Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Discount Shopper: No Shame in the Game!

I'm a discount shopper with no shame in the game! As a single parent with two kids I got to do what I got to do and I think that resonates with most Americans today. Both my kids are in college now (sort of) but some of the shopping habits have sprunt from the desire to provide them with the best overall life I can. Sure, I'm still a Gucci, Dolce Gabbana fan who also likes Armani (Kind of different crowds a little.). Yet practical matters often take precedence. That is what dads do, they give something from themselves, to the next generation (You don't have to be a perfect dad, you just need to try.)

Yet let us face it! That designer gear is great quality and very expensive! Not something you use every day and with my outdoor lifestyle I probably would break them very quickly (One time I dropped a pair of $400 dollar sun glasses onto the cement a week, which I got as a present, after I wore them for the 2nd or 3rd time. They were too wide on my face. However, because it was my error I had to eat the loss. After a few weeks of trying not to look at the scratch directly in front of my eye, I gave it up.)

I should start working on my style again. (Got to have some threads!) I don't want to move into grampa style anytime soon (ewwww) but moving from worn out AC/DC t-shirt, covered by a Hawaiin shirt, black socks up to my calves with sandals probably doesn't cut it anymore (Ok I'm actually kidding about that.) I used to be very stylish back in the day. Actually, somewhat of a trend setter! I do have good style sense but alas who has the time for it!!!!

Check this out....

6 pieces of clothing for under $30 at Meijer discount rack! Yaaa I'm bragging. 😂 2 pairs of shorts, flannel, casual pants, jogging pants, shirt. I kept one thing and the rest goes to my kids. Amazingly they think I know how to pick the right clothes that "aren't too too bad!". (Except one kid who has his own style so few things conventional will fly with him. He is the diagnosed genius one so based on the traits he has to find his own path in life. They are not conformers and that is a good thing. You don't discover unique things unless you think differently and try new things. Wow, I got some stories to tell you!)

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