Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Why I Call Myself an "Old Guard" Republican?

I'm not sure where our politics are going but I'm pretty sure I understand what I believe. That puts me as a light right Republican (I guess to some that would be a RINO but If my basic values are central to the history of Republicans then I'm not sure it would apply accurately in this instance. It would seem there are others using the term Republican to gain support when they do not necessarily believe in many of the long standing Republican values. Its not my call though to define these terms as they are collectively negotiated.). 

At the same point its very hard for me to be far right (or even far left) because I think these perspectives are narrowly limited. The best solutions are when you can see both sides of an argument and can take the wise pieces from either to find the best solution that has the most applicability. I seek to create logic and rationality as much as possible (I often fail but usually I'm on my own course in divergent thinking.). 

I also have minority kids (in many ways minorities of minorities in an aggressive world where the rules don't always apply) and I can't engage in any level of hate or support hate in any form. Its not fair to them or to the majority of society who no longer fits into a perfect "glass house" perspective of "American". For the most part, I think that hate will end up cracking this society much like some theorists have predicted if we don't eventually get a handle on it (A responsibility of all Americans and parties. One could even make an argument a national security issue.). 

As a general rule I think focusing on small business, people and developing a strong diversified economy will help not only "average" people but also our long-term corporate options. Policies are often skewed toward a limited sliver of corporate support (because of the nature of politics and financial influence) but don't really think about the whole economic picture and the long term need to create and develop a sustainable economy through innovation (Different economists see different things but I see small business and MNC large businesses partnering to help each other.).

Furthermore, I'm conservative in my values. I believe religion is helpful for people and most religions focus on describing the very same events of life and our duty to a higher set of values and power (Its not my place to say which religion people should follow.). If we all focused on ourselves, parties and people we would suffer many of the same problems we are currently experiencing on a national level. There are just some values that help keep society together but many of us have lost our belief in humility, kindness, thoughtfulness, love, inner strength, wisdom, honor, forgiveness, etc... because we replaced them with false images of brutal strength, quick judgement, hate of things we don't understand, and selfishness on the upper spectrum limits in our modern politics and social lives. 

So I'm not 100% sure where I fit on the political perspective because the definitions of our parties have changed and what I believe doesn't seem to have much connection with what many of our politicians are saying (at least publicly leaving more and more to the fringe.). I'm not sure if I'm part of one party, two parties, or no parties at all.  At the moment I can say an "old guard" Republican with the right to have my own opinion (same problem with Democrats. I have lots of liberal friends and even a few radical one's who can't accept others opinions so I just don't talk to people who lose their rationality; not really party specific.) Time will tell.....we will just have to wait and see. ⏳

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