Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Summary of Terrorism Threat to/in the United States (Don't Be a Stooge and Don't be a "Sell Out"!)

Its important to think about developing a universal value system and culture where everyone is focused on the central tenants of American beliefs and preserving democratic institutions in a way that applies to different races, religious, and peoples universally/fairly/similarly. I agree with the report that there is an attempt by foreign entities to use social media to influence Americans in order to harm each other (Unfortunately, we made this easier with rigid thinking. If you need research on how language influences choices, social "realities", and outcomes I have no problem providing it. Eating ourselves from the inside. Egg or chicken argument.).

Keep in mind that essential core beliefs of the nation are broad and reach across different peoples because it is a system of philosophy that is not anchored in a particular race/religion (Actually the original Greeks may have been Mediterranean-Alpine with weak Nordic influences. Thus mixed race should not be discounted from our democratic society as less worth from a purely racial/religious standpoint. People should be judged by the quality of their character and not superficial features that may actually be in more alignment with early democracy. In other words, the values and the race are not connected in ancient Greece and serve similarly no helpful purpose in modern society.) . Further focusing on on central beliefs will encourage togetherness and the strength that comes form it. While debating on different aspects of policy are great, the intentional undermining of our institutions is a sign of an attempt to delegitimize legitimate authority agreed upon by "We the People" as inherent in the social contract of the Constitution (..likely for nefarious purposes.). 

It is acceptable to work within the system to enact change but it is not ok to supplant institutions in ways that have not been mutually agreed upon by the far majority of people through the legislative process (A central aspect of democracy.). Maintaining trust is influenced by standing up for the value of democracy and its institutions. If we destroy them we also destroy ourselves. Why I believe each of the the legs of the three leg stool should act independently for best outcomes (i.e. Executive and Legislative branch should maintain a level of independence form each other and the Judiciary Branch must be able to rule over conflicts to maintain the peace of conflictual parties.)

We can only encourage our politicians to see the long-term value of upholding our central American values and ensuring they use good judgement, rational debate, and work in the best interest of everyone beyond current time and space (Meaning its up to them to not damage the prospects of future generations and fail to lift the lamp to the golden door for the benefit of the next generation. Culturally we codify these concepts in the Statue of Liberty otherwise known a "Liberty Enlightening the World"). We are all in this boat together and we have greater responsibilities to keep our values bright beyond our individual parties or the friends we have attached ourselves to in the political world. 

We don't need stooges in leadership and we don't need "sell outs" with power. We must have people who decide issues based on evidence, their personal values, and the greater needs of the nation and its people. We elect them because we believe in them and they must act in ways that maintain their oaths. History will not write kindly of those who sell their national responsibilities for lower affiliations. In other words, if one can't think for themselves then they should not be in a position that impacts everyone else. Wheat from Chaff in leadership. If you see (know) something say something. 

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the United States

The summary is below, "The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment. In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. These targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents. Threat actors have recently mobilized to violence due to factors such as personal grievances, reactions to current events, and adherence to violent extremist ideologies, including racially or ethnically motivated or anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism. Foreign adversaries—including terrorist organizations and nation state adversaries—also remain intent on exploiting the threat environment to promote or inspire violence, sow discord, or undermine U.S. democratic institutions. We continue to assess that the primary threat of mass casualty violence in the United States stems from lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances. (Homeland Security, June 7th, 2022)"

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