Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Stages of Life: For Geniuses

Young Man with a Skull (Vanitas)
by Frans Hals (c.1628)
You know, I have been told that I'm a highly gifted/genius and my son has been told the same. The issue is that I pretty much figured I didn't know much in my life because I never had the answers. There simply was too many possibilities and I would think something to be true by percentage and most people told me I was wrong (Of course I think I'm wrong because there is good chance I am.). Somewhere along the line I ended up being more correct typically (even though I'm wrong a lot) than the average person. 

I never really understood the difference between how I think and how others think throughout my life but somewhere along the line I figured out that many people say things as fact when they are just opinions. They are not always well thought out opinions but said for very social reasons (something we likely inherited as a species trait to raise our perceived knowledge and intelligence as a survival mechanism.)

As an example, there are these OEs that impact a persons understanding of the world around them. They are the gifted curse aspects. Scientists look for the big 3 but sometimes you get them all (I'm not sure how rare that is. I'm not a neurologist). High intelligence and other OEs mixed in average environments often lead to levels of conflict. Because Gifted have a deep sense of morality even if not conventional on first judgement they don't like it when people cheat the system.

(You kind of can't fight it anymore if someone comes up yelling, "Your not a genius, your an idiot" and you think about and respect their opinion as one feedback. You then break apart their verbal language, environmental cues, and potential psychological profile to determine what the intent of the message was and how that may have impacted one's thinking. Only then you can say, "Thank you. Your feedback is valid" with a smile.💁)

Thus, we get into situations in which I suspect where two moralities may collide. One seems environmental homeostasis and the other seeks essential moral truth (Beyond the opinions people tell each other. There is a deeper moral code that is cross cultural that is a root of understanding for our species and it manifests itself in various tales, religious texts, practices and behaviors. )  One might seek universal justice and the other subjective justice (That is why I you don't own something if someone can take it. So free passes, enrichment through criminal behaviors, targeting, etc. are all violation of cross cultural root beliefs. i.e. one focusing on the clan and the other focusing on society.

Dabrowski Theory of Positive Disintegration.  

1. Childhood exploration. Not very easy a cripple from what I remember but this is the time you learn childhood things. 

2. Skill development. I think you come to a point that you develop certain skills and abilities. 

3. Skill mastery. You begin to master those skills and notice you are better then most but not better then the best.

4. Environmental challenge. You begin to challenge your environment and figure out how things work.  You question peoples behaviors and essential values.

5. Environmental mastery. You beat out those challenges and understand much of how the systems function in the background. 

6. Beach Bum (Self Actualization). Basically I think this is the stage where one sort of understands their environment, the nature of life, and one's place within the bigger scheme of things. People do sort of good but they must also accept the inevitable world knot and one's awareness of the fish bowl in which we live. Thus, one understands they are passing time and making the best of that time and getting done a few good things while not being overly worried about it anymore because even humanity's development follows a path of its own, its own time frame, with multiple avenues it can select. Putting a few bread crumbs out there that you think can help, but people go where their self interest drives them and you must let them choose their own paths and live by those choices (You then realize being smart is neither good or bad but qualitatively and quantitatively different than many others. Should we brag about intelligence, I guess not unless we brag about things like shoe sizes.).

*This is fictional for entertainment and thought exploration purposes only. 

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