Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Elder Asian Woman Attacked Viciously: Symptoms of What? Time for Change?

 Hate crime can be anyone on anyone as long as they have a "legitimate"(meaning not legitimate) categorized target to focus on. A behavior like this is rage and deep seated emotional imbalance with an outward projection. The target would not warrant such hate simply because she is Asian. As a people and as a community we must learn to control and manage people who have hate aggressive issues (Extremism is rising). I would be surprised if this was the first outpouring of violence and extremism from this individual. Perhaps somewhere in their life we could have derailed them from a crime like this if someone would have stepped up to prior behaviors and encouraged mental health (Why I support Michigan Track and Coding). 

I'm happy we passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act but we should have already known better. Until we focus on the essential values of what makes us American we will struggle with seeing ourselves through the same mental prism (that leads to unity). We must have an honest conversation about race and religion in this country and ensure people understand and know that our only path to the highest national performance will include raising our moral and human capital capacity to truer equality (The problem is defining that.). I believe these officers did a great job catching and taking into custody this man (Officers and people are on the same team.....if we can get some of our politicians to stop exploiting these differences. Trust me when I say their are guilty fingers pointed everywhere and into every race, religion and background. Don't believe me? I hang out with people from every background and I listen to their stories and how some define each other. The good news is the vast majority of us have no issue integrating and intermingling. Its the vocal few that get the microphone and prompt others to follow poor values. We should put down the self-oriented immaturity and focus on building the best nation the world has seen. For now lets just sit back and watch what our leaders going to do. I'm not a fan of politics but don't judge them too quickly either...they may surprise us!🤷 )

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