Thursday, April 27, 2023

Can Dance Improve Your Physical and Brain Function Health (A Scientific Perspective)

To me, its important to live a varied and interesting life. Some might see it differently but I think in hindsight I may have been right about a few things. First, I have a fitness and yoga trainer license, which I would like to consider using for hobby more, and engage in lots of different sports and activities. That includes things like surfing, kick boxing, rowing, bicycling, hiking, climbing and much more.

(I think I might consider fitness training others for fun. It helps me and helps them. Not sure of the venue.)  

One of my most favorite activities is dance. A varied dance routine can improve coordination, cardiovascular health, reach, motion, endurance and much more. Matching that with kickboxing and yoga you find you have greater range and accuracy than most others. Different types of dancing have unique attributes but they all contribute in some way to overall health.

For example, I dance well enough to be on a stage sometimes but not so great to be professional (Depending on how you use the term. I'm part of a dance company so I guess that is lower level professional/upper amateur. I think a little lower and in need of work. Consider I had a crooked leg at birth and it was fixed that isn't bad. I have had few to no issues with it throughout my life.). I guess if I would have started young enough and was in the right environment there would have been multiple opportunities. Yet, I also get bored easily so I go to the point of lower level mastery of mechanics and I either keep with it or find something else more interesting.

When time permits I keep up with it. Believe it or not dance is a good thing. Consider some of the benefits. 

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