Saturday, February 13, 2021

Don't Have an Ergonomic Table-Make One?

I'm from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and if you don't have something you can always make it. You don't need to be a master carpenter to get out some old wood and make a project out of it. Lacking counter space and a reasonable desk I decided I better make one. I've used up my welcome at the kitchen table, the student, desk and the couch. 

I needed a new desk and have been disappointed with the chip board material that usually comes with cheaper products you at the store. I lived the first half of my life on broken worn out cheap desks. 

I have this pile of boards sitting in my garage that I didn't have a chance to use yet. Most of them looked long enough to put together for a table top and sides.

I'm not a greater carpenter of any type but I have the basics skills of sawing, measuring, and cutting down. Worst case scenario is that if it is too embarrassing to show anyone I will just use it in the garage. 

It turned out pretty well. While it was a touch too large I sawed off the lets and stuck the pads back on. I painted it grey on the top and white on the side to match some other pieces.

To my surprise the table came out pretty well. Its solid, hardy, and functional. Is it better than what you can buy in the store? It depends on the price range in which you buy it. If you are asking if its better than a $150 desk yes! Probably not anywhere near a $500 desk. Its not top of the line but I did it myself and it works for under $25 dollars. 


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