Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Power of Emotions for Ethics and Action

Feelings are a perception of the world and help us see the world in new ways. According to a theorist Jean Paul Sartre, an Existentialist, emotions are an attempt to change our perception of the world. Understanding our emotional nature also helps use understand how we perceive the world around us. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize and use emotions to enhance our perception.

When we are faced with a difficult situation our emotions kick in and adjust our perception of the problem. Emotions become part of a process of learning and create motivation to act on a particular problem. We may flea, fight, or begin to think about the issue until it is resolved. 

We may not completely understand a situation until we experience and feel emotions in a way that allows our perspective to change and see new solutions to current problems. The same process can occur in business or in our personal lives if we are open to seeing the problem from a new perspective.

It is also possible to argue that emotions are a deeply rooted ethical value system. When we care about a topic we will feel emotions which give us new paths to ponder. When we don't care at all we won't fell anything and will often lack insight. Emotions used effectively can help us determine our emotional stance and the appropriate way to act toward a situation in a constructive way. 

Emotions are our friend when we have the intelligence to understand where they come from, how they impact us as and in turn how they can enhance our perception if we use them appropriately. Emotions should not be ignored but encouraged and felt to determine what course of action is most appropriate given the ethical and personal dilemmas we may face. 

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