Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Michigan SENATE BILL NO. 82 Gross Appropriations $ 4,345,228,600

The Bi-Partisan Senate Bill 82 Passed Senate and Signed by Michigan's Governor Whitmer in the past few days. Budgets are important because it puts our money where our mouth is. Any sustainable system must balance those needs with the revenue it receives. States receive revenue and there is often disagreement on the source and how to spend it. I advocated when possible to find net positive return from investments that increase state short, medium, and long term revenue prospects (easier said then done...especially with large systems where everyone wants a piece of the cake in a world of corporate pressure that can move anywhere around the globe. That is also why we might someday consider alternative tax systems. This one is just sort of starting to form around attracting international headquarters and in turn their supply chains. See Calibrated Tax HQ). The reasons why something like that might work or not are many and its too big of a discussion for this article. However, it might include hard infrastructure, attracting FDI, innovating industries, creating vacation locations/digital nomads, streamlining and increasing effectiveness of regulations, developing local talent, stronger international/national state marketing/branding etc.... (This could go on and on but it takes a lot of time and research to design an inflow-outflow type of system/model. The most basic thing I can think of for the moment is Perpetual Sustainable Development and Delta County Firm Invest Model)

"The General Government budget for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, 2021. The bill appropriates $50.706 billion for all non-education state spending, of which $10.378 billion is federal money, including unprecedented amounts enacted by Congress as part of epidemic "stimulus" and relief bills.

When the state education spending authorized in House Bill 4400 is added, the combined budgets propose spending a grand total of $68.9 billion in the 2021-22 fiscal year, which is $10.4 billion more than the state has ever spent prior to the pandemic. That includes $3.6 billion more in state spending, a 10.4% increase, and $6.7 billion more in federal spending, a 28.4% increase. (MichiganVotes.Org"

These budgets are big and its helpful to review the whole thing in its entirety but then focus a little more on those parts that are of special interest. I will have to look around a little to see if I can find a budget year by year comparison. What often happens is that societal trends and environmental pressures are followed by allocating more or less money in certain budget issues/areas. Thus, there is a little lag but it does show how we respond in terms of managing crisis. At this moment I'm just looking for a couple of things that relate to state tech and hard infrastructure development as well as those things that impact Delta County Michigan.

A funny side note on something that drew my attention based on interest. This is an example of how marketing works in real life. When we have something in our head and we see something related in our perceptual field we pay more attention to it. This is also why politics can be so difficult because people become indoctrinated and in turn only pay attention to what they are already interested in and in turn ignoring alternative messages/logics. Our visual and other senses work like that...when we have used certain neural networks we also become more aware of differences in our perceptual fields. Some have the ability to better detect patterns and less subject to strict filtering mechanisms because they are better able to collect and make multiple meanings out of information. Anyway....blah.....blah....you can read Perceptual Selective Attention if this topic interests you.

Motorcycle safety education grants




Organ donor program




I better wear my helmet (I know I see a lot of people without helmets and it gives me a shiver. Cement is harder then head. ...and of course we are free to choose to wear or not wear. 🏍)I'm thinking of getting an entry level Harley next year and as I'm reviewing the budget my mind drifted to information I'm already interested in. 

You can review SENATE BILL NO. 82

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