Wednesday, May 18, 2022

UAP Congressional Meeting (05/17/2022) Data Buckets and Triangulation

Same process that is used to study COVID can be used to discuss UAP. HERE. That means one can create buckets for all of the major possible outcomes and then create an unknown bucket for things we don't yet conceive. As each piece of data is discovered it is placed in the buckets in which it applies. More data leads to some buckets having more data than others. Once you went through all of the data you can start thinking about creating an understanding of how the data within a bucket fit together. Those buckets that have the most data and have the most parsimonious theoretical explanations would be your leading theory. Likewise looking for other sources of data (i.e. different observations and sensors) can lead to creating validity (i.e. pilot eye sight/observation, different countries, different camera, multiple sensors, multiple incidents, similarities in ship design/characteristics, sensor manufacturing, etc.). You can read more about Triangulation HERE

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