Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Circular Economy. Another step to ecological sustainability?

The circular economy is an important part of where we are going as a nation. The circular economy means that we take things from our environment and in some way should return them back to natural state (non toxic) through new technology and recycling. As we produce more products we will also find ways to break them down for other uses or back into the natural world in a sustainable way. You can read a description HERE.

One of the many reasons why businesses have not done this transformation is because they must 1. ) see the need; 2.), have the technology, 3.) have the incentive. 

In other words, they must see that this is something consumers want and that will be reflected in how consumers purchase products and the expectations of the market are. If people buy these products and if there is some type of preference for green products there will be a market (or artificial) need. 

At the same point, the technology must be available to make a reasonable transition. There is a need for green industry that can create affordable biodegradable products and other items that will make their way back into the environment in a safe manner. There appears to be lots of room for a green evolution and development. 

Finally, they need some type of incentive. Yes...more taxes might be one incentive but a more effective one is market driven where natural self-interest pushes a green evolution. This is why calculating and understand the total cost of products is helpful in determining true value for consumers (i.e. assessing a "clean up" cost/fund to cheaper international products that dump pollution kind of thinking). 

Another greater article entitled 'The Great Reinvention: A Business Case for the Circular Economy' offers some additional insight. 

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