Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Why Its Important To Not Quit!: A Truer Definition of Leadership For National Development

The ability to go after one's goals day in and day out makes a difference in defining not only the person but also us as a society and people. We are defined by our leadership and their ability to enhance and coordinate human capital (in addition to other resources). We cannot do that unless we are broadly developing leaders and people throughout our nation. Some circles don't see the necessity in fair treatment while many others know its the only path forward (I guess that is part of the definition.). Leaders are defined by trials and tribulation, they are not defined by things like wealth or even political position (Its a different type of power. See an article/study on power types)

America should be the land that develops leaders across broad segments of our population (We are on that path and further than most other nations. There is still work to do.). It is one of the only paths forward and leads to a much stronger universal democracy that works off of different assumptions about human similarities and value (i.e. the value in each other not chained to erroneous assumptions about superiority, race, religion, etc.)Where there are existing road blocks we need to remove them. Where there is nepotism that hampers people's full potential we should open the doors to clearer thinking and stronger leadership skills. 

Our nation is on the path to change, development, trials, challenges, tears, joys and ultimately if enough leadership comes forward to successes. Those are successes that increase our options and chances. Nothing can define the next generation of leadership other then the seed of inspiration buried deep within their core. It is our role to bring those seeds forward into the light so they master our challenges (That is also why values are important for everyone. This is why I strongly encourage not to make Congressman Santos our next chosen leader for the free world no matter how stellar his background. Ok sorry I went a little far with that. 😬). Our sprouting leaders will come to define themselves and the generation after them. Leadership should be anchored by potential and actualized traits and not by social circle alone (I mean if we truly want to succeed as individuals, society, businesses, and nation. History has taught us what happens when leadership is defined to a small group of people. Decision making ability declines, corruption increases, nepotism makes its way into the culture, and general poor decision making and decline because activities are defined by social/power positions and not by the merit of ideas or activities.). 

No matter what you do in this life do it the best you can. That is your only duty to yourself and it leads to skills that can help others. It can be anything like sports, education, starting a business, or anything else. If you want to succeed and got the grit to make it happen, forget the critics, and do what your inner guide tells you to do. If you challenge people's assumptions there will be many times you will look to your left and right and see no one with you but once you have broken those assumptions cleanly you look again and see people as far as the eye can see over the horizon (I think if people knew what leadership actually was they would drop the misperceived notions of glory, fame, and self validation. It is a responsibility and a joy to influence one's environment in a positive way. It will come with a burden...but also a chance.)

I love these motivational videos! If it motivates you to achieve your goals and go after your dreams (micro) then great....you are contributing to our national human capital development (macro). It is possible to develop people broadly and develop our nation through inclusive more up-to-date, evidence based, leadership models. There are people, hidden gems, and people with real skills that are out there. Leaders can come from any background. Some of our assumptions must change. I support grooming people for success to help themselves and help their nation. 


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