Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Dolphin Schools in San Diego (Videos) and Dolphin Research Organizations

I missed a whale watching opportunity with some friends but they did get some great shots of dolphins. The second video is one that I did take of dolphins while sailing with friends but unfortunately a little too far away to be a great shot (I got in trouble for neglecting my duties. 😬). Either way, dolphins are important to our society and live with humans in and near the coasts. Protecting dolphins and ensuring we move to a cleaner and more efficient society that helps to benefit living with nature vs living over nature (One reason why I think ecologically contained cities with reusable technology could do a lot to protect nature from human based pollution. We are kind of the ones encroaching on the planet. There is going to be greater push for cleaner technologies.)

If your interested in Dolphin research (and/or donate) you can take a look at Dolphin Research Center, National Marine Mammal Foundation, Scripts Institution of Oceanography, and Hubbs SeaWorld Research (I called them once on a hurt sea lion hit by a ship rudder. Kind of sad. 😪). Of course if you just want to get up close and personal with dolphins try the SeaWorld Dolphin Encounter Tour

You can also check out some cool military uses for dolphins that help protect American lives through reconnaissance, recovery and search & rescue. The Navy supports and publishes lots of research that that is used to better understand dolphins, take care of them and encourages better care and management of schools. Military research is a win-win situation when significant discoveries are provided to key societal stakeholders. Navy’s Marine Mammal Program

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