Showing posts with label robots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robots. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Google Acquires New Robotic Technology

Google is making moves to acquire robotics firms to develop higher capabilities and products. Their purchase of Boston Dynamics and seven other companies indicate that they have made their way into the military market (1). The program is part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that seeks to create a new generation of robots. Combining the knowledge of multiple agencies through acquisition raises Google’s stature in this field.

The goal for the time being is to develop robots that mimic things in nature. It is likely that someday they will try and put different capabilities into the same robot. At present some of the interesting stuff includes a 28 mph running cheetah, SquishBot which changes shape to get in tight areas, and Petman which mimics human abilities (2). Each of these robots takes significant research, designing, and software. 

 Google has developed the Android service, plenty of applications, and has satellites that map the world. They are in a unique position to incorporate the knowledge and abilities of other companies to create new functional uses (3). As a strategy it is likely that Google will obtain additional military contracts and use their wide breadth of knowledge to converge to fast developing new civilian and military products. 

There are other applications outside of military that delve into supply chain management, search and rescue, industrial automation, and space flight. Such robots have high capabilities and are not subject to environmental constraints that humans are. As these robots develop we are likely to officially enter the second industrial revolution as this technology becomes sold to other industries.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Micro Robots Take to the Airwaves

Possibilities are endless with new bug size robots that are likely to fly the earth over in search of helping victims, fixing hard to reach equipment, and helping to capture bad guys. New technology offers the opportunity to move into the era of micro-robotics. What was once science fiction now becomes science after many years of design, failure, and eventual success.  This article introduces the robot that is almost the size of a fly. Both the process and the product helps to further science and industry.

The smallest robot man has ever made recently took flight at Harvard University. Robobee, as it has been termed, weights 1/10th a gram and is less than 3 centimeters wide. It is expected that such a robot will be able to help with a number of different situations such as farming, search and rescue, and monitoring.  With such a dainty size it could be put to use in thousands of places once it has been fully developed.

Infrared cameras were placed around the room and picked up on tiny reflective strips on Robobee to determine both direction and flight position. The information was sent back to the main processing computer that helped to adjust movement. At present the method has some limitations for use in a natural environment as there will not be external cameras to control Robobee. The use of an internal camera and the use of GPS will need to be integrated for it to have practical utility on a wide scale.

The information from the processing computer was sent through a tiny wire to the bee to adjust its flight. When it turned right it would speed up its left wing velocity and when it wanted to turn left it would speed up its right wing velocity. The change in air current allowed for the bee to swing in different directions. In the future, Robobee will likely have a small battery and a remote control system.

The May 2013 Journal of Science offers the abstract for readers (May, Chiraratananon, Fuller & Wood, 2013:

Flies are among the most agile flying creatures on Earth. To mimic this aerial prowess in a similarly sized robot requires tiny, high-efficiency mechanical components that pose miniaturization challenges governed by force-scaling laws, suggesting unconventional solutions for propulsion, actuation, and manufacturing. To this end, we developed high-power-density piezoelectric flight muscles and a manufacturing methodology capable of rapidly prototyping articulated, flexure-based sub-millimeter mechanisms. We built an 80-milligram, insect-scale, flapping-wing robot modeled loosely on the morphology of flies. Using a modular approach to flight control that relies on limited information about the robot’s dynamics, we demonstrated tethered but unconstrained stable hovering and basic controlled flight maneuvers. The result validates a sufficient suite of innovations for achieving artificial, insect-like flight.

Out of the study came another finding about the process of manufacturing the bee. Using a newly patented concept called pop-up fabrication the robot was constructed in layers that were then shaped through cutting the edges off with a lazer. With a robot of this size the micro nature of the parts made the project difficult with over 10 years being spent in its production. The hope is that pop-up fabrication will be used to make medical devices that also have tiny parts.

Robobee offers a chance to see how innovation started in universities eventually makes its way into the commercial market. New technology has been developed and as it becomes refined companies will likely seek the technology to develop new products. Initial discoveries are always expensive and as standardization takes place the price of the product begins to come down. The same is true for the robot and the process.

If you see Robobee at a doorway near you please do not swat him!

(May, K.  Chiraratananon, P., Fuller, S. & Wood, R. (May, 2013) Controlled Flight of biologically inspired insect-scale robot.  Science, 340 (6132). Retrieved May 3rd, 2013 from

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