Thursday, April 7, 2022

FBI Russian Hackers Foiled: A Couple of Simple Tips for Business

Hacking is becoming a way of life and a lucrative business for those computer geeks that didn't have much of a childhood life. Geekdom has now become part of international espionage in terms of gaining information and money from unsuspecting victims. Companies must deal with these threats all the time and that can be extremely costly in terms of IT staff and potential consumer data loss. So knowing what types of activities are going on in the cyber word is pretty important for those that work within the IT fields. 

You can gain more information from Justice Department Announces Court-Authorized Disruption of Botnet Controlled by the Russian Federation’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU)

If you have a business your going to need to protect consumer information as much as you can. Information is valuable and people (governments) want that information to exploit different types of weaknesses to gain advantage. Sometimes that is for money while at other times they may have a political point (Lots of other reasons as well.) Consumers are rarely happy when they learn their data is up for sale to the sleaziest bidder because the store they have been loyal to for the past decade was all too happy to gain the information to make a sale but not so happy to protect that data (Its praying upon unsuspecting victims). .

You can gain some insight on how you can protect your business in Nine Practical Ways To Protect Your Company From Hackers And Phishing Attacks (Ok...I recognize that the article is 1 year old and in the tech industry that might seem like decades ago. So yestercode! My generation was the first to have computers so we still remember some of the older coding languages like Fortran and Colbol that allowed us to bounce a ball around the screen. I don't remember any of it but super cutting edge back then. 😎😏 However, most companies are pretty far behind the curve so this isn't that old for them. This seems to be another reason why technology needs to be disseminated faster from university discovery to industry practical use. Kind of part of a rapid innovation cluster concept I been thinking about.)

Increasingly, governments are using hacking (through proxy hacking groups) to gain information and shut down important online sites and physical structure. We have a responsibility to update our technological economic system to create one of the most large scale advanced digital era economies. COVID gave us the nudge but our environmental pressures are likely to push us into full development. I'm sort of curious about 2023/24 transition period and if digital GDP growth will be experienced.

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