Monday, June 14, 2021

Space Force's Tactically Responsive Launch

Space Force launched Tactically Responsive satellite from Vandenberg Space Station. While it may seem to some that the Space Force isn't necessary it would be without knowledge of the next major economic revolution (hopefully with the U.S. leading it) in which advanced global networks, high tech manufacturing, digital economy adjustments and much more. We are talking 5 G and beyond in a way that helps our environment become cleaner through more accurate metrics while pushing our industries to the top. 

The U.P. is developing its own space and naval capacities as well as the U.S. looking at the Great Lakes as one of those waterways that will help manufacturing come back in the region. I'm working on a Digital Age economic cluster model for Delta County that include the aerospace, military, outdoor prototype manufacturing mixed with an export oriented port (Could also be used to repair military ships and other high tech retrofitting as well as shipping prototype/custom products). Since its just a model its not finished but the basic idea is there. 

The launch was done on a short time frame and with the use of clusters that time frame could be shorter and with higher quality as the right elements (and additional contribution industries) are present in the same location where the talent and resources are all present. That is the advantage of building efficient transactions within a multi industry environment (doesn't need to be the whole industry just the R&D aspects/design firms match with custom small batch manufacturing. Mass production of good ideas occurs in other areas.)

Munising Diving Pictures-Crystal Clear Cold

 Munising's (Technically Au train) water is cold but crystal clear. We went diving the other day and I have a few nice underwater pictures to share but need to process them. You can see some of the one's I took with my camera. Notice the old smelting operations. We followed some of the wreckage from an old ore dock. The town and furnace was destroyed by fire in 1870's and no one rebuilt. See Bay Furnace History. The dock was 1400 feet long and when we were there I came across what looked like an old cart wheel (will show pictures later). You can out a ways before the drop off. The water was freezing! I took my glove off and my fingers started to sting. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Four Mass Shootings Over Weekend-Early Detection Necessary

Mass shootings are horrific and perplexes leaders on how to address such issues. There are likely many environmental and political factors that contribute in some way to such situations but they will be hard to nail down precisely what is causing what.  That doesn't mean we don't have some ideas on potential solutions but that we should continue to explore methods of resolving mental health service deficiencies and putting in place better strategies to allow for early detection and intervention.

A few of those considerations might be... 1.) We don't have a grasp of mental health help in this country, 2.) Research on deterring potentially violent individuals in the non-prison population is lacking, 3.) Finding a balance between gun rights and safety needs (..and yes I hunt sometimes.), 4.) how the online chatter is radicalizing some people (I actually saw someone radicalize their social group through social media to cleanse their community. It only takes one or two individuals to rally their base.) , and 5.) how economic shifts and concentration of wealth may influence people's perception of fairness. 

With 39 people injured and 6 dead we are being forced to address this issue. Understanding why and how it is becoming a problem is helpful. It takes researchers time, money, and resources to find solutions. They also need officers, investigators to provide accurate data. Much of that will depend on the skill of the forensic team, their ability to discover/understand wider factors, and in turn sharing information with researchers and policy makers to create better policies (We should have stronger connection between researchers and law makers who are striving to improve their evidence based management skills. I listened to a couple of overly boastful politicians and I'm not sure they know what evidence based management is. One could read  Evidence-Based Management 🤔🤷.)

I was sort of thinking of a way to help thwart extremism and violence before it gets out of hand. Early intervention is easier if people have access to trained mental health counselors that can provide an evaluation and alternative solutions . To me, one of the ways to deter such individuals is to help them early in the process and in turn give them better methods of dealing with problems (reducing their frustration)if they occur again (Side note: Constant negative political rhetoric and conflict can lead to devaluing people and inadvertently prompt others on how to think/act toward others they disagree with. I believe its important for politicians in Michigan to find a mutually agreed upon way of dealing with extremism, violence and hate. 

Certain aspects of our society glorify violence in a way that sometimes leads to related behaviors as a preferred solution over other conflict resolution strategies (i.e. perpetrators often use violence to control their environment in a negative way because its the easiest tool available.). My idea is about flagging/coding the early signs and precursors to such behaviors early may help us understand the situation better and in turn provide live testing of solutions. 

If we can help people find better methods of dealing with internal angst and in turn making positive life choices we may not have such a problem. It may be possible to deter "hot heads" from becoming violent and/or costing significant tax resources (i.e. unnecessary incarceration) when the problem could have been solved earlier in their derailment. Michigan Hate Crimes Coding and Solutions.

Biden Speech G7 Outcome: Democracies, Taxes, and Timing

President Biden discusses the commitments agreed upon between the U.S. and its partner nations. It appears from his discussion there is a need to create a more inclusive economy. The emerging digital economy platforms will allow countries to conduct and coordinate business internationally with much more ease. This could be an opportunity for the U.S. to realign countries and reorient supply chains back toward the U.S. (I guess that depends on how you do it? 🤷)

There was also some discussion on the international tax commitment. There have been companies moving overseas and leaving the U.S. and Europe while still benefiting from the lifestyle and introduction here. To stop firm rate jumping means providing value more than taxes alone. Countries are total packages that range from the skill of law enforcement/justice system all the way over how our education functions and moving into other sectors such as infrastructure/shipping/internet. 

Here is a calibrated tax plan I was starting to work on that included a "home" rate for companies that are located here and an "international" rate for those who are using the benefits of the nation (i.e. infrastructure, justice system, patent protections, infrastructure, labor skill, etc...). No idea if it would work but so far it looks promising. Perhaps its possible to encourage companies to bring their HQ and intellectual capital back to obtain the advantages of the lower rate and superior business environment. A few ideas I think are starting to connect together into a bigger innovation cluster research on returning manufacturing to the U.S. See G7 Tax, See Pure Michigan Tax Return, See Perpetual Sustainable Development, See Lower HQ Tax, See Attracting SME Delta County, See Attracting Start-Up Delta County, See Attracting MNC to US

You have to watch the video yourself....

Camping in Munising

Munising Michigan is one of those places that is on the north side of the U.P.. The town is small, perhaps a couple of thousand, located on Lake Superior. Its becoming known as an outdoor destination. They also have ice climbing which is still part of my possible Everest long term plan (I'm a conservative but very much believe in universal justice and the equality of man/woman). 

 A couple of us went up last evening to camp and then dive. Its a group of divers that like plunge freezing cold water to dive for ships and other structures. Today will be shallow diving for me. I forgot my regulator in CA on didn't realize it until now. 

We camped in an RV park because some of the divers have RV and all the gear. We were tenting it but I found out my sleeping bag works really well in cold weather. I know some people camp a lot but for my city friends, they probably don't camp enough. I plan on doing some more.

There are probably worse ways to spend time. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Three Generations of Canadian Muslim Family Murdered by Truck Driver-Its Important to Have Better Legislation

There is no words that can take back the lives of three people mowed down by an angry truck driver. While they were Muslim it could have easily been because they were Jewish, Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, or anything else that disturbed this driver. Unchecked hate is dangerous and in Michigan we have an opportunity to stand on the right side of history. We have an opportunity to make America stronger by pulling people to a central identity of what it means to be an American without any differentiation to the flavors of human life. 

We just need to convince our law makers that tagging and finding solutions for extremism is important on a local and a national level.

Opportunities for Hate Crime Reform in Michigan

Austin Shooting-The Motives Matter

Life is precious. There are people in our world that don't feel that way and they just pick up a gun or resort to violence when frustrated. We have a way to go to understand violence and how to deal with people who are bent on causing chaos and mayhem. While, based on the limited information available, it is hard to determine the cause (mental health, gang, etc...)  As single shooter often indicates mental health or personal grievance issues. Once a suspect is in custody it is important to ask the right questions so we can improve upon the laws to better protect the public. It looks like the officers responded quickly and did a solid job saving lives. This is one of the essential purposes of having highly trained officers responding to live events.