Friday, March 22, 2024

Delta County Commissioner's Meeting (3/19/24): Politics and Trash!

This was an interesting meeting so you will want to watch and make your own conclusions. Topics covered ranged from poor behavior all the way over to trash. Trash was the most productive conversation offered. Sometimes trash talk can be helpful. A few notable concerns of how national politics is limiting the community's potential. This is where trash talk is not helpful. 

Trash is Good News! Best Landfill in the State!

It was mentioned that the county wanted to make the best landfill in the state. It appears the country has some interesting things going on in terms of improving waste management. Nothing smelly about new things. We should always be open to new ideas and opportunities.

For those of us who care about our environment we know that its important to develop efficient landfills. Fiber Recovery Landfill.  It would be nice if someday we can develop the ability to recover all trash and repurpose it. That is a science question while protecting our environment is a moral-social discussion. 

National Politics: 

People are drawing the toxic nature of national political trash into our community and we don't need that here or anywhere else in the nation. Its important for people to stand for critical thinking and reject that which is not going to bring us much good. 

It is ok to understand the political, social, and economic environment and how our town fits within those environments but it can create challenges if people become promoters of unexamined beliefs, values, and policies (party neutral comment). Its not a judgement on those policies but a comment on how many of us don't really think about those policies and let others decide their value for us. 

It doesn't matter one's background, or even their political leanings, as we know the national hyper-political distortion is starting to impact our communities. Avoid getting wrapped into the issues and problems from outside the area. Stay focused on your community and its needs. Politics should used to improve our lives. There are those out there using it to create artificial dividing lines.

👎🙅 on political trash!

There is a quote by Plato I thought was interesting, One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” 

We don't need people who hype up politics to heighten extreme beliefs, but we do need wise people to find solutions the community will support. Effective politics is based on knowledgeable people with the highest prosocial values. Politics is the art of influence and should be used only once a good idea has been vetted, examined and studied least someone does more harm than good.

Removing trash politics from our community is likely as important as removing the trash from the environment. Let us not waste our opportunities: pun intended. 🙊💨

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