Saturday, March 18, 2023

W. W. Oliver Escanaba History: A Place to Start Your Business

I came across this picture through my social network. It would appear that it is a pharmacy of some type (I think that other word says Plumbing. Might be plumbing. Opps 😬 My bad!). Lots of people hanging around. When I get my hands on a picture like this, I love to share it because it reminds me of the people who have long passed. We can learn from history and we can build from generation to generation. Escanaba is doing that in many ways. They are creating new histories and they are on new paths. They might not see it yet, but they are on a new path of development. 

I'm not sure if that building is there like that anymore. Some of our downtown buildings might still be there. They look a little different but fairly similar. If you have some money come on up and start a business. People are friendly and they are open arms to new people. We are a community and we help each other out.

You can read COVID Will Change the Economy and how that will impact the economic fundamentals. This is also why new theories need to come forward. Our environment is often on the same sort of level as other nations. This could be a jumping point and is likely an underlining reason why Swedish businesses have taken some interest. Start-ups and Cities. You may also want to read on Pandemic Start Up

Escanaba History

Enjoy the history.....

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