Saturday, May 29, 2021

Thursday May 27, 2021 Downtown Development Authority Meeting

 I couldn't hear anything so the audio might be off or maybe its my computer. Hopefully, you have better luck. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Hate Groups and Access to Social Media

Social media is a popular tool for hate groups and helps keep them intact as a social entity. People have become smarter with social media and how to spread hate like lightning. As a person who had to defend himself and family against coordinated hate behaviors I have a few things to say about it.

First hate can spread verbally, social media and text. The medium is less important  than the actual message. We have become much more sophisticated at using Artificial  Intelligence  to scan for key words and flag for review. When this occurs in a blatant manner authorities should take notice.

Aggressive people use social media to rally their supporters to do their dirty work through an extension of misaligned values. That constitutes an online crime by most standard of virtue. I say most because  laws are not always applied fairly across different  groups and people (If they were we wouldn't be experiencing social upheaval). 

The Capitol Riots taught us that just because someone "looks" American doesn't mean they hold central American values. It should also teach us that just because  someone seems a little different doesn't  mean they are not apple pie American. 

To many in the hate community American  is a certain look, color, race, brand of clothing, and image versus a deeper symbolic connection of the past to present (Notice surface versus deeper values. It's an important distinction to remember for later).

My initial dissertation taught me looks can be deceiving with people often see what they want to through their subjective lens.  Its exclusive thinking that knows no grey or alternative (You can observe this exclusive thinking in other areas of life.). There is a process to this thinking that leads to the same conclusion  through incorrect logical analysis that spirals past competing info.

When groups use the Internet to spread hate it moves beyond freedom of speech and into violating core values codified in the Bill of Rights of others. Just like we dont give someone who committed murder their weapon back we shouldn't  give full access to social media to perpetrators until they have shown they are reformed and healthy (Why mental health and hate legislation  need to work together to tag and intervene. I got some ideas on that but I'm not a politician and my focus is different  and for a greater purpose.)

As we ponder the options on how we deal with hate in this country one thing we can think about is restricting social media of convicted hate group leaders and perpetrators. We dont want them supercharging their base through additional misleading  information  and  coordinated activities among friends, group members and supporters when they feel they have a yellow light of opportunity.

I do need to utter a word of caution. Freedom of opinion is important for developing a free and innovative society. There are differences in sentence structure, verb usages, tone, word choice, tempo, etc... between someone who disagrees and someone who wants to cause harm. Add conscious and subconscious para language to a certain context and motive and you have a pattern recognition that leads to concern.)

The new America and Americans will likely  be more enlightened  than the ones of the past as science (pace of science and innovation  defusion) versus superstition illuminates the minds of our leaders and social influencers. We either get over the hate hump through teamwork or trip and fall on ourselves as other countries learn how to unleash the human potentials to the widest possible margins of their people (Its a shame because if we walked the talk of our national purpose it would have already been a problem of the past.)

Live Cyber Attack Map?

This is really interesting to have something that shows liver cyber attacks. I would like to know how they pull this data and how often is it refreshed. If this is a legitimate system then it would need to be able to update in near real time and that would seem very difficult to me. As a science guy I want to know how this process operates and works from a data standpoint. 

However, I can also say that we do in the U.S. need to update our infrastructure for competitive and protective reasons. We just haven't been able to muster the political influence to take a big step in to the next era so we will limp alone and lose market position until we do. 

Its like this...if what we have been doing....with the same policies isn't working we might want to try something new? At least test it out in a single place to see if it work for the rest of the nation? I guess I will leave to the experts....they seem to have a pretty good understanding of the types of trees in the forest in 1for1 but it may be helpful to step back and look at the forest (on a global scale) 🤷

You can kind of see who doesn't like whom by the cyber game.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Biden's Discussion on the Economy (05-27-2021). Bottom Up Economy?

 President Biden's budget isn't up yet HERE. but you can get some idea of what he wants to put into his budget. He mentions building the economy bottom up.  As a Republican I don't fundamentally disagree with building an economy from the bottom up (nothing in my personal ideology disagrees with that concept). There are different ways to build the economy and often there are different strategies that play out in the political field but I would imagine that everyone could agree that whatever strategy is likely to work is one that we should explore (bottom up, top down, a little of both, none, etc...) I think its important to find a way to attract manufacturing and resources to improve high paying jobs. That will also require changes in our tax structure and changes in higher education to meet those demands. I'm thinking about Headquarter Taxes and how to draw in additional resources and their suppliers to help increase return on infrastructure investments. You can read about it Exploring the Idea Of Lower HQ Taxes and Its Potential Impact on Supplier Networks   Also I'm sort of playing with an idea of an innovation system for foreign direct investment in the aerospace, military, outdoor gear fields through economic transactional clusters

Jobless Claims Ending May 22nd 2021 Decreased by 38K

Some good new on the job side indicating a labor market that is recovering. There will continue to be a shift in the types of jobs available based upon shifts to a more virtual Information/Digital Age. As pressure mounts on labor we should see wages rise. We we will also see is companies again thinking about outsourcing overseas. 

This is my suggestion. If you are a company that needs low cost production invest and partner in Mexican companies. I'm sure they would love the investments. (I have to put this plug in for the orphans of Mexico. If you do well you should give some back to the people who really need it through corporate sponsorships and grooming young bring minds in the area to produce greater good will.).

I would like to see companies innovate. Pressure on wages requires productivity to rise to maintain cost parity. When we invest in innovation we improve the productivity of of workers through new labor enhancing developments (i.e. suits, robotics, learning, etc...). Its the only real way of bringing people and the companies together. 

Having a low cost and a high tech option makes a difference. Hopefully, we don't continue to simply send everything in a race to national insolvency. 

May 22nd Job Report by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

UFO Report to Congress-Electric Solar Propulsion?

SciFi people are probably loving the new UFO news. I believe someday we may find out we are not alone in the universe but we should always rule out the most plausible answers before jumping to extraterrestrial explanations. I'm curious what the official reports are going to indicate. I'm not a UFO guy but sometimes unique things spark my interest and because I don't have a solid explanation I want to know more. More likely either top secret technology or something that was adapted from the old Tesla notes that hasn't been commercialized.  Government created the Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force to understand what is going on with tese UAP's.

First we have to stop thinking about things in fossil fuel conceptions. There are lots of other options that people don't think of for flight. For example, Nicolli Tesla, a Serbian engineer/scientist, invented supersonic electric spacecraft without fuel (See Tesla Inventions. As a side note Tesla had lots of unpublished notes and manuscripts that were collected at the time of his death). Likewise, current scientists have been working on super sonic electric propulsion for some time and its an emerging field with classified technologies (See Electric Propulsion for Spacecraft). 

I'm curious what will be told to Congress next month (I looked to see if it will be an open meeting. I looked around for info but got bored and quite😴). Personally, a few random thoughts on how a ship like this might actually function. The triangle shape equalizes pressures on all sides, allows for movement in nearly 360 degrees, constructed of solar-battery combinations, and in turn uses electric propulsion by powering panels that either attract/repulse particles. The vessel looks about big enough to hold one person (or humanoid lol) comfortably. I think we could make such a thing if someone (nano nano) hasn't already done so.

There are a lot of things in our universal we do not yet understand and our brains aren't developed enough to comprehend (We are still evolving and little steps found in gifted development is still lacking in the U.S....not to mention neglecting the rights of this special needs population. We also fail to maximize them for innovation and science purposes. Sometimes they are minorities within minorities that compounds the problem. Basically, even our education system is old world). There are times we can't see the things right in front of our face because sensing (using 5 senses/6 sense) and understanding (mental understanding of what is seen) are different. 👽 🤷 We have to make cognitive bridges from old technology to emerging technology without understanding the innovative steps (cognitive leaps) that would get us there sequentially. Its extremely difficult to get people to agree on the color of an apple (which by the way is actually very subjective depending on the light in which one see it and the cultural coding by which they sense it) let alone switch from oil barrels to supersonic electromagnetic field cruisers! 😳 

I was going to make a joke it was done by mirrors on the ground but people get really really serious about this stuff so I better just let it alone. 

San Jose Railyard Shooting Highlights The Need for Better Mental Health Intervention

The recent shooting in a San Jose railyard is tragic and may have been prevented with better legislation. We have a problem with violence and extremism in this country. When people get upset they pick up a gun and that isn't the way to handle these issues. In this case the investigation will determine the motives (....likely mental health related depending on who the perpetrator targeted.).  

There is entirely too much anger and rage in this country. We glorify violence for some reason. Real men (meaning mankind) say what needs to be said but they don't pick up a gun and take out innocents!  Pressure form the pandemic and global displacement (the inability of the U.S. to find a strategy to compete globally) likely has some level of indirect influence on the uptick in violence (...stress impacts mental health coping mechanisms). 

Coping in the Aftermath of Community Violence: Self-care Strategies

I think they could be preventable. If we have better mental health screening and intervention we may be able to help people before it becomes an issue. That has always been the problem, the inability to help those who need it and not intervening when necessary. Its a mess for law enforcement and direction from law makers is spotty at best. I've seen this in real life where problems that would have been small grow because we don't take action when it first becomes apparent. 

Twitter Sheriff Santa Clara