Friday, April 15, 2022

April 7th 2022 Escanaba City Council Meeting: To Buy or NOT Buy your Tokes within the City Limits? That is the question!

Marijuana is becoming a heated topic among cities and dispensaries. There are financial benefits in terms of tax revenue to allowing dispensaries within the city limits and there are soft costs in terms of law enforcement, accidents, etc... Taxes are direct and costs are often indirect but they are all important. The soft costs are going to be much harder to pin point specifically. You have to watch for increases in costs in other areas. The same could also be for soft benefits such as requiring the dispensary to fix up and convert one of the nicer/cornerstone buildings to enhance the salability of other nearby businesses (Methods of revitalizing a downtown to increase tax revenue and increase the value of downtown. Add a hotel and some more investors for other buildings/business and you might have small demand growing. That is where the city/county would need a better plan on attracting and encouraging entrepreneurs to move into the area. I suggest small entrepreneurs be in tourist related micro manufacturing as well as retail and recreation. One could also think about attracting a few other SME manufacturers to the industrial areas of town.)

Looks like the city is looking to opt in on marijuana zoning. I'm relatively neutral to the topic. There are pros and cons either way. It just something people have to decide on. In general I'm going to say younger people are likely going to support it more and older people are against it. Its just the way it is! Nothing wrong with either argument.

You can read the April 7th 2022 Escanaba City Council Meeting Agenda. Lots of great information within it.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Boats in the Bay (Picture)

 Putting a little color in the day. If you get stuck in a rut consider the other things you could be doing right now! Spending time on the water is always awesome! You can almost smell the ocean! 🛥

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Large Cap Technology Companies Good for Investment During High Inflation?

Investment is something everyone should consider as it is one of the primary ways to build wealth and capital. Inflation often eats at saved cash so one should consider the options of finding high return and relatively safe investments. Some industries are going to stay ahead of inflation and be able to adjust the price of their products accordingly. Some tech companies update frequently and regularly and that allows them to adjust prices and maintain profit margins. 

U.S. DOL has information on inflation and inflation calculators. HERE  April 12th, 2022 Consumer Price Index CPI HERE.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Russian Exploiting US Elections: Ways to Avoid by Rejuvenating Our Central Values

Russia Appears to be focused on further exploiting our elections according to an article Russia Airs Its Ultimate ‘Revenge Plan’ for America that highlights some strategies that are believed to be from Russian officials. Interfering in elections and exploiting differences within the American population strikes at our central notions of what it means to be an American. The strategies follow along the same lines as the prior elections (Also perhaps some of the hyped crowd in Capital riots? I think officials are looking at the different groups and the outcomes of individual cases. Adding up the results of those cases and the details of those cases on a macro level can give a fairly insightful view of what people saw and heard during that time🤷). We can see within our divisive national political rhetoric and the difficulties some American's face in their hometown as indicators of how such false incepted beliefs spread to create chaos  (Russia and Race 2016). 

This is one of the reasons why I advocate for racial and religious universalization of our systems to help ensure transparency that leads to trust and diverse buy in on the fundamentals of democracy. We have to think beyond our socio-cultural past toward solutions that encourage sectors of society to engage in economic-socio-political development that leads to greater equalities and human capital development (Remember that America is about freedom "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" and the rights of people should always be protected.). 

I've seen these disparities in life where dishonesty and manipulative behaviors have become acceptable and normalized in certain groups as long as the beliefs reconfirm distorted group identity. Going forward we will need to ensure truth, integrity and moral conscious are at the forefront of our values in a way that leads to greater buy in of our institutions and way of life (We often think that racial and religious disparity is something we can't solve. I believe it can be solved in our lifetimes and contrary to Russian reports it can be solved in the next 10 years. Russia seems to believe it can hype up these differences to create major divisions in our society i.e. police vs. riots and while I recognize the risk, I also recognize its the chance to push the U.S. into the first enlightened large scale advanced digital era manufacturing and entrepreneurial nation where diverse national/international opportunities abound. We must just act on our central beliefs and ensure the system focuses on consistent improvements where weaknesses are apparent.)

We also cannot solve these divisionary problems if we have people on both side of the political spectrum all too willing to exploit our differences and raise violence on some members of society (The same is many dysfunctional 3rd World nations where racial, religious and clannish behaviors carve up the structure of society. They are also marked by weak or corrupted institutions.). We must be able to see ourselves as a single people and a single nation around central values. It has become vogue for some people to tear us apart and that is dangerous for everyone involved. Equally we should be disturbed by how easy it is to justify hate and follow it without knowledge (I've seen someone start a rumor for self gain and how quickly people come out to get involved and support those rumors based on racial, religious, and social networks. When individuals within our institutions act based on these distorted networks they move outside our central values and the purpose of those institutions. It hints that bigger problems are brewing as institutional trust and authority are delegitimized for self-gain, political cause, ethnic identity, etc.... Delegitimization is where the real danger lays and that is what we have seen among few members of various riots that turned violent quickly thereby provoking police reaction {or visa versa depending on what you believe. To me its the narrative and situation that are dangerous}. This is why I advocate for transparency, integrity and accountability of individuals in those institutions to ensure they fulfil their universal mandates.)

Its important to keep thinking about developing our human capital without regard to race and religion to maximize the benefits from diversity on a grand scale (We would have to put to rest old paradigms for everyone involved. We all as a community of people have some responsibility in create togetherness to give the next generation the best chance. That shared guilt and responsibility isn't race or religion specific as we all will own the outcomes of not pulling together.). It is also wise to ensure all of our institutions apply our laws universally and to ensure that preconceived notions and power dynamics do not skew/derail our democratic principles and sense of equality. We have a huge untapped source of potential across our population and when used properly it can be harnessed for maximum national growth (When exploited internally or externally it creates risks that are not necessary.) Yet these ideas are often discounted based not on the quality of the words but by the person saying them (meaning we discount that seen as the "other".). Each time we work together we choose one future over another. While no one can look into a crystal ball we can within reason say that choices open new opportunities and close other opportunities. Other interesting reading Post Afghan Threats, Why Concern? Russia Indict, Capitol Riots Data, FBI Testifies, Hate MI Social Media, Memorial Honoring, Patriotism

Monday, April 11, 2022

Steps to Organizational Innovation: Research Indicates How Corporate Innovation Works (Cluster Concept)

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Organizational innovation is as much a process as it is an outcome. The process of innovation is written into the depth of our organizational structure, culture, and human capital. If you hire smart people (human capital oriented experience, knowledgeable, creative, etc.) and they are empowered to discover (culture, interest and rewards) and given the proper tools (processes, procedures, structure) they are going to produce. The level and benefit of that production is based the ability to design an environment in which those things can happen. 

We can look at a study conducted by Delloite entitled, 'Innovation Study 2021: Beyond the buzzword' that surveyed 400 business, technology, and innovation leaders across six industries to better understand corporate innovation. What you might notice is the different factors that lead to innovation.
1.Ambition: People who want to win and create something new often in the form of improving financial return to the company but could be other reasons as well.

2.Starting Point: Companies can look for innovation through brainstorming, internal efficiencies and marketplace. 

3.Funding: Ensuring the funding is available and structured for research, development (and I would add prototyping for manufacturing consideration.) it can provide resources to develop good ideas. 

4. Ownership: Some projects may be oriented toward business-2-business partnerships, government-to-business, or other arrangement. Who are stakeholders in the process will help determine the outcomes and potential value of the products. 

5. Structure: The centralized and decentralized structures of an organization lead to different levels of innovation. Having a structured innovation structure allows one to focal point development on specific high value areas while decentralized innovative structures widen the innovative capacity of a company.

6.) Measurements: Metrics and milestones are important but the nature of innovation is a little different than production. There is some chaos in it all so don't expect metrics to determine all of the successes or failures of initiatives (If I was going to measure I might use standard metrics but would want something to include something along the lines of problem solving tree/matrix that shows movement towards a final goal and/or effective resource maximization.)

What I like about the report is that it moves into significant depth on what innovation looks like in many organizations and that creates a mental framework for understanding how such innovations can be repeated in other organizations. I suspect someone could also run a financial return on such innovations and the ROI for R&D initiatives. No matter, read the report and gain some understanding of corporate R&D behaviors. They will follow similar patterns even though the specific innovations are different. 

Buchtel, M, Kark, K and Henry, N. (Sept. 30th, 2021). Innovation Study 2021: Beyond the buzzword. Deloitte Insights. Retrieved 04-11-2022.

Side Note: Economic clusters help create the environment where the different aspects of innovation are present to speed and enhance its potential outcomes. In my Delta County Michigan model, you have entrepreneurial talent, engineering-design talent, govt. stakeholders, business investors, resources, and protype-custom creation for testing to lead to mass production is helpful.  In other words, you create a mini economic system focused around innovation of shared competencies/industries in a way that speeds up innovation (and ROI) for multiple stakeholders. Such areas are the best place to invest for groundbreaking products and profits. Furthermore, the potential for benefits to communities to develop other aspects of their economy that range from retail to tourism are possible based on the other benefits of the area. For example, tourism, manufacturing and Escanaba downtown.  Esky Micro, Delta Co Innovation, Firm R&D, Esky Start Up, and more. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Fencing Cardio and Coordination

Fencing is a sport I have played from time to time. I get into it and then start getting pretty good and then fall off the wagon so to speak. Being consistent in sports, fitness and life is important. While I am sometimes inconsistent with which activities I am still fairly consistent with activities in general and that makes a difference. Fencing is one of those sports that you will get in shape quickly due to its high cardio requirements (Combat sports are often like that!). At the same time you will master new hand eye coordination skills and learn how your body moves quickly to act and interact with the blade. 

1. Fencing as Cardio: You are constantly on the move and your opponent is trying to strike. You don't have the option of slowing down or you will get hit. The forward and backward movements of a match along with the gear will get you panting to your maximum range. Be careful with a sport like this. There is some conditioning involved if you want to maximize the game. Its not as easy as it looks. You are hitting each other with swords!

2.) Fencing as Coordination: The body must repeat and practice different movements to become well rounded and coordinated. If you only played one sport your whole life you are likely going to miss out on other areas of hand coordination. For example, polo isn't likely going to use exactly the same body movements but the general ability to move wrist and hand would apply to both. 

Sometimes having a little help if you are new to fitness can go a long way. I have fitness trainer, yoga and self defense certifications and do training as a side gig. Training is done virtually and catered to your specific goals and needs. Affordable. Limited space and availability. Email Fitness Training