Tuesday, May 24, 2022

National Inability to Handle Guns, Rage and Copycats

The insanity of the use of guns, copycats and rage is beyond what any nation can reasonably accept. 19 children and two adults dead and many of them very young. We need better ways of ensuring people who display these behaviors of targeting get mental health help quickly before they do real harm. Likewise, we also don't want guns free flowing into the streets (We need to think about the gun purpose and the rules associated with high caliber guns. I say that as a light right Republican who believes in the right of citizens to bear arms for things like hunting and basic self defense. Not assault guns whose very design is based in destruction. Aggressive guns need different rules. ). So many problems and not so many solutions. 

It seems as though the specifics are tight lipped in terms of motive. Perhaps they don't know and investigations will reveal more of what happened. We need to chase this down and find out what happened. If we find they exhibited aggressive behaviors mixed with mental health rage we need to find solutions (i.e. track and solve strategy). 

This issue is a failure of our leadership (both Republicans and Democrats), our parents, our society and our ability to find solutions. So until we get serious we will have more and more of these moments of sorrow, excuses, and of course more death. Shame on us as a society.  In one ear and out the other.  Its not fair to debate over people's lives. Keep watching the trends and let us wait to see what solutions our politicians come up with (As of present emerging ideas that have merit are often ignored for those that are more politically acceptable. I wish I knew the answers.)

I feel bad for those parents. I feel sad for those young kids (the ones who died and the one's who witnessed) and what those kids could have been. Their lives were discounted by ineptitude and political stalemates. We need more love and more solutions. I guess in many ways we also need more prayers. Let us pray our leadership takes their lives seriously and provides serious solutions.

Alleged Texas school shooting gunman identified: What we know about the suspect, his motive and more.

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