Tuesday, July 6, 2021

July 1st Escanaba City Hall Meeting-Community Preservation Officer

Another exciting meeting discussing things that range from discouraging blight (Its actually a very clean town. A little older looking but all the neighborhoods are relatively safe. A couple blocks might need a little more code enforcement than others but all-in-all still ok. We might not yet have the interest to ask the bohemian artistic-creative types to come in and reinvent the area. In some cities they cleaned up neighborhoods and put a positive "vibe" in them.) all the way over to societal recognition. 

Meetings like this occur all across the U.S. but in Escanaba there is a special interest in keeping the community moving forward in a thoughtful way. You can tell the city council members take special interest in how their decisions impact the community (Its not agree or disagree on issues and/or choices but it is an observation based on the interaction, behaviors and decision making choices of the members.)

An approval on a moving a Community Preservation Officer from part-time to a full time position. What is a Community Preservation Officer? .....

It is someone who helps enforce codes (See couple of blocks above comment). Towns that keep their areas clean and up to date (i.e. maybe downtown) are more appealing than ones that do not follow certain standards. I found a description of what a community preservation officer is HERE

Cool PPT. Makes everything easier to understand (Especially if you can't hear it!) 

There is some updating of the treatment plant and fiber cable....more to come in our digital transformation. You can sort of see how data technology and a government infrastructure push make their way into towns (Side note. We need infrastructure that has multiple ways of functioning to make them resilient against anything that ranges from hacking to natural disasters.)

There were a couple of certificates of meritorious performance to Mr. Hunter and Mr. Moore. The purpose of awards in  society is to create not only recognition but also to increase employee motivation. While we might not think of it right away, of it there are also secondary benefits related to culture and prompting others on what behaviors are encouraged in society (Why rewards help define societal values.) See Reward, Recognition, and Job Satisfaction.

There was something about National Historic and grants. Totally didn't hear it! 👂🌽 Sounded interesting. ....grants? 🤷 I can barely hear the audio (I'm wondering if I should call them and let them know....📱). 

The video starts around 22 minutes after the start. I've seen the White House videos do this as well. I think maybe its unedited "live" time. See Escanaba Agenda July 1st, 2021

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