Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Live Stream Downtown Protests Breonna Taylor September 23rd 2020

The SUN  is providing a live stream of the main section of the protests. It looks like a good place to watch from our homes. Right now it appears to be relatively quit and hopefully it stays peaceful (fingers crossed). We have to get through this as a nation....we can learn a lot by getting people together. Since a few hours it has gotten louder and more people are coming out. 


Queen City Shipwreck- Hunt-Trying to Take Better Notes

When looking for shipwrecks, or any other types of research, we must do our research. Sometimes that information can come from historical documents and historical societies while other times you may need to contact other entities that may have the initial documents (i.e. ports and companies).  One thing I learned on our first shipwreck search dive is to document experiences better and continually look for deeper sources of information. 

Shipwreck hunting and discovery is an important part of science but often lacks fully developed methods because it relies heavily on intuition (Harpster, 2013). I guess that is part of my responsibility. While I'm not a great diver I do have skills in formalizing some of these process. Since this exploration is partially fun I'm not going "overkill" the work with detail but hope to semi-formalize some of the processes and start keeping a little documentation. 

That reminds me that I should get a separate notebook for just logs. Yikes!

I'm making videos tho show some of things were doing but I should start keeping regular logs to ensure I'm capturing the information correctly. Such a project isn't going to be based solely on our notes as it is in other fields of study. The output is what counts. One would still need enough notes to show what they did. 

If we receive funding through sponsorship or purchasing of advertisement space on some videos we are producing we will need to keep better notes on expenditures in case anyone asks. We are not dealing with a lot of money here. More like a pittance to augment our expenditures but we should keep itemization records.  

Also, if something goes wrong the notes might help us reveal what we did. This post helped me think about how I should better document in log form my current notes before my memory of the day fades. Documenting the experiences is an important part of being professional and may be a defining difference between valid and invalid research. 

There has been a little interest of our study from two historical societies that provided information and from an enthusiast who sent me a data sheet. You can get some great information about the site HERE

It provides a lot of interesting information on the site. Researchers love to see these types of boring data sheets because they are rich. However, you can't trust what is on the site without going to the source. The whole point of "research" is to dig deeper. We should seek to go back to the source. 

So I might start this way.....

1. Browse and search various sources for any general information on the topic. Look for credible sources because a lot of stuff on the internet is reposted and rehashed and isn't necessarily accurate or reflective of the original data. 

2. When you find some credible sources/sites seek to find out their data source. Books, documents, historical societies, etc... are good places to investigate. For example, if 'Pringle" is the builder we might go back and see if that company exists, where they have records, and if another company bought them out. 

Just looking at this site I would want to know more about its final cargo and location. 

Harpster, Matthew. (2013). Shipwreck Identity, Methodology, and Nautical Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 20. 10.1007/s10816-012-9131-x.


Coronovirus Task Force Live (September 23rd 2020) New Research Leads to New Lines of Development?

 Watch live the Coronovirus Task Force. One thing that could come out of discovering a vaccine for the COVID virus is that we would have developed a method of researching how to minimize impact on other viruses. Would something similar also impact the Flu or other viral diseases. If new discoveries come out of this we may have additional lines of medical development. That is how discoveries work. If they are significant they can change and create new lines of development. What is most impressive is the amount of effort going into finding a discovery. Likewise, as Dr. Fauci says that we don't know everything about this virus and its long term impact. A lot more follow up research will be needed even after the immediate crisis subsides. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Louisville In Lock Down Before Breonna Taylor Decision

 Hopes and prayers that things will stay peaceful and we can start the dialogue needed move past the pain and into something more constructive. When we share our experiences and we listen to each side we can slowly start making the changes and adjustments that are needed to push our country to adapt and become stronger. We are on a path of becoming and that path can be sped by working together to move forward together. No other side but "our" side counts in this conflict. As a nation "we" will succeed and fall together. If we can grow and change through these events we will improve our national capacity and if we fail to grow and change we will "all" be weaker.

Congressman Bergman Announces Major Win for Cherry Growers with Coronavirus Farm Aid

 Agriculture is central to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the country in general, and will be part of our future transformation. With new technologies we are going to bring back manufacturing soon if we focus on adapting and learning from COVID and emerging technologies. Part of that national "come back" strategy will be agriculture. The world's population isn't getting smaller so if we are wise we will try to set ourselves up as the investment, advanced manufacturing and agriculture capital in the world. We have the way but as a nation we may not have the will. 

Consider that new emerging technologies and big data are going to change the technology we use. We are going to get better at using technology to improve farm production and growth on a micro and macro level. We are also likely to start moving away from heavy pesticides and other damaging practices as our technology improves (i.e. keeping bugs away). We are in a process of transition now and if we continue to focus on the long term goal the next generation will reap the rewards. 

Below was obtained from the press release....

Traverse City - Following U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary Bill Northey's visit with First District cherry growers, and a letter from Rep. Bergman urging the USDA to ensure direct payments for cherry growers and other crops through the Coronavirus Farm Assistance Program (CFAP) - President Donald J. Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced an additional $14 billion of CFAP funds with expanded eligibility - specifically including sweet and tart cherry growers and maple sap producers. CFAP and these additional funds were made available through the CARES Act, which Rep. Bergman helped pass into law.

Rep. Bergman stated, "This is a major win for First District growers and producers. Once again, President Trump's Administration has shown their concern for the First District, their interest in listening to our needs, and a continued commitment to action to level the playing field for American agriculture, which is driven by the world’s smartest and hardest-working farmers. With direct payments through this new round of CFAP, more of our Northern Michigan and Upper Peninsula producers will be in an even better position to lead our Nation’s economic comeback." 

The full USDA release can be found below:

President Donald J. Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced up to an additional $14 billion for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19. Signup will begin September 21 and run through December 11, 2020, for this next round of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program payments (CFAP 2).

Producers whose agricultural operation has been impacted by the pandemic since April 2020 are encouraged to apply for CFAP 2. Payments will be made for three categories of commodities: Price Trigger Commodities, Flat-rate Crops and Sales Commodities.

Specialty crops are included in the Sales Commodities category, which also includes aquaculture, nursery crops and floriculture and other commodities not included in the price trigger and flat-rate categories. Payment calculations will use a sales-based approach, where producers are paid based on five payment gradations associated with their 2019 sales. Flat-rate Crops include hemp.

A complete list of eligible commodities, payment rates and calculations are available on

More information about CFAP 2 is in the full announcement.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Continuing to Push for Justice Through Everest-A polite nudge for accountability

Justice is a system that is designed to hold accountable wrong behavior to ensure peace in society. There has been a lot of criticism of the Justice System lately and some of it is warranted while others of it is very subjective in nature. For over a year and a half I have been thinking about climbing Mount Everest for justice. This isn't against the Justice System but as an avenue of opening a wider discussion on how we may improve the Justice System to ensure greater accountability of "bad apples" and solidifying a concept called "universal justice". 

I have been a recipient of coordinated bigotry, bullying and what appears to be the covering of another crime(s). There are multiple incidents where I had to hold the line against a group of people tied together through a history of "rule the school" mentality years after school ended. Each person will likely have their own perspective and it would make the situation very confusing for law enforcement officers who had to choose between morality and pleasing their social networks.  

We also find there is likely mental health issues involved through the deep psychological traumas buried in childhood and now manifests in the way the perpetrators handle conflict, disagreement and boundary enforcement. Normal people say what they need to say and agree to disagree. Dysfunctional people encourage others to join them in punishing the "outsiders", will manipulate information, and put in false complaints.

As this coordinated group "spun" their beliefs to their group of "flying monkeys". A flying monkey is a person who becomes an extension of the perpetrators psychological projections. They may not understand the issues, are likely provided false information and are part of triangulation. Triangulation is a method narcissists use to pit different people against each other even though they have no conflict. It is used as a method of bullying, silencing, and gain advantage over others. 

I have a lot of different types of experiences in my life and I have no problem going against the grain if I feel that I'm right (This isn't about going against the grain this is about ensuring such behaviors don't continue to damage the public in the future).  Our society runs better when we focus on the truth and together we make efforts to stick as close to it as possible. Sweeping important issues under the carpet doesn't work for society anymore.

The truth can sometimes be ugly and it is often not what we were expecting. There is what happened and their is subjective truth in terms of a "spun" story. There is also truth in the behaviors and actions beyond the subjective truth (i.e. and distortions) that interpret natural events in our lives. Much of our future discussion on this event will be about the socially constructed subjective truth vs the more object fact oriented truth. 

When dealing with issues like narcissism it is hard for outsiders, and people not educated on the topic, to see and spot the underlining self seeking actions of others (Especially if their close group has been socialized to accept such behavior as "normal"). The lens and filter they use is very much distorted and when matched with an extrovert personality it can influence choice, behavior and outcomes that would not have been possible without the narcissists influence. 

We often think of narcissism as an anti-social personality where people can't get along with others. That isn't necessarily true in all cases. Social skill is a learned trait and some learn to master that art to fulfill their needs (i.e. the con man). According to a study of 595 participants dark personalities often displayed in narcissistic personalities use their socio-emotional intelligence (SEI) to manipulate others for personal gain (Nagler, et. al. 2014).

To deflect criticism and project psychological trauma the narcissist often goes on the attack. They lie, manipulate, influence, bully and sometimes engage in crimes because they have a difficult time understand the ramifications of their behavior. This is why we have laws and this is why there are certain personalities that consistently manipulate and skirt the law. Law is one mechanism of reduce future risk of repeat by enforcing boundaries; and when needed mental health interventions. 

Just because people high on the narcissism perspective think of values in terms of reward and punishment they are not necessarily socially inept. It means that they calculate more then they feel (at least according to their awareness) as a psychological outlook. Some will conduct an environmental scan and test support with passive aggressive behavior and comments designed to "feel out" group adherence. If they have the support they will act with impunity.

Such aggressive behaviors don't just start out of the blue. As a way of viewing the world you will see some of these behaviors manifested at different places and times in their life. Peeping into their personal history you will find an underdeveloped outlook on life and the need for a huge networks of admirers (i.e. narcissistic supply).. Others who fell out of their "graces" might also tell tales of rumor mongering and coordinated efforts.  

Most of us have an intuitive sense of right and wrong. Where our rights start and where they end. Narcissists don't understand that concept and focus more on what they can and can't get away with. Higher order concepts such as critical thinking and empathy are underdeveloped. Surrounding themselves with weaker personalities that provide blind support can have disastrous effects on society (i.e. think about how dictators rise). 

At this point we come to the understanding that narcissism is based in psychological outlook, choices, and narcissistic supply in their social groups. What we should talk about how mental issues are often hereditary and you can find genetic material and manifestation of mental health health at an increased occurrence when compared to the general population. Without help such individuals will continue to inflate their sense of importance at the expense of others.

We have known about the bio-psychological connection between mental health and genetic inheritance for a long time. While research is still developing it appears that such genetic inheritance may also apply to narcissism perspective as well (Waldman, Rhee, LoParo & Park, 2018). A review of the genetic background would find bi-polar disorder in more than one close relative. That would be interesting to look at more closely. 

There is also overlap between bipolar and narcissism traits (David, et. al, 1998). Bi-polar mania and narcissism appear similar when in full display and it would take a psychological evaluation to figure out whats going on. We have to consider that if there is a family history of bi-polar disorder and at the same time they exhibit narcissistic traits then we have to rule out that genetically bi-polar is at increased likeliness. 

Let us say for a moment in this situation that the highly manipulative behavior impacted public resources, put the county at risk, was a misuse of government resources, and in turn had serious outcomes on kids as well as heightened the racially charged perceptions of ethnocentric community members. Without misinformation and intentional control oriented manipulative behavior the situation may have resolved itself naturally. 

This isn't an accident they stumbled upon. It is part of the framework of a heightened self-validating mental distortion that requires strict adherence to .  According to Glasser International, Choice Theory indicates that we make choices because we are trying to fulfill our basic needs (William Glasser International, 2020). The narcissist is not immune to needs but is highly focused on their needs leading to callous, unsympathetic and often destructive behaviors. 

At the end of the day, we have choices to make as a people on how we want to handle mental health in society. The "pink elephant" is there...taking the air out of the room.....and we can't just work around it anymore now that it has thrown a temper-tantrum in a small community knocking over everything in its way. It needs to be dealt with so that we can extinguish such behavior to society. 

We have a couple of options:

1. Criminality: There are times when this is necessary. If a person doesn't want to deal with their mental health issues (assuming there is one) then the law should step in to force them. There are some people who won't face their issues because they lack understanding or they don't have the ability to care about the consequences of their behavior. The law can be helpful here.

2. Mental Health: A mental health evaluation will tell us if there is a disorder at work, whats its diagnosis (i.e. narcissism, bipolar, other), how to help, and how to minimize repeat behaviors. Morally it is helpful to understand the root of the behavior to help the person live a healthy life, create a nurturing environment for people where sports isn't central to their lives (i.e. having rounded interests) and ensure there is a record of such behavior in case similar behaviors repeat themselves.

3. Do Nothing: We can also do nothing. We need to check why we are not taking action. If it is because of close association with the perpetrator, unconscious discrimination, lack of resources, lack of expertise, etc... then these are avoidant strategies. Sometimes we can avoid and sometimes we can engage. Engagement should be done in an empathetic way with sensitivities to the issues but also to curb such behavior. 

4.   Other: I always put this in because there are other outcomes not included (there are lots of them I'm sure). 

I try and be as moral as I can and its not always easy when people engage in seriously destructive behavior and in turn brag about it with their friends. The callousness and intentional destruction is highly indicative of serious mental health issues that come into play during certain life stressors. It is my hope, and a logical conclusion, that at a minimum you would see a psychological examination of the primary perpetrator (s) in this situation to ensure they are not no longer a threat to people who are different than them, when there is illicit financial gain, or when distorted self image comes into play. Yet...we can't expect people to think the way most reasonable people would think and hold others accountable if we perpetuate in-out group dynamics. Morality doesn't necessarily improve as your station of life improves. People who feel responsibility over society and have principles are often very different than those who focus on their own needs. Its an age old argument.

David Stormberg, Elsa Ronningstam, John Gunderson, and Mauricio Tohen (1998). Brief Communication: Pathological Narcissism in Bipolar Disorder Patients. Journal of Personality Disorders: Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 179-185.

Waldman, I. D., Rhee, S. H., LoParo, D., & Park, Y. (2018). Genetic and environmental influences on psychopathy and antisocial behavior. In C. J. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of psychopathy (p. 335–353). The Guilford Press.Nagler, et. al. (2014) Is there a “dark intelligence”? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally. Personality and Individual Differences, 65. Retrieved

William Glasser International. Choice Theory Psychology. Retrieved September 21, 2020.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

How to Price a Product Through Comparison-An Example of Buying a Horse

 Buying a horse is no joke and it takes some time to figure out what to look for and how to price compare. Price comparison allows you to take a more systematic approach. While you may trust the person selling the horse to you it is always good to know and understand price comparison. While Escanaba Polo Mallet Company is a good works business that sells mallets and hopefully equestrian gear it also seeks to raise awareness on how to run a manage a micro manufacturing business. Price comparison will be a big deal and difference in better understanding what you are willing to pay and what you are not willing to pay when selling a horse. 

Price is somewhat subjective and is influenced by the market (i.e. the need for a price comparison) and your personal preferences. So to understand how much you should pay you will need to sort of think of what you are looking for. 

Target Market Average

Having one large pool does little unless you want a very loose and inaccurate prediction of price at say 70 different horses in the area with an average price of $3K. That includes old, young, rideable, and un-rideable horses in the same pot. Thus if you break down by your target market you might get a more accurate description. So in Bella's case I might look at the Midwest any any city within 7 hours drive. People who are interested in a particular horse may be willing to travel that far. The further you go out however, the more likely your price will drop as people are naturally going to look closer to home first to reduce effort and cost.

By Target Market avg. tm = $3K

Breed Average 

Since Bella is an Arabian-Quarter Mix she isn't going to be in the general category and therefore we might consider looking at Arabians. Once we have looked at all of the Arabians listed in multiple sites from my target region we have an average of $8K. Many of the ones listed as Arabian appear to be mixed in my search so it will make it difficult to find Arabian-mix unless we clean the data by removing terms like "Thoroughbred". 

By Breed avg. b=$8K (Likely a little lower)

It is important to remember that people don't have the time to widdle down to a finite category unless they are in the high end "horse trading" business. Most people want to give horses to their kids, take classes, have a farm, etc... Thus, they may be interested in Bella the Arabian-Quarter mix or they may be equally willing to pick another breed for pleasure riding purposes. So you will need to price based on the functional value of competing categories. For example, Bella would have to be priced in a way that is not too much over, or too much under what the average person is willing to pay to own a horse (unless you are in a specialized market).


What I also noticed from the listing sites that there are difference is price for training. Those horses that have a lot of training and functioned in a competitive capacity are worth more than those who are only partially trained. Bella has had professional training and regular riding but hasn't competed much. The plan was to compete with her this coming year. Yet all of the ground work is mastered which makes her a good ride for most people and she also has the foundation to be competitive in hunting, barrels, etc... So the higher trained horses are 10K+ while the lower trained horses are around 2K. In this case I might place Bella in the 6-7K range. She would appeal to someone who wants to ride pleasure but also perhaps move into competition as well.

By training average Low Range Training LRT = $2K and average High Range Training HRT= $6.5K

Other Differentiation

You can choose whatever differentiation and factors that you want.  The problem you will face is that not all of the data is available. If you were a serious horse hunter you would look at all of the different factors and narrow yourself down to a few in your region you would seriously consider. Eventually, it will make no sense to break down the categories any more. There simply isn't enough informational value learned from the exercise. 

What is Bella Worth on the Market?

We have a range that would work when we consider our target market $3K , breed $8K, and training 6.5K. This is where one has to use their strategy. I'm focusing on the younger rider that wants to do some competing but still needs to work with the horse a little to find their particular groove. I would put this value around $6K. If I was going for a different marketing I would have a price based on the needs of that market. 

$6K isn't our final answer.....

4 P's Product, Price, Place Promotion

Before we list Bella for the wrong price lets weigh and balance against the 4 P's Product, Price, Place Promotion. 

Product: 8 Year Old Mare Arabian Quarter, Trained, Ready-to-Ride, w/ Performance Potential.

Place: Markets that are within 6 hours drive. (I would discount our $6K by at least $1K for people who are driving. The value declines the longer they have to put effort, gas, etc... into it. So people who want to buy Bella might get a $1 K discount at time of purchase if they are over 2 hours drive away. It is hoped the incentive raises the value.

Promotion: The location is dependent on our market but in Bella's case it will be online forums as the easiest way to reach potential customers as well as local Word-of-Mouth. Bella is well liked at the stalls and there is some interest in her as she is gentle for children and still able to jump and canter making Word-of_Mouth WOM likely.


If we do a little calculation we will find........

$6K -1K (driving discount)=$5K

Our competitive price for Bella based on her offerings and worth is $5K. That price would not be out of the reach of many of the casual riders and might be just under the starting level for competitive horses. Thus, if someone want to buy for casual riding they could or one could buy to train for competition. It allows us to maximize our customer base by being close to both by understanding your product. The goal is to increase the likelihood of sales while if we raised the price we would have less sales but more profits (scarcity and value).

Trust as Essential to Sales

There is one more value component I would like to discuss and that is "trust".  People want to trust that the information on the product they are considering to buy as worthwhile. Thus, being open to phone calls and allowing interested parties to discuss issues with the trainer is helpful. They can ask direct questions and obtain direct responses. 

Even with an informative and positive conversation it can be difficult to trust if you have to travel or pay for a horse that may have problems a few weeks down the road. They call it "horse trading" for a reason and some of the people are not honest. I build my reputation as much as possible on being honest; even when its not in my best interest to do so. So in this case I might offer a type of guarantee. 

That guarantee would come in the form of a Health Certificate from our local veterinarian. Once the potential buyer shows interest and is willing to put down a $200 deposit I will obtain a health certificate. If they fail then I eat the cost, if the horse has a positive evaluation and the buyer purchases the horse it is paid for, but if it receives a positive certificate the buyer backs out I keep the $200. 

 Based on our very simplified quick price comparison expect to pay $2-4K for a pleasure horse you can ride right away and over $8K for a horse you could use for competition. Bell is in between those ranges and would have a fair market value of somewhere around $5K  (that is assuming I'm not missing something).


  • Arabian-Quarter Mix
  • 8 Years Old
  • Professional Training-Starting Competition
  • Easy to Ride for Beginner-Intermediate
  • Light to Touch
  • Western
  • Talk with Trainer
  • $6K -$1K (For people traveling over 100 miles).
  • Health Certificate Evaluation with $200 Deposit (Optional if Both Parties Want or You can Just Make Purchase) Come and Try Her
  • Murad 619-540-0501

A video I played with and created. I was actually doing it for something else but thought it turned out well. Cost me like $3.99 at ClipChamp. Not bad.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

President Trump Signs Second Peace Deal-Peace is a Process!

President trump signed the second peace deal in an effort to reduce conflict and improve trade. I'm reading the Peace to Prosperity and trying to digest the specifics of the plan and its long-term feasibility. There appears to be a political and economic components to the approach that seeks to create improved normalization of relationships through regional engagement and local development. I wanted to better understand the plan and its ramifications on economic and geopolitical concerns so here is what I found....

On the economic side the plan seeks to open "...the West Bank and Gaza to regional and global markets." The overall strategy appears to be that if we improve the economic market of the Palestinians we can create a more viable state with positive economic engagement. As a process it will require some basic level of agreement and then both sides moving toward market reforms that impact Gaza's capacity provide for its people. 

I can say that one of the things the Palestinians suffer from is poverty. Any time we can raise people from poverty into full economic engagement we will also encourage more pro-business and pro-social viewpoints. Discrimination is reduced where opportunities are increased. If Palestinians are able to raise the fundamentals of their economic system and their educational outputs they may find their environment shift positively as new elemental foundations adjust. 

The report goes on to say...."This part of the plan will create a business environment that provides investors with confidence that their assets will be secure by improving property rights, the rule of law, fiscal sustainability, capital markets, and anti-corruption policies."

In order to have a viable economy there will need to be some things that ensure there is basic trust in the economy and the governance of it. It is important to remember that investors want guarantees that they are not going to lose their money if political winds change and in turn writing such issues into the treaties helps to better create an investment climate. Without a strong investment environment you won't have investments and you won't have economic growth and that will likely stump the viability of Palestinian hopes. 

There are other parts of the plan that have benefits as well such as infrastructure improvements, private sector growth, and improve regional economic cooperation. Fundamentally I couldn't disagree with the basics of what they are trying to propose. Since the specifics are highly dependent on the knowledge and awareness of specific application I will leave my opinions of the details alone not something I want to put my fingers in as it will be moving water until implementation.

There is also the social side in the sense that there is some help for job employment and quality of life improvements. Jobs are essential to any global economic engagement and quality of life helps to alleviate poverty. People in that community suffered for a long time and while there is likely to be no perfect solution this is one peace deal they should seriously consider. 

 What we also find is that governance needs additional strengthening if it is going to be able to function within a global economy with larger businesses. It also must be responsive to its citizens needs as much as possible if people are going to feel as though they are part of the system and have a stake in it. It was my understanding that the government was relatively weak and that may be one of the contributing factors in slower development. 

I understand that there will be people who really disagree with the Peace Deal and are likely to be upset about it but I'm not sure there is at this moment in history a better option. There is a need to develop a strong independent state that has the capacity to encourage growth and development. Changing the environment, updating skills, encouraging investment, and engaging with the international community are essential. I can't say what will happen now but I suspect that a number of countries will continue to seek normalization for a long stemming conflict. Solving this problem in a way that is at least satisfactorily to most of the members means that we will reduce Middle East tensions by a great deal as this is one of the essential problems often cited in the discussion of cultural/religious differences.

Conference: Promoting Global Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability

 This blog has a lot to do with academic life and seeks to support positive change and critical thinking. I used to post conferences from time to time and I think it may have been a positive benefit. So I'm going to see if my readers like the business conferences or not. 

2020 ORLANDO International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Accounting

Theme: Promoting Global Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability

Organized by International Association of Applied Business Research - IAABR

DATES: OCTOBER 10 - 11, 2020
PLACE: SpringHill Suites by Marriott Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village
8601 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, Florida, USA

Special discounted rates are still available for the participants in 2020 Orlando Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Accounting. Here is the link where the conference participants may book their reservations at the special deeply discounted conference rates of $89/ night per room: Please note that special rate reservations must be made by SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 (the cutoff date), or until there are rooms available at the negotiated discounted rates.


FULL PAPERS - SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals Sponsoring the 2020 ORLANDO Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the IAABR Conference in Orlando (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - SEPTEMBER 28, 2020. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Orlando Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by FEBRUARY 15th, 2021, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


The regular registration fee is $350 (the reduced registration fee for virtual participants via Skype is $300, and the special student fee is $285). The regular registration fee includes: 1) the popular IAABR 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Opportunity to Explore and Enjoy the Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and the nearby Atlantic Coast!

Our ORLANDO Conference is for people, who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries and sharing similar or complementary interests, and to have fun in one of the most exciting cities in the USA, known worldwide for its Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and many other attractions!

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication and Media, e-Business, e-Learning, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law and Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, and Sustainable Development are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the World. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2020 ORLANDO International Academic Conference:
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Advancements in Applied of Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance and Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to GLOBAL@IAABR.COM (please put "ORLANDO CONFERENCE" in the subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee.

Authors, who CANNOT travel to Orlando for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities, as the regular conference presenters.

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Conference Organizing Committee, 2020 Orlando International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Accounting

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stay Focused During Multiple Demands-Busy is NOT Effective

In life and business we often have multiple things going on at the same time and it can be confusing to focus our efforts in the mix of competing demands. Like many of you, I have been in that situation and find myself pulled in multiple directions for a day or two. That is normal. One way to limit your stress is to list in your mind what is absolutely essential for that day and then think of a bonus everything else that also gets done. Try not to be everything to everyone, just focus on what is the most absolutely necessary for that day and add to it once your core objectives are completed. 

We often think that the more we do and the harder we work is going to make us productive. I've see it...people in places I've worked....look busy and hurried to show their worth to society. Thus, how you view yourself is an important consideration in the overall process of getting to understand why you are running like a hamster on a hamster will. 

Once you realized that your essential skills lay in certain areas and your value as a while person has little or nothing to do with the amount of "busy work" you put in your work life you will have a better grasp of what is important and what isn't. 

Thus...when you are feeling stressed with all the things you do make three quick assessments:

1. What MUST I get done today?

2. Is it essential or is does it relate to my personal beliefs about my own value. 

3. Is there a way to delegate some of the tasks to focus on my essential strengths. 

Yikes! I forgot about working toward your strengths. Some people are good at some things and some people are good at other things. To maximize our time we may want to consider focusing on those things we do well. That doesn't mean ignoring and not understanding other non-essential tasks. What it does mean is that after we understand and have working knowledge of those tasks we should reduce, delegate, and 3rd party our non-essential tasks and skills that we are not good at or waste our time doing. 

That brings up the point on specialization. Much of our economy has moved into specialization as a method focus on skill development. It is true that if you want to be successful you will want to be the best at something. While being good at most things is helpful there is much more benefit to the modern economy to be the best in your field. Thus, specialization works best in a wider context of skills to draw on. 

We know that things aren't going to work out as planned. Recently, I was moving some stuff and trying to get coordinated in a workshop. There was so much to do that it could be difficult to get it all done. Then I said to myself, "Why are you doing things that aren't needed at the moment?" What I found was that essential and non-essential tasks are all jumbled up because of the way we think and therefore we can break off the non-essential parts to focus on whats important, ensure its not personality driven, and that maximizes our potential.