Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Meeting Between President Biden and President XI: In the doorway to discussion

US President Biden's meeting with China's leader President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) underscored some fairly important topics that lead the day. While these topics are paramount interest it is a process of discussion and recognition that helps define future relationships. The topics are important but the walking away with fundamental understandings of the ability to discuss important issues in the future is perhaps more important (A fundamental question is "Has a sense of trust been created between the two parties?" i.e. summing up each others character. It goes down to the root of who we are as a species and it is still a big part of how we understand each other.).

So far this meeting appears to have been a success. People and nations may disagree about some topics but often these are based in culturally rooted assumptions. Sometimes, as in this case, there are a few very important issues that will require more frank conversation. The goal is usually to find things to agree and disagree with in the same discussion.

One puts forward a type of proposition/belief that leads into a discussion that further defines the problem and concern at hand through reciprocation of propositions/beliefs (Both sides walk away with additional clarity of knowledge and stance.). If you continue conversing and breaking out the possibilities you will eventually come to a shared understand of the truer needs of each of the participants.

(There are lots of issues here but mostly I'm concerned with the economic side of things. If you want to know more about how communication and logic work try reading Propositions and Arguments.

To me, if countries in general all adhere to the same international standards of conducting business with high ethical values then there will be more room for agreement than for conflict (I'm not talking about any other issues at the moment and why those could be issues.). The same standards apply to all companies engaged in international trade, investment, and general commerce. 

Yet there are other issues and you can read that in the Whitehouse briefing Readout of President Joe Biden’s Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China. The video is part of the post discussion briefing. 

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