Sunday, July 31, 2022

Russia Navy Day and Hypersonic Missile Use and Navy Strategy Shift

Peter the Great was brought up again and it seems that Russia has motivations to making its way back on the global market (You can read from a historical perspective why he is important to Russian legend and symbolism. HERE). Russia acknowledged its inferior naval strength and seems to be pushing for greater naval bases and positioning. One concerning thing they mentioned was their hypersonic missile and how they see the U.S. as their primary threat. We can expect them to use more of this missile in their mobile/navy arsenals. 

Russia is not our primary threat but certainly a thorn in side (Long term China is more our threat at this point in history.) The hypersonic missile does bring up the need to create new innovations across the U.S. market. Our military must play its A game by being the most innovative we can so we can stay on top of the market from a defense and offence perspective (Its possible to create faster military innovations while also encouraging wider market innovations through butterfly effects. Likewise, industry-govt. research can go a long way in create real manufacturing and military adaptations.). 

Pushing our society upwards means we have to consider not only some of our recent infrastructure investments but also human capital development. While a rapid innovation system cluster model I have been working on could have some benefits (I'm rewriting it to wrap it but it is sound and supported). You can read that HERE. (Long term future national based advancement would mean enhancing our human capital nationally and that requires thinking about inclusiveness and universalization of certain values.). It is an unfinished theory but you can kind of get the picture on how such macro innovations occur.

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

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