Friday, June 2, 2023

Should We Forgive Those who Cause Hate and Those Who Support? (The Purpose of a Hate Narrative)

The unequivocable answer is yes forgiveness is the best approach but it comes with the responsibility not to forget and to push the aspects that are broken in our system to correct themselves so as to lower the velocity and propensity of hate. We owe it to the next generation to build the best justice system we can and not be derailed in that effort of innovating the system.  The people who engage in hate based behaviors often do so for self interested reasons. Such behaviors may be on the rise and there are certain aspects that we don't yet see as risks.

Most of us are well aware of the differences between mistakes and intentional malicious behaviors. We can find these intentions in real life. Law is a reflection of truth, not the truth itself, and thus greater care of ensuring legislation can handle coordinated incidents of hate and hate speech are helpful. In other words, the intent of the law (universal application) is more important than its technicalities (subjective application) to bring about a universal concept of justice.

The problem with hate is that there is an underlining assumptions that outsiders/"other"/out-groups have lower value and thus deserving of lower status and treatment (It doesn't matter their contributions, service, or much else. Its funny, if you change the environment the assumptions change. Its like walking into a Steven King novel where some mystical fog clouds everyone's rationality.). That is particularly more true when there are racial, religious, and social difference between the hate members and the targets (Degrees of difference can actually be calculated). It is easy to discount others when the rewards of upholding the essential values of the law are lower when compared to following one's social network.

Unfortunately, because clan systems sometimes function as shadow groups in order to help one's own, we sometimes run into a problem of a confounding variables within their decision making. (Confounding is the perceived connection between cause and effect that is mitigated by a another factor.). The assumptions of cause and effect that would normally dictate rationality are often filtered through a maze of personal and group bias so that they no longer reflect reality (i.e. social constructionism of understanding that is different when compared to fact. Its a type of group delusion based on personal bias and lack of exposure to difference)

(These collective outcomes are interesting because if there is an existence of a homogeneous clan that spans a number of institutions i.e rogue-extremist leaning officers and local job recruitment within another institution then we might find through analysis secondary data markers. i.e. hiring bias to in-group members, different forms of justice outcomes, "clickish" and "clannish" social behaviors, and other forms that indicate association through multiple venues of behaviors. 

It would take a while to think of all the ways you could show a coordinated group. through different venues and locations. Such groups intentionally support people within their social circles. We sometimes call this the "good old boy" networks. While it may exist in subtle form in most local towns, there is a point where it crosses a threshold to impact others rights. When its done intentionally with knowledge such groups can become malicious and in turn seen as having malicious intent.)

It should be remember that most atrocities of targeting often set the stage by creating justification for further hate by diminishing the rights and dignity of the targets. As these groups make up stories to help their network it is often directed at lowering the targets and in turn creating more hate through intentional rumor spreading and manipulation of information. Hate is a tool designed to lower, control, and self enrich off of perceived differences. Consider Words That Harm: Defending the Dignity Approach to Hate Speech Regulation

Absolutely forgive, but be mindful that these problems can arise again without better capabilities in handling them. I advocate for a better understanding of how hate limits our potential as a nation through the stifling of human capital. I believe our nation needs all of its young and bright minds engaged and that comes from universal application of law based on our shared values and American beliefs. That applies here, there or anywhere. Its an American value of equality thing! You might not get it, if you have a different understanding of our core purpose of "liberty and justice" as a nation as a people. 

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