Thursday, July 30, 2015

3 Easy Rules to Healthy Eating

It can be tough to remember all the different rules and advice on how to eat healthy. There are plenty of studies that say different things leaving any person who diligently wants to lose weight and get in shape confused about what is needed. Going light, natural and lean are solid basic rules that will help you remember.
Having a few principles will help you when you have to make quick choices at a restaurant or grocery store. The options are daunting and sometimes you don’t have all of the available information so you can apply the rules to make a better choice.
Light: Eating in smaller portions with less calories is the #1 problem with food. Think in terms of total calories and the amount of food you eat in the day. You can eat up to six times a day if they are smaller proportions. 
Natural: The less processed your food the better off you are. Avoid processed meats and foods like macaroni & cheese. Try and eat at least 6 servings of fruit or vegetables a day. Avoid foods that have high levels of sugar and additives. 
Lean: Try and limit the amount of saturated fat and carbohydrates while increasing healthy fats like olive oil. Opt for lean meats and avoid excess fat. The leaner you go the better your overall health.

Steps to Writing a Solid Paper

Writing papers takes time and can be a daunting task for students. Most students don’t write papers over five to six pages and can be overwhelmed when asked to write ten to twenty pages on a topic. By breaking large projects into smaller steps it is possible to work with focus to get the entire project completed online.

Large papers are a good precursor to larger projects graduates may be required to complete in the workplace. The best advice is to start early and don’t let procrastination take control of the outcome. As soon as you become aware of the project start to work on understanding and exploring your topic.

Once you have a solid working understanding of what is required of the paper and the topic, students can define their main idea into the thesis statement. The thesis statement will act as a guild that allows for the breaking down of the main idea into a number of different justifications that make up the sections of the paper.

Research each of the sections to define and describe the main idea and how it supports the thesis statement. All of these sections should tie together into the conclusion. Write your introduction last as it should "introduce" all of the main topics.      

1. Explore Your Topic

2. Define What You Want to Write in a Thesis Statement

3. Create Your Paper’s Sections In Alignment with Your Thesis Statement

4. Research each section

5. Write your Introduction and Conclusion

6. Proofread

Inequality in San Diego Creates Some Unknowns

Will San Diego’s Income Inequality catch up to us? I had the pleasure of reading Dan McSwain’s article in the San Diego Union Tribute outline some of the key points contained within a University of Southern California’s report on in Equality in San Diego. You can read the report HERE  and the article HERE. The report highlights some concerns San Diego’s leaders should start thinking about.

In business strategic planners conduct a SWOT that stands for an analysis of an entities Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. If someone conducted a SWOT on San Diego they would find that all of the positive growth also leaves some areas that contain long-term threats to the local economy. Inequalities do impact the success and sustainability of a city in both quality of life and economic longevity-how to handle it is a whole different question.

There are many arguments as they related to how and why to promote holistic growth among San Diego’s disadvantaged populations. We can say that demographics are changing and this will put pressure on governments to change with the times. New ways of doing things are likely to be more reflective of the entire population. Additional stakeholders in a city will become increasingly important as access to information improves.

Yet government can’t solve all of our problems. It is beholden to and relies heavily on current resources and doesn’t have much ability to generate new resources without the help of the business class. The entrepreneurial and business community expands existing opportunities and creates new resources that can be used to employ up-in-coming employees that can mitigate future risks.

Explanations of how to speed the economy depends on which of the many theories one chooses that ranges from Robin Hood type income distribution to complete Laisse-Faire market forces.  Regardless of what theory is applied, the ultimate goal should be to raise business and employment prospects by enhancing the market value of San Diego’s human capital.

Is it possible to connect skills to business? It would seem that the greatest challenge is high wage employment. Enhancing skills and connecting them to expanding businesses seems to be one of the most plausible ways of improving the lives of a great many people. The debate rages on…..

I have seen corporate initiatives where promising people who apply for open positions but don’t have all of the necessary requirements are put through a training program. Sometimes this may come with a contract to recap on training costs or with a few years of lower wages that help companies mitigate expenses. In the end the local human capital rises and the employee is left with skills that command higher market wages.

Equitable growth requires greater focus on developing better ways of improving education, training, hiring that leads to additional investment in San Diego’s budding economy. Once market relevant skills and knowledge are matched with needy businesses long-term growth in disadvantaged communities can be realized in a sustainable way. Market value increases of earned income make their way back into local neighborhoods through greater expenditures by the local population in housing, retail, neighborhood aesthetics, and general quality of life.

The 99 Cent Taco is Still Alive!

San Diego is known for its Seafood and fish tacos are a local favorite. Consider the seafaring and ocean culture of the area San Diego has some of the best tacos around. These are not your fast-food variety that come stale in a box but are made per order. Oscars Seafood still has their 99 cent take Mon-Thurs 2:30-5:30 P.M.

You might be wondering about, “Who cares about a 99 cent taco?” Considering that going to any fast food or sit down restaurant is likely to cost you $10 or more dollars person 3-$3 dollar tacos sounds like a great deal. I bought $14 tacos for $14, not including tax, and had enough for 4 people and lunch the next day. It is doubtful you will find that value anywhere else.

From my understanding, Oscars have been doing this for years. I was originally introduced to the tacos when a friend showed me the special and I was astounded at the price. A few months later I wanted to try it again but wasn’t sure when, if and where the specials occur. With a little help on Yelp I found them again.

646 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pruning Procedures After Growth

Companies that expand and grow do so in a chaotic manner that develops an abundance of unnecessary rules, processes and obligations. Streamlining is an important step after change that allows clunky operations to become more efficient and effective. Companies should consider an overall of their policies and procedures every few years to ensure maximization of resources.

Policies and procedures are not always designed in the best interest of the organization. In many cases they were created to give the designer more control and feed his/her need for self-importance. As people design these operational methods in their favor they inevitably build in unnecessary bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Evaluating all policies and procedures against the strategic plans of the organization can help see where inefficient processes have been created. Where there are too many stops, wasted resources, and ineffective outputs it is beneficial to remove or change those policies. Once each has been reviewed and adjusted the organization becomes more effective.

One has to develop a strategic plan that provides a centralized focus. This focus then becomes the sole criteria for success or failure within the organization. This includes all day-to-day operations of the company. Even common activities such as recruitment and expenditures should directly align to the strategy. 

Companies must occasionally look closely at how they function or they will continue to become inefficient and clunky. Organizations that maintain their lean and precise operations will be better at competing than others. The pain of change may be unbearable in the short-run but eventually become an asset later.