Saturday, September 17, 2016

Burning Calories and Socializing with Salsa Dancing

San Diego is one of those places where Salsa is popular. Likely, a result of the Spanish and Mexican influence in the area. In the area there are plenty of places to engage in salsa and free classes are usually offered before the event itself.  You can socialize and burn calories at the same time.

I have to admit. I'm not a very good salsa dancer. I took some classes a while ago and then went to a salsa event recently and found that compared to these enthusiastic dancers I was poorly lacking in skills. However, people are accommodating and definitely willing to work with you.

Socializing is easy. People are paired and almost everyone is willing to accommodate at least one dance. Guys can ask Ladies and Ladies can ask the Guys. It won't take long and you will meet other people who come on a regular basis and find a main partner.

You can also burn a lot of calories that can be as much as 300 to 500 in an hour depending on how enthusiastic you are. I probably only burned about 200 but this is because I'm still learning. Those that come on a regular basis are in great shape.

Look around of San Diego Salsa events.

Friday, September 16, 2016

What is it like to do research at a University?

Reading a Journal Publication on a boat
University research is an interesting and exciting endeavor. Sometimes it can be tedious and routine, especially if you are number crunching or working with data, but it can also provide great meaning for doctors that seek to contribute to society. The type of research you will enjoy is based on your personality and the type of design that suits you.

There are professors out there that love....just! Where I might run in the other direction and jump for the latest SPSS software they are more likely to pull out their scientific calculator and do number crunching for the fun of it! I swear they think of it like a puzzle that needs to be solved.

Personally, I enjoy exploring new unique ideas that other people haven't come to full understanding about. For example, is our economic system based on financial transactions or the neuro-economic choices we make? Or something like a sociological perspective on how social chatter leads to perception and future decisions.

Specifics or wild conjecture have advantages for society. New quantitative research often provides better understanding of how connected variables are. Qualitative mental exploration of untested ideas leads to major paradigm shifts in research. One change in a new association often leads to complete changes in society.

People who do research spend hours, days, years and decades exploring the same topics over and over. Some have even given over their whole lives to discovering a new idea. One idea can put a person into the mental hall of fame like Einstein but doesn't often do much for their checkbooks. Don't expect to be rich but try and enjoy the ride.

Harvard's Eight Point Plan for Economic Recovery

There is little doubt that the U.S. economy is running toward being a second place leader in the economy. While we haggle and engage in brutal politics the world is starting to pass us by. We could pass around the blame but we are all partly at fault for letting reason and reasonableness pass us by in an effort to score ideological points. Harvard's report highlights the fall out from political infighting and the inability to come up with strong solutions. They propose an 8 point plan for government to work on.

Americans are making less money than before and are fed up with the political immaturity that hasn't gotten anything done. Business leaders are somewhat pessimistic over the economy for the next few years and don't feel their prospects are likely to grow. They are ready to invest but just need the right environment to make things happen and that means getting government on board to change.

While the U.S. economy retains critical strengths in areas such as communications, firm management, and innovation is does suffer under poor early education, weak transportation infrastructure, a diseased healthcare system, the tax code and the U.S. Politics. We don't seem to be in alignment on how to fix these issues.

At this point we have to rethink how we do things from a political and economic standpoint.

They have an 8 point plan which includes:

1 Simplify the corporate tax code with lower statutory rates and no loopholes
2 Move to a territorial tax system like all other leading nations
3 Ease the immigration of highly skilled individuals
4 Aggressively address distortions and abuses in the international trading system 5 Improve logistics, communications, and energy infrastructure
6 Simplify and streamline regulation
7 Create a sustainable federal budget, including reform of entitlements
8 Responsibly develop America’s unconventional energy advantage

You can review the report yourself below

Thursday, September 15, 2016

When the Wind Doesn't Push Your Sails

There are times when sailing offer the great excitement of a solid wind and a good heel. You are dead in the water and can't go anywhere. There is no movement forward, no ability to steer, and no way to control the boat. Playing with sails doesn't seem to do anything. Being patient and making small adjustments might make a big difference in getting the vessel moving again.

It is a lot like life. Sometimes there is just a little wind to work with and small adjustments is all you can do. Be patient because eventually the wind does return to your sails and everything comes to life again.

Sailing is a fun sport that is both exciting and relaxing at the same time. Sometimes things are moving quick and you are weaving in and out of traffic trying to overcome other ships while at other times your just watching the sunset on the horizon. Mostly, your just feeling the breeze on your face and talking to friends.

Supporting Infrastructure and Alternative Transportation

Your stuck in traffic, it takes two lights to get through the intersection, while the sun bakes you in the car. Sure you can put on some great relaxing music and turn on the air conditioning but that rests your mind and doesn't fix the problem. The only way to tackle traffic is to change the entire grid work of a city; perhaps nationally.

Today is the world of ideas. We are fighting a battle to rebuild the country into a competitive powerhouse. It isn't about regaining old glories but about creating new heights for other countries to emulate. This means create fundamental changes on how we do things. Transportation infrastructure is one way.

We can see the ground effects of poor policy when it takes us 60 minutes to go 20 miles or when smog rises creating what looks like a fog. To fix this means we must work on developing public transportation and fixing our infrastructure to support alternative forms of transportation.

Ideas I like are the use of expanded public transportation. Please clean the buses more often so you aren't afraid of diseases. Additional bike lanes are beneficial. Walk friendly neighborhoods. Development of streamlined roads with large parking lots and enclosed walking districts. Support of telecommute jobs and electric auto systems.

Whatever the idea...if it is practical and feasible I support it.

MBAcademy International Business Conference,

MBAcademy International Business Conference,
Venue: Brunel University London
16-18 December, 2016.

This is the call for papers for the MBAcademy International Business Conference, Venue: Brunel University London on 16-18 December, 2016.

The Management and Business Academy (MBAcademy) is delighted to welcome you to International Business Conference part of Management and Business Academy philosophy and commitment to academia. The aim of MBAcademy is to bring together both academic and professional researchers, scholars and students to exchange and share their research results about all aspects of Business, Management and Marketing. In order to support and encourage interdisciplinary engagement, it is our intention to create the possibility of starting dialogues between the parallel events running during this conference. Delegates are welcome to attend up to two sessions in each of the concurrent conferences. We also propose to produce cross-over sessions between these groups.

Important dates
Submission of abstracts for review: November 20, 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance: November 28, 2016
Submission of complete/full papers for Publication: December 2, 2016
Early registration: December 2, 2016
Final registration: December 9, 2016
Conceiving and finalizing the Conference program: December 13, 2016
Conference sessions: December 16-18, 2016

To Register:

What Does it Take to Get Ahead in Today's Economy?

Today's workers have a much harder time than in the past. While the economy is growing it is doing so at a much slower pace than previous recoveries. People who want to get ahead will need to make some changes that will allow it to be possible. They will need to change their approaches to the work environment and start working on their foundations.

You will notice the economy shifts and changes quickly. As a person we need to continually update our employment skills. Sometimes we do well in one industry but when that industry declines we will need to consider other opportunities as well. This take a little foresight.

It doesn't much matter if you are a professional or a skilled tradesman. You can still up update your skills and make sure you are competitive. Focus on the create of market value. What does your job really offer to the world? Does it have market value and are people will to pay for it?

You will also want to opt to develop an enthusiastic and "go getter" personality. Hiring managers and work promotion requires you to be enthusiastic and be a "hard charger". Focus on doing a quality job and making things happen. Ensure that you keep your spirits up in this regard as you will go through all types of challenges.

Seek to find opportunities where they are available. Use your social networks and keep your ears out for opportunities that come along. Successful people seek out and can detect these opportunities before others can. Keep your focus on moving up the ladder and seek out chances to do that.