Showing posts with label San Diego dance academies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Diego dance academies. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Multiple Benefits of Learning Dancing for Fitness and Fun

Dancing is a past time that is fun and can help you lose weight. Many people don't take dancing classes or consider the merits of including this activity in their fitness routines. Beyond helping you lose weight through burning calories it is possible that you may also consider the social benefits of dancing. There are many different types of dancing that range from ballroom to contemporary.

Salsa is one of my favorites because it has lots of flare but also is social by nature. If you ever attended one of the many salsa events in San Diego you would soon come to notice that you can dance with just about anyone you want. People naturally enjoy having conversation in a fun activity.

Dancing also helps you burn calories. Salsa dancing uses a little more energy than many other forms of dancing and one can expect to burn 250 to 500 calories in an hour. The amount is about the same as jogging making it a great alternative to other fitness activities.

Salsa also improves the overall coordination of your body. The more you practice and learn the more enjoyable it becomes. To do this activity well requires learning how to put moves into sequence and follow a timed routine. As you get better at this you will find that your balance and coordination will get better over time.

Dancing can be an extremely social sport that includes classes, events and lots of conversation. Since dancing is typically enjoyed in pairs it provides an opportunity to switch partners and meet new people. If you attend salsa events you will eventually meet many people interested in the same thing.

I have attended a few classes at Champion Ballroom Academy. They have basic and advanced classes for just about all types of dancing. On one of the nights I attended Mary Murphy taught the class. If you know anything about her she was on ABC's So You Think You Can Dance. A very down to earth and warm spirited person. Within an hour I was able to pick up 4 different moves due to the skill of the instructor.