Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Is the Iron Curtain Being Redrawn? China Competition and Russian Desperation

This is a make it or break it moment for the U.S. and while our politicians are starting to work together they are still foot dragging in hyper politics. This is not the time to put personal and political pettiness in front of the long term viability of the nation (See Greatest Threats, Out of Woods, China Stats, Deradicalize Politics, National Visions, China to Overcome US, Strategic Leadership). Avril Haines, the director of National Intelligence, is correct when he says China, "remains an unparalleled priority for the intelligence community." in U.S. Intel Officials Detail Threats From China, Russia

Here are some of the problems we face. China's hidden support for Russia is a problem. That is in the Chinese short term interest as investors take Russian oil and other products and bank on them for profit reasons (It also makes Russia a sub servant). Furthermore it creates a new type of Iron Curtain. With this type of anchor to the "Eastern Block" we are now running into a situation where the U.S. will be forced to compete in a way that may disturb people's lunch (Sorry...our politicians and national leaders have a job to do! Lunch is to keep you working. Too much salt and sugar isn't good for you anyway!). 

Even if worst case scenarios do not arise, assuming China is more interested in trading with the "West" then with world regimes, it poses a long term threat (Its not an argument against the Chinese or Russian people but an argument for the strength of the U.S.). The U.S. must be more competitive, be more, and become more innovative. It must do more, invest more, create more, develop its human capital more, and be more than it has needed to do in decades. That won't happen with our snappy politicians spouting off useless rhetoric designed to get them re-elected and raise political divisions (This is why I support bi-partisan politicians and civil debate on issues while focusing on coordinated engagement on national development. Michigan is starting to show the socio-political-economic benefits of working together and I believe the nation can do this as well.)

A few things I would think about.....

1. Developing rapid innovation systems. 

2. Bringing supply chains back. 

3. Focus on global business competition

4. Reducing racial, religious, ethnic divisions to create a society that lives by its philosophical values. 

5. Mastering ground and online education for human capital development. 

6. Stronger data security and data infrastructure.

7. True capitalism that allows the best and brightest to rise on merit regardless of "connectedness" and ethnic, racial, religious stone walling. 

8. Developing small, medium and large businesses to create economic flexibility and innovation. 

9. Update our export infrastructure, adaptable energy sources (i.e. green), and rebuild our Great Lakes.

10. Develop our space technology, military and alternative weaponry.

11. Encourage R&D throughout our nation. 

12. Draw in FDI through wise policies and investment mechanisms (towns, states, and regions)

13. Treaties designed to strengthen our ties across the globe.

14. Walk the talk governance, transparent legal structures, and universal values/ethics that create broad based trust with the youth of nations around the globe. 

15. Connecting to our young and really moving beyond the selfishness needs of our generation and focus on the next generation (Maybe your grand kids don't count...I think many do believe they count ...and will try...but self-focus is too common!) 

16...A laundry list more!

Don't listen to me.....I have a Muslim sounding name! I'm also a light right "old guard" Republican with cultural Catholic esoteric Seal of Solomon type religious beliefs. I know...its stupid! ...but history of those who think differently is important because if we all did the same thing we wouldn't get anywhere. Its just an opinion.....geese...I'm not radical enough to have a "valid" opinion? 

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