Tuesday, February 8, 2022

How Companies are Overhauling Supply Chains (Reshoring)

We have gotten used to off shoring our supplies to save money and then selling them back to American consumers with mark ups. As a people we are addicted to consumer products. Sometimes that can have a positive benefit to Americans as long as the manufacturing, sales, distribution, truck drivers, etc.... are primarily located in the U.S. (I guess you could also include regional allies and philosophical allies. One of the reasons why I think MX and CAN should be part of the initiative.) However, when we are buying primarily from cheaper sources overseas with a complex web of suppliers we creating more wealth for others and losing our long term capital development (Not a bad idea if you invested in the entire supply chain but very inefficient and destructive to the environment). . Some of it is an investor problem and some of it is a consumer problem. Reshoring holds some promise to bring companies back to the U.S. (Assuming we build the infrastructure and create probusiness policies that also encourage worker development). Reshoring could be an important part of economic development and refunding our way of life (i.e. why I'm sort of working on a cluster model. Perhaps a philosophical approach, converted to a tangible/measurable economic approach and then injected with economic capital.). 

(My son is trying to go to college and has been waiting for his lap top for months. 😠 🤬 I told him with supply chain issues to just go to the store and buy it but $50 cheaper comes with a lot of headaches! Yet that is a lot of money for a kid! I wonder what the economic cost of slow computer deliveries and having a difficult time getting your money back? ðŸ¤” People are Dying from Not Finishing Degrees. Its dangerous out there!!! 🙀)

Anyway....the Wall Street Journal has a very nice video.

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