Showing posts with label college papers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college papers. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why is Learning How to Write Well in College Important?

Students often ask why they should develop strong writing skills when they are studying business, and its principles take precedence. Students have a hard time understanding how grammar, spelling, formatting, sentence structure, and focus can improve their job prospects.If they know it but can’t say it, they are going to have a hard time highlighting themselves.

What they miss is a perspective of how writing impacts every other action they take at work. Whether one is writing an email, creating a resume, finishing a report or preparing a speech writing is a major part of communicating in a way that improves effectiveness. If a person cannot communicate well, they are also unlikely to obtain the highest paid jobs.

Effective writing communication is a sign of clarity of thought. A person who can write concisely, powerfully, and with focus is seen as a person who understands the material. If a paper mixes topics, is hard to follow, and is full of errors it is unlikely that it will be viewed seriously. In competition with other information, a well-written paper draws more attention.

Writing reflects well on the reader, and potential employers see this writing as a reflection of the quality of the candidate. Those that can write well portray a professional image and can find themselves moving up the ranks faster.Their ideas will have more legitimacy.

Even though writing well takes a time to develop, in many cases years, it is beneficial to implement the professor’s feedback as much as possible. The more feedback a student incorporates into their papers, the faster they will learn new habits that become ingrained into their writing style. As new learning takes place again, and the quality slowly rises.

Don’t expect to be a greater writer quickly. I have written for years and consistently find mistakes, grammar issues, and ways that things can stated clearer in my  works. Most of the time, this is a direct result of not reviewing work enough times to ensure that major mistakes are discovered and fixed. With time and patience, your writing will improve as well.

Some tips on Improving Writing:

-Proofread your work a couple of times.

-Run your work through a spell and grammar checker.

-Use headings to separate major themes.

-Cover a single thought per paragraph.

-Connect paragraphs like you would connect ideas.

-Each section should have multiple paragraphs.

-Use a thesis statement in the introduction.

-Ensure the conclusion is drawn from the information in the paper. .

-Remove excess sentences that don’t contribute to the content of the paper.

-Define terms, ideas, and theories.

-Review your paper from the perspective of a reader and write accordingly.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Webinar: Helping First-Year Students Succeed In College: The Critical Role Of The Academic Library

Type: Webinar
Wednesday, June 25, 1:00-2:30 (Eastern)

The North Lake College Library (NLCL) is known for its tradition of bridging the gap between instructor and library. This past year, the library took its work a step further. As part of EDUC 1300, a class aimed at allowing first-year college students to gain a strong footing in the academic world, the library incorporated information literacy components into normal classroom instruction. While partnering with the EDUC instructor, the academic librarians incorporated online and database driven resources, information regarding print and non-print research, and pathways into transfer and employment. Careful emphasis was placed on the difference between high school "reports" and college "research" papers, and the librarian and instructor were charged with educating the first-year students on college expectations. At the end of the course, the students were assessed on what they learned and how they plan to use their newfound knowledge in future endeavors.

This webinar will take a close look at this enriched program at the North Lake College Library. Participants will learn how early and continued exposure to the academic library can increase preparedness, degree understanding, and overall college readiness, and specifically, how all of this relates to the success of the first-year student.

- Understand how early and continued exposure to the academic library and all of its resources will increase academic preparedness, degree understanding, and overall college readiness
- Review the enriched academic library instruction program at North Lake College Library (NLCL)
- Be able to measure the effectiveness of library instruction as it relates to the first-year student by analyzing the participants against their course success as well as their readiness for greater academic challenges
- Leave with the knowledge and resources needed (and presently used) to allow student success to expand into areas best equipped to assist students in college and beyond

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