Friday, June 17, 2022

Day 3 Capital Riots: Why We Still Struggle with Domestic Extremism?

I guess I'm confused by the whole thing. I have to admit while I'm considered smart but I don't quite understand the logic (Maybe I'm a little slow). For example, if there is the possibility that something was miscalculated it is recounted. issues....we recalculate and the recount showed nothing (There may be slight variability but from my understanding It would be rare to have so many states wrong across many different voting districts.). There was a written policy for it I believe.

Instead of accepting the process results there seems to be an attempt to create pressure to change it. If one wanted to work within the system someone would have said ok let us recount and see what happens. 

I guess we have a hard time understanding extremism and the desire to use pressure and/or violence to control others. In this case, entering the capital and using violence isn't the right solution and is an intimidation tactic. 

I'm not sure why we seem to increasingly use power and aggression to "get one's way". I do understand the toxic nature of current politics, COVID change of patterns, new digital transformation, international competition and lots of other pressures. 

Yet why does one feel more entitled to use violence against others? I'm not sure. I'm trying to understand it from a hometown grounds level (May have different values/goals but the irrational group hate is the primary issue.)

Conservatism isn't about breaking long established traditions. In my understanding, it is about protecting certain institutions and essential values in society (They would be stronger if universalized). Freedom of speech and freedom of religion being central to many of those values. None of this seems related but it does appear related to the game of elections but not to the fundamental principles of conservatism (I'm not saying I'm right I'm saying I'm trying to understand why I have a break in logic. That means there is an extra thing going on that would better explain that break. That likely sits in the extremism and manipulation realm.)

 Day Three Highlights Video 

If you want to watch the full version it is below....

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