Tuesday, January 10, 2023

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: The Threads of Fate!

"The Runaway," Norman Rockwell, 1958
Source: NR Museum
Runaway teaches a cop how "To See".
Our officers keep us safe and are part of a long line of people who protect our communities from those who want to do harm. Policing is a profession that is changing and adjusting in ways that creates an open call for all those who want to be part of what will be emerging. While there has been some recruitment issues of late, I would encourage our youth to get involved, join, and make a difference. A large batch of youth are coming of age and need to be part of things and this is their chance to have a positive impact (No matter what our challenges, differences, or adjustments we should always look at creating solutions.)

There is an article in Police Chief Magazine that provides a perspective on some challenges law enforcement faces. It ranges from perception to skill set. The digital era will make policing one in which advance technical skills, science, and cognitive flexibility will be required to understand the unique. Leadership can come in many forms and while we glorify a certain kind of leader they are only one type. 

Consider some history of the day in National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. 

You can also watch this motivating recruitment video. Training is adjusting and there will be new skills for a new time (Technology and cultural shifts will require change.) The more good people we have from diverse backgrounds (gender, age, race, religion, education, skills, cognitive, etc...people of shared vision.) the more successfully we can protect our communities from crimes and serve our communities through outreach/referral.

Does your threads of fate spin to a career in Law Enforcement? If you feel motivated by the video below perhaps you should explore that small idea and let it grow. I know some departments that might want to talk to you in their recruitment efforts.

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