Monday, October 26, 2020

Overcoming Difficult Backgrounds-Stand on Your Own Two Feet

I come from a difficult background, one of those that would make most people either cringe or cry. People often feel they will be limited by their backgrounds and that they are doomed to whatever lot they started out in life. I'm here to say that this isn't necessarily true. will be limited by the beliefs others taught you but you can overcome those limitations if you learn to self-reflect. Where I grew up image is everything. I've had some very good people in my life and I appreciate them and honor them but there were some very cruel individuals suffering from mental health (This is one reason why we have to deal with mental health better. People who suffer can often be sadistic to others). 

It would be a shame to live one's whole life and never share any wisdom or knowledge you may have picked up over the years. Some people may need that advice and are wondering how they may reach out past the "cave" in which they grew up. 

First, let me say that I had and still maintain some desire to go into politics. While I have a political party I have more interest in helping my country then serving myself.  I'm not easily blinded by ideology and have spent a good amount of time studying ideology and learning how there are root assumptions in political, religious, and ethnic parties. 

1. You learn to give when you come from a difficult background. 

Second the values we are taught are not always the values we should keep and carry. For example, in the world I grew up in I have had very few words of encouragement and had to develop my own personal belief systems about what is right and wrong. I spent a lot of time studying religion and other people to come to a sense of moral rightness. Understanding is the first key to doing....and you will stumble often.

2. Challenge the erroneous beliefs others have taught you. 

Third, capitalizing on the skills you have learned. Because I have been on my own since childhood in terms of completing school, solving life problems, and for the most part taking care of myself I have develop skills of self-resilience. Where most people would have been crushed by difficult situations that seemingly don't have a solution to persevering and making your own course in life. I think that will serve me well in politics...the ability to think and act on my own volition. Yes I can work with others but won't be one who blindly follows ideology and rhetoric...I have seen a lot of "lip service" in my life. One person even hinted that if I state the truth of what happened they will exploit my Muslim name with local law enforcement...and they did...and while local law enforcement realized the false one went back to hold them accountable (Its worse then the video of the woman calling the police and saying a dangerous Black man was threatening her because he aske her to put her dog on a leash in a public park).

3. Capitalize on your skills you learned to overcome difficult people and situations. 

Fourth, understand the skills that were inherent in your being. One of the advantages, and sometimes disadvantages I faced, is a very high IQ. It took me decades to recognize it because most people called me dumb, put me down, or simply lied (I heard Einstein was treated that way). I child I dealt with childhood trauma but after a number of IQ studies and assessments I am diagnosed with a Genius IQ level and as of present no other mental health issues. Its not what people think...I still make lots of spelling errors....its just a way of thinking and connecting information. 

4. Learn to enhance your innate skills. 

Fifth, always keep in mind that the things people tell you about yourself isn't always true. Many of these people were dealing with their own issues but have almost no self-reflection on how their early loss has created a cold, judgmental, and dishonest personality. They lack any real awareness about how their self-perceptions and perceptions of others are skewed to cover their own feelings of loss the worthlessness. Don't expect them to ever do to the right things in life if it challenges their delusional self-importance.

5. Those who judge often struggle with self-image issues. 

Sixth, own what is yours and let them own what is theirs. We are not perfect people but I'm a pretty good person. I don't always think about myself first and try and do what is right even though it doesn't always benefit myself. A lot of people are so self-consumed they build these elaborate justifications for self-gratification (i.e. this becomes very apparent in incidents of money such as inheritance). There is little to no recourse legally for such behaviors so when people have "gamed" the system you are unlikely to have someone step in protect people's rights. Some people will go to any length to advantage themselves at all costs. That includes lying, bullying, encouraging violence, providing false information all for these little pieces of paper that have no value beyond the subjective value we give them.

6. Know what you own and what is someone else's. Often there is little to no legal protections for criminal behavior (especially when such people are considered "locals" so protect your boundaries at all costs.

At my age, I don't really care much what people think about me. I have been judged much of my life for things that have absolutely nothing to do with me. our older age we understand how these abusive backgrounds can lead to insight into the nature of people and our responsibility to help others. Running for politics, inventing helpful economic models, encouraging orphans and the downtrodden to state their needs, and to fight against immoral/unethical practices are important. While I agree with all this I'm also a big believer in building a strong economy where people can realize their full potential; no matter what their background. I would love to contribute to making out nation just a little better.  We cannot switch one background for another but we can help make the world a better place so that others don't have to trail blaze each time they fight against injustice. Trust me, when you deal with narcissistic personality issues there will never be a way of pleasing the unpleasable.  Most of the time you will be very much alone in your endeavors as most people view the world by very superficial images and impressions often take precedence over truth.  

I believe in justice..just not the self-serving kind that limit people's ability for resolution and accountability. There will be a lot of people who will likely thwart someone with a Muslim name and a more universal belief in the value of all religions from going into politics. That is the inherent discrimination and bias in society when good people cannot come forward because they don't fit a magazine image of what modern politicians look like. Image might get one voted in but it thus far hasn't done much for anyone. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mountain Hiking-Preparing for Mount Everest

Mount Everest is a big hill and I'm starting the process of preparing. I'm hiking for a concept of Justice and how we need a universal justice system so that all people in the U.S. feel part of the same society. I'm not advocating for different sides but I'm just trying to raise some awareness for how things should be, how we should view each other, and how we treat each other. Bigotry, racism, hate, anti-American beliefs, etc....are no longer acceptable in a global society. We must be much more open to superficial differences if we hope to truly engage in the global market. We should also consider the economic benefits of full engagement of 50% +/- minorities in the educational, labor, and entrepreneurial markets. 

Offering Educational Services on an Industry and National Scale

A few days ago I was a moderator in an conference on the topic of UN Sustainable Development goals. Much of the discussion revolved around the cost of education and how we have Western perceptions of higher education but many countries may not need the same level of theoretical ideas and should be much more practical. That discussion brought up an opportunity to consider national scale higher education offerings. 

Let us say that we looked at a country's GDP and their needs 15-20 years down the road. We may find that we need 10K people to work in technology, 5K in military skills, etc.... Each of these are then broken down into specific skill sets that can be taught. 

I wonder if it is possible to offer packages to countries of higher education offerings. While these offerings may come from American universities we do know that online education is opening new opportunities. It wouldn't be far fetched to offer to open a certain amount of educational slots for particular prices. 

There are likely to be lots of issues and people will find exceptions. I'm only saying that it is an idea and that is how things start. Most countries have enough statistical information to calculate approximately how much of each skill they may need. 

This would be one way big data can work within the higher education sector. One could offer a wholesale educational plans for sectors of an economy. That education may be catered to that sector and the nation/region in which it exists. 

It does sort of bring up the idea of is it wise to offer streamlined "watered down" or "efficient skills based" education; depending on how you view the situation. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

How Jogging is Making a Difference in My Waistline

 One of the things I used to hate the most was jogging. It is almost no fun at all. Running for the heck of running and getting hot and exerting energy first thing in the morning was definitely not for me!  If I miss my job I am very unlikely to jog after I take a shower. Despites all of its negative aspects one thing that does seem to make sense is that engaging in the activity of jogging helps your waistline much more than any other activities. 

Covid helps me rethink my strategy and I'm happy it did. I always gravitated toward the gym. Yes...the gym still should be part of the workout and we should try and gain additional muscle tone. However, it isn't the most important thing. 

To really get in shape we have to increase our heart rate. We can jog, speed walk, sprint, and walk, HIT train and just about anything else that improve our cardio condition. 

Now its one of the first things I think about when I get up. I'm not sure how long my enthusiasm lasts but so far it has been a few weeks. After the initial calm spasms when starting they have not subsided as my body responds. 

European Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announces economic outlook. The projections are that there is a GDP loss of 3 million Euros and this is not expected to return quickly. There are differences in economic activity between Europe and the U.S. We often think of fiscal interventions are improved through government financial intervention. Such intervention often focuses on improving liquidity through money. Yet money only represents a unit of labor and thus more money means more units of labor are applied. It is like creating artificial units of labor to improve liquidity. However, it is also possible to think about improving transactions. One could do this not only through money, investment in data infrastructure, removing restrictions that don't have benefits, and coordinating sectors to create new innovative market solutions. Thus....under the Theory of Transactional Clusters (not finished yet) one could focus on improving economic transaction volume through lowering the cost of transaction through better cluster development versus only using money to create additional transactions under older systems where the money may not have the effect it once had (older economic activities). It is important to remember that the more times money (or other resource) is transacted (used) through the economic chain...the more benefit it will have. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Sudan and Israel Normalize Relationships-Has the Pandemic Changed Our Views

Sudan and Israel have decided to normalize relationships and that is a positive step toward greater stability and peace to the region. This isn't getting into all of the details and many reasons why people agree or disagree with the agreement. It is about finding some path forward that helps the region develop as well as all Palestinians and Israelis live in some framework of peace. 

Normalization of relationships, along as the terms appear reasonably fair, is a sign the international community is willing to put the past in the past and move forward together toward a more peaceful world. This has gone on a long time and it is time to think about what we are going to do in the future

What this does get me thinking is about how the Pandemic might have humbled us and some of our differences and this could lead to new ways of looking at old problems. Perhaps what we find so important really isn't that important. Other things can take precedence like the common shared humanity goals. 

Statement from the Press Secretary on Sudan

Exploring the Concept of Justice-One or Two Systems?

We have a huge debate as a nation whether we have one or two justice systems at work. We know that we have a system in play and that the system needs changes but why people from different backgrounds see different systems at work. Going forward as a nation we will want to ensure people trust that there is one system of justice at work and that people believe in the ability of the system to deliver on its stated and unstated contracts. 

Minorities often view the justice system differently. For much of the country's existence there have been two different societies that move beyond wealth and into the essence of people. Slavery, segregation, and human bias created those differences in perceptions and lives. Every century or so people challenge the system to push it to stronger footing and with effort "the system" eventually reacts and moves the dial a little closer to universal justice (...and freeing of human spirt. Think philosophically here.).

Our viewpoints creep into all of our decisions and sometimes create barriers of understanding between peoples. It makes no difference if we are talking about people at work, our personal lives, the community or within the justice system itself. The difference lays more in the ability of people to see themselves in others and are open to the possibility of collaboration and mutual understanding. 

 People can be very destructive when their world view is challenged. Matching that with deep seated anger leads to hate based behavior. I have done some research on this topic and while I don't consider myself an "expert" I will say you can sort of see the shaky self-perception and life anger that is common within these groups. In collaboration they lose their ability to self correct and become destructive.

If we plan on being one nation we must have a single set of universal principles that determines our national identity and filtrate into the justice system (Moral conscious and justice are tied together to create "validity".). When injustice occurs it is saying we create different status of Americans with those who look/act are similar to ourselves being of higher status/importance and those who look/act different then us as being lower of status/importance. None of those beliefs have anything to do with being an American. 

So we have to think about a single unified justice system....or universal justice. It means that we have single principles by which Americans are judged based on their individual actions and not on superficial factors we invented in our heads (non factual bias). One of our goals as a nation is to ensure justice in our dealings with people and continue to work on pushing out perversions of thinking that have made its way into our system. 

Ideally we want people to trust that there is one system at work and it seeks justice regardless of one's ethnic, racial, religions, and political viewpoints. It is a system that is people focused on cross cultural truths and values we all share in common (i.e. American). We can have a system that people of different backgrounds can trust will do the right thing and supports its search as an institution towards the highest forms of universal justice. 

There is a lot of research that supports that a fair and transparent justice system impacts our economic system as people believe and trust that each person is a valued member of society based on these universal truths. Matching that belief with natural human performance that comes from self-efficacy, we may find ourselves on an economic upswing if each demographic of society trusts in basic American principles that guide all of our lives (We are either rowing together toward a shared sense of destination or we are tearing it apart.).