Sunday, December 20, 2015

Stressed? Listen to it!

Modern life is busy. There are deadlines, family, events, friends and obligations. If you feel a little stressed you might want to take a moment and listen to it!

So what does stress feel like?

A little tightness in your chest, a headache, sore eyes, frustration and sometimes agitation.
All of this is saying something. What it says needs some exploration. 

Think of stress as a mound of cluttered garbage that keeps piling up unless we remove it through better understanding and making changes that put the garbage to its proper place. Sometimes these are simple changes while at other times it can be more life altering.  

Considering that stress is the #1 contribution killer in the world it is important to not let it fester. Don't try and avoid it and don't try to fight with it. 

Just sit back, listen, engage in stress reduction strategies and explore the message. 

If you spend some time reflecting you might find that you are doing things you don't enjoy, need to focus more on a project, or need to adjust your efforts for better results. Exploration means finding the source of stress and its contributing factors. 

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