Saturday, October 24, 2020

European Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announces economic outlook. The projections are that there is a GDP loss of 3 million Euros and this is not expected to return quickly. There are differences in economic activity between Europe and the U.S. We often think of fiscal interventions are improved through government financial intervention. Such intervention often focuses on improving liquidity through money. Yet money only represents a unit of labor and thus more money means more units of labor are applied. It is like creating artificial units of labor to improve liquidity. However, it is also possible to think about improving transactions. One could do this not only through money, investment in data infrastructure, removing restrictions that don't have benefits, and coordinating sectors to create new innovative market solutions. Thus....under the Theory of Transactional Clusters (not finished yet) one could focus on improving economic transaction volume through lowering the cost of transaction through better cluster development versus only using money to create additional transactions under older systems where the money may not have the effect it once had (older economic activities). It is important to remember that the more times money (or other resource) is transacted (used) through the economic chain...the more benefit it will have. 

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