delivers remarks at the National Veterans Day

Where we are today was built on the sacrifices of the past. There were people who heard the the call of a greater cause and marched with courage to enact those beliefs. Without their courage we cannot have or maintain our freedoms in the way in which we experience them today. The best way to keep the sacrifices of the past in solemn memory of today is to live those freedoms in real time to ensure the generational torch is bright. With effort we can still inspire other nations and people to light their lamps as well. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

US and China Release Joint declaration on Climate Action

The U.S. and China release announcement indicating they will work together to tackle climate change issues. This is important because they are the two largest economies in the world and influence the business expectations and resource activities for everyone else. In other words, if you have the two largest economies seeing eye-to-eye on the health of the planet that is a positive thing. Makes no difference if someone believes in climate change or not...keeping our environment clean is important part of good stewardship of the planet (A cross cultural value that will have support within backgrounds of both cultures.).

Yet...the proof is always in the pudding. So let us see what is actually whipped together and how it tastes during a future palate pairing. Until can always read up on the different type of masks, hazards, smoke, Covid-19, etc...HERE.. The way things have been going....yikes!😬.....we might need multiples masks for different hazards  (As a backup strategy someone might want to work on small portable clean air masks for most known hazards. Could be useful for firefighters, construction workers, military, space, COVID, etc...  Hopefully, they are not made in coal charged factories. πŸ­  We will see. 😷🀷 )

The article in Sierra Magazine also provided an air quality website called I looked up my hometown of Escanaba and didn't find any sensors directly in town but I did find one near Rhinelander Wisconsin HERE.  That is about an hour away and I have some ancestors from the area. It has an Ozone rating of 32 which is pretty good. Perhaps Delta County would like to put an air quality sensor up and tout its clean air and outdoor activities to tourists? πŸ’°✈️🚢🏻🌲

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Soft Approach to Hate Accountability-A Nation Still in the Making!

United We Stand Photo
Hate is one of those things that will seriously damage our ability to compete in the next era where we have no option but to maximize our diverse benefits. There are those in our communities and in government that  support (either intentionally or unintentionally) hate through turning a "blind eye" and failing to take legitimate concerns seriously. The good news is that a simple majority of people continue to believe in a nation where race, religion, ethnic identity, etc... have no value next to skill and ability. 

Of course if we choose our employees and leaders based on their actual skill we might be pleasantly surprised when a movement takes hold that creates positive economic and social opportunities. It is helpful to build social expectations where people are judged on their character as a person and their ability to perform certain tasks in society versus their racial and/or religious affiliation. 

That would be an ideal society invented by "idealists" wouldn't it? One in which people are treated fairly, the law is designed to uphold our values and on a social level we expect people to emulate certain basic principles we all share in agreement. There is a moral compass and purpose to our decisions. Those who work hard can achieve on their own merit without being blocked by the "well connected" (A truer form of Capitalism takes hold.).

I suspect at that point we would be a place where human performance is unchained from the false social expectations of the past and into a more collaborative effort to secure all of our futures (Fantasyland I guess...but our country did start with such an ideal in mind). Agreement that we shall stand as one to face the future before us and thwart those who desire to tear us apart (Domestic or Foreign). It is a commitment to our ideals that will save us.

Before we can truly tackle hate we should come too understand its contagious nature and the deep desperation that incubates the disease. Hate at its very root is mental health based in the inability to differentiate between perception and reality. The good of some is discounted in order to focus on the bad (or intentionally characterizing the "bad") leading to miscued quick heuristic judgements and social expectations that damages not only the recipients but also the health of the nation as a whole. 

Worse then the rage hate supporters conjure with the magic wand of misinformation and misdirection is the hidden rage they feel about themselves (If you can rage without good cause or immediate danger that comes from self hate and the distortion in perception it creates). Their identity becomes anchored to being better than "others". In essence, if they don't succeed in subjugating and belittling in one incident they will seek more scapegoats in future incidents (Why the "blind eye" isn't a wise policy. It solves little and many times makes problems bigger. The precursors to hate can't be placated by sacrificing victims.).

With the risks our country currently faces we do not have the capacity to chase false strategies that lead to the reduction of our overall national health and resources. We should reach out to the peace and prosperity that comes from shared visions. Where voices are pulling us together you will find a greater focus on similarities while those who want to pull us apart will highlight our differences (Look close enough and you will see a pattern of thinking. Choose your politicians wisely. Its not race, religion or party specific). 

One path will lead to international market mastery and renewed national vitality while the other will lead to the bottom of the ash heap of history. The easy route might look inviting but each society that walked that path quickly declined and most cease to exist today. All great societies must change and adapt to new  international "realities" or will be led by the sweet sound of rhetorical hyperbole into a delusion that greatness is found through little more than tough talk and clicking of heels (The path to social upheaval.) 

National power comes from focusing on maximizing the benefits of our shared strengths. Leaders and institutions have a moral and Constitutional mandate to stand up for the essential values that makes America....American! (This is written in support of thinking beyond our differences to something bigger than ourselves). We have an ideal to uphold that has transcended generations back to the beginning. Let's not drop the torch during our generation's watch.

Two really great quotes....

America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.

President Harry S. Truman

America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.”

Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Thursday November 04, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting

Escanaba Marina
Escanaba November 4th, 2021 City Council meeting is a sign off for those who are leaving and new members will come next time. That is how the process works. People are elected for a time and then new people are elected. It is that collective sharing of knowledge that is important. New mayors and city council bring new ideas and it takes time to learn how the admin process works. That is why in any team you want a mix of old and new members. New ideas mixed with wisdom of how things play out in the implementation process. 

There is some interesting literature in the journal of State and Local Government Review on leadership and council membership. The researchers surveyed city council members on interpersonal relations, leadership, staff competence, and conflict. What they found was "....interpersonal relationships between members of council and the mayor’s leadership ability are significantly related to perceptions of council effectiveness." (Nelson, Gabris, & Davis, 2011, para 1). 

Escanaba Beach

The most effective councils seemed to do the following in a way that led to additional communication and I suspect in turn better resources management through utilizing staff well (the study didn't go into that but could be a contributing factor in perceptions of effectiveness.)

1. regenerative interpersonal relationships

2. run meetings with integrity and create linkages to professional staff

Escanaba Park
(Thinking about the world of politics. It may be important for new people to build off of what was spearheaded by prior administrations. Sometimes you might need to radically change things and sometimes it is better to build on prior efforts. There is often a feeling that when someone is new they need to change lots of things to show change. Sometimes "biting off more than one can chew" can get bogged down by too much change at once. Unless its absolutely necessary it is often better to understand the current strengths of prior efforts and enhance them when its in the best interest of the community. It could save money through not having to redo prior efforts. In other words, one should take a strategic and not an emotional view of what constitutes positive change. )

Nelson, K., Gabris, G. & Davis, T. (2011). What Makes Municipal Councils Effective?: An Empirical Analysis of How Council Members Perceive Their Group Interactions and Processes. State and Local Government Review 43(3). Retrieved November 7th, 2021